Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Descent 1 - 2 (DXX-Rebirth) [OpenGL]

3D Vision configuration and guide for Descent 1 and 2, using the DXX-Rebirth source port.

Update (2021-08-04): updated the OpenGL wrapper to the latest version (10.1 beta) and checked with the latest DXX-Rebirth version.

- Install the original games wherever you want. The purpose of those installations is getting some game files.
- Download the latest version of DXX-Rebirth.
- Inside it there are two folders, "D1X-Rebirth" and "D2X-Rebirth". Place them where you want them to be and follow their README files (you will have to copy some files from the games in there).
- Download this file and extract its contents in the "D1X-Rebirth" and/or the "D2X-Rebirth" folders, where "d1x-rebirth.exe" and "d2x-rebirth.exe" are respectively.
- Disable PPI scaling in the game exe to ensure it doesn't interfere with downsampling, if you use a higher than native resolution.
- Play the game.
- The game can visually freeze when you change graphics options. Consider renaming the "opengl32.dll" file that comes with the fix to configure everything in 2D until you are done.

The ingame HUD (not the main menu) is at 60% depth by default with this fix. To change it, open "3DVisionWrapper.ini", search the "LegacyHUDSeparation" variable and change its number. 0.0 is screen depth.

l: low convergence.
p: high convergence.
- o: even higher convergence.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:


  1. Can't get it to work, neither in fullscreen nor windowed mode. The 3D mode doesn't launch at all even by setting "Always" to when to put the display in 3D mode.

  2. I tried to add an update to my comment but the website didn't even save it, it seems...

    Will this comment even be shown ?

  3. Alright... I repeat...

    UPDATE: The fix works but only for the SUPER old version of D1X-Rebirth that dates back to 2013. I would LOVE if you could update this fix to work with this year's version of Rebirth (the version I used first and wanted to use in 3D).
    Thank you.
