Sunday, July 7, 2019

Outer Wilds - 3D-Vision Fix - Losti - V1.20

Outer Wilds - 3D-Vision Fix - Losti - V1.20

***This fix was made by Losti -- Halo Fix formula taken from DHR's UNITY-Fix***

---------LATEST official 3D-Vision-Geforce Driver: 425.31----------
You can install 3D-Vision for the lates driver using this Method discriped here:

Optional donation:

If you like the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate here:

Special Thx goes to:

DHR - for UNITY-UNIVERSAL FIX (halo fix taken here) - donate @

DarkStarSword  - for everything you did for this small but nice 3D-Community and of cause your personal support!!! - donate or support @
masterotaku      - for guiding me with his knowledge and be present all the time for my questions!!!! THY MATE!!!! - donate @

--- ~18 hr time of development later ---                      

Latest Update: V1.20 - 04.08.2019
- HUD fixes for space and translation tool
- additional fixes by DSS UNITY script

Update: V1.10 - 07.07.2019
- suitable HUD and depth for carry the space suit
- added autodepth to a missing crosshair variant in space suit
NOTE: Auto Depth HUD is disabled in Space Mode because of its complicate scaling for all the elements!
==> Please READ!!!!!!!!!! the new things about how to get it working in the 4th section here!!!

Update: V1.00 - 07.07.2019
- release

1.  Fixed

- shadows (Losti)
- lights  (Losti)
- HUD and crosshair autodepth (Losti)
- Halo (DHR)
- water (Losti) - reflection offline

2.  Issues left

- light correction is out @ higher distance but flip in correct if you came near the ligth source, I never have found any solution for this!

- some minor light and shadow issues ref. the depth
- water reflection offline
- in some cases and angels of view the ground is wrong, i havnt found a solution for this here
- some HUD issues left

You have gamebreaking issues? --- please privide a screenshot and a savegame to

3.  Download
- 23-12-21 Update: WIP_OuterWilds.7z (not perfect, but nicely playable.)

4.  Introduction to get it working

- copy archive files to Outer Wilds main directory
- start it with OuterWilds.cmd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- NOTE: Changing convergence in space suit mode is not recommented!!! Its optimized for a good view with an active "space cannon". EVERY hud Element in the space suit needs a special depth correction value, hence it would be a huge invest of time to scale this. THIS is something i do not want to do. Means: live with convergence given by the automatic switch if you carry space suit or do it by your own!
NOTE: Auto Depth HUD is disabled in Space Mode because of its complicate scaling for all the elements!
NOTE: Entering the menu and return back to the game while gaming, may result in a reload of the fix, this is "announced" by some window-mode-fullscreen-mode-switch
==> If you are in Space Suit the convergence is much too high! Please press F10 ins that case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4.3  Ingame Settings

- up to you

5.  Key Settings

5.1  Key Settings (Keyboard + Mouse Gameplay)

- switch to low convergence if you need this, may be in some very close dialoges

5.2  Key Settings (Controller Gameplay)

- switch to low convergence if you need this, may be in some very close dialoges

6.  Key Setting - Customization

----only for more advanced users---

If you don’t like the settings the fix comes with, you have to find your own likes:
- to watch your current convergence/separation set hunting=1 in d3d11.ini
- change constants/settings/keys and check the result in game by pressing F10

6.1  3Dmigoto - Constants

----only for more advanced users---

- the fix comes with the following default constant settings: --- DO NOT CHANGE!!!!!!!!


