Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hollow Knight

3D Vision and geo-11 fix for Hollow Knight, with extra graphics options.

Update (2023-10-22): added geo-11 fix. Fixed some effects along the way to finishing the game and DLC. Checked with the latest game version at this moment.

Update (2021-07-04): fix updated for game version 1.5.75 (fixed one haloing problem). I have also updated the 3Dmigoto version because the game now needs the 64 bits version. The depth of field toggle only works if you set that setting to High.

Update (2018-05-02): fix updated for game version (Lifeblood), which needs a completely new set of shaders. I have also updated the 3Dmigoto version, allowing shift+F1 and shift+F3 for backwards cycling of convergence and HUD depth presets. Besides, I have tweaked depth detection in the HUD depth mod, so it won't slightly modify unrelated game elements anymore. Remember to check the last installation step now.

- Haloing effects.
- Fixed shaders using DarkStarSword Unity scripts (I don't know how they looked before applying them).

- (geo-11, recommended, with build v0.6.182): download this file and extract (with 7-zip, for example) its contents in the "Hollow Knight" folder, where "hollow_knight.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change your "direct_mode" to the output you need. For 3D Vision modes, use fullscreen ingame.
- (Older 3D Vision fix, for 2D users): download this file and extract (with 7-zip, for example) its contents in the "Hollow Knight" folder, where "hollow_knight.exe" is.
- For Nvidia 3D Vision users, create a shortcut (or launch commands on Steam or GOG Galaxy) to the game using the "-window-mode exclusive" parameter (without quotes) or put it in GOG Galaxy (remember to disable the Galaxy in-game overlay or you may have crashes at boot) or the Steam launch parameters. Shortcut example:
"C:\GOG\Hollow Knight\hollow_knight.exe" -window-mode exclusive
- Boot the game.

- F1: four convergence presets.
- F2: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F3: HUD depth presets. Screen depth by default.
- F4: film grain toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F5: bloom toggle. Not disabled by default.
- 1 (not numpad): HUD toggle (with a nice collapse animation).

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:


  1. Uoouuu BAM! , Thanks for your fix!!

  2. Good Job. Thanks for the contribution.

  3. Done everything you said, but when I launch the game nothing happens :/ Any ideas?

    1. Sorry for the late response. Let's try something else. Open "d3dx.ini". Search the line:


      And change it to =1 or =2. It's an alternative way to force fullscreen. I tried it and it works, without having to do the shortcut thing.

  4. in my case it won't work either, when trying to start the game there's a sound and nothing happens.. i already tried the shorcut way and what you told to the anon guy same result

  5. yes, it makes a beep boop noise 4 times and doesnt launch the game

  6. it run without the nvapi.dll but doesnt activate this way right?

  7. i've done everything what you said and it doesn't work. it's just 4 boop noises and that's all. the game is'nt starting at all. \sorry for my english, that's too bad\

    1. Those are error sounds, usually because shaders are not compiling properly.

      To help figure it out, please go to the d3dx.ini and change the calls=1, debug=1, unbuffered=1. That will generate a log file that we can look at to see what is happening. Post it to pastebin.

    2. so, i've done it.

    3. OK, thanks. That looks like something is wrong with your 3D setup itself. Either the 3D driver is missing, or broken, or possibly 3D is disabled altogether.

      Make sure 3D is working correctly first. Use the Setup in the 3D control panel, and use the Test Stereoscopic 3D sample.

    4. 3D is working correctly, as i understood. And i installed drivers for my videocard and it didn't helped too. There is 4 boop noise and game doesn't starting at all.

    5. Sorry, nothing there makes any sense. This is a fundamental problem of some form. We only do the DoubleBeepExit for a handle of cases, and they are focused around things like Nvidia driver being available.

      What OS are you running? Do any other games work? Does this game work if you remove our fix using uninstall.bat?

      Also, try using the DDU to reinstall your video driver cleanly. Something seems broken on your system.

    6. Yes, the game is working without your fix. I'm running Windows 10 x64. Other games work. There is a problem in fix, i don't have any problem with game