6.2  Advanced Key Config

----only for more advanced users---

You can define keys in [Constants] section with:

Key = KEY 

- for choosing a key look here for replace KEY with it (
- replace CONSTANTX with the constants written above
- replace XXX with a value, see above
- replace SEPXX with a separation value, leave it = the separation you choose by STRG+F3/4, no changes, 100 = 100%
- replace CONVXX with a convergence value, leave it = the convergence you choose by STRG+F5/6, no changes

Key Press Types:
- type = hold ==> only active while holding this key
- type = toggle ==> enable/disable this setting
- type = cycle ==> cycles the settings via this key, e.g. SEPARATION = 100, 50 will cycle between 100% and 50% separation pressing this key
--if you have more settings you need to define it for every cycle step:
--means: if you want to change separation and you want to use the same constant for both settings use:
- no definition = settings set on ON once pressed the key

You can also change any existing key definitions changing the key behind key = in the d3dx.ini .... if you like the setting but want another key for it.


THANK you DSS for being on this earth :-)
THANK you DHR for UE4 universal fix!!
- THANK you masterotaku for being on this earth :-)
- Big thanks to Bo3bDarkStarSword, Flugan and all others involved in creating 3DMigoto; an amazing wrapper that allows us to fix our favorite DX11 games in 3D Vision!
NVIDIA for creating 3D-Vision as a tech!


  1. Huhu; ive learned the alst 15 mintes how to start a program with cmd. (Windows key + R) ....

    But, 3D doesnt kicked it. Any ideas? Or is it easyer than Iam thinking :D

  2. Oh, Ive got it. I have really start the game by typing the directory manual in that dos window? back to the roots or what :D

    1. You can just double click the OuterWilds.cmd file. No need to run from Run window.

      Or create a shortcut for the game .exe with -window-mode exclusive in it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I use the 3d fix manager, and when I started the game for the first time, 3d was switched on until I created an ingame profile. The moment I pressed enter after choosing a profile name, suddenly 3d switched to off, and from this moment on I couldn't get 3d working anymore. I reinstalled the game and the fix, but nothing helped. Any ideas?

    1. I got it to work again after deleting the Outer Wilds folder in the c:/user/appdata/locallow directory. But after the first 5 seconds in the intro/menu 3d switched to off again. I don't find out what the problem is. It would be great if anyone had an idea to that.

    2. Since this is a Unity game, be sure to use "-window-mode exclusive" in launch parameters. 3DFM should be doing this already, but sometimes things are messed up. Make sure your monitor is at the same resolution as the game before you launch, Unity sometimes messes up when it tries to change resolution. This seems like a Unity problem of some form, since deleting the locallow fixed/changed it.

      If that doesn't like it, I'd reinstall the driver using DDU. NVidia screws up the drivers in various weird ways, and I've seen problems like this from some sort of corruption.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey bo3b, thanks for taking your time!
    Unfortunately I still don't get it to work. I wrote "-window-mode exclusive" (without the quotation marks) in the launch parameters in the outer wilds options in steam. The resolution in game is the same as my desktop resolution, 1080p. And I deleted the display driver with ddu and reinstalled 352.06 and after that the 3d-driver with 3dfm.
    Starting the game with the "play 3d"-button in 3dfm or with the outerwilds.cmd both starts the game, but 3d vision doesn't kick in. Also deleting the moebius digital directory, what helped before (for 5 seconds) doesn't work anymore.

    When I have more time than now, I can try to
    - uninstall the game
    - delete the c:/user/appdata/locallow/moebius digital directory
    - uninstall 3dfm
    - uninstall the display driver
    again, and then reinstall everything.

    I don't have much hope that this will get it to work, but don't have any other ideas.

    1. On pcgamingwiki, I see that the game has some sort of 60 fps frame cap.
      Is worth setting, because 3D Vision is unhappy when it can't hit 120 fps.

      Also would be worth trying Losti's cmd launcher from the fix, he might fix something that is necessary to run.

      If it's only this game, ano not other Unity games, I'd say these are likely.

    2. I tried these tips, but unfortunately it also didn't help. I still don't get it to work anymore. I found out that there is a full vr mod for the game, I'm going to try this instead when I have more time.
      But thanks again for taking your time!

  6. Fix is available GEO-11 + fix 3D Vision for last updates that have break the fix here! Check here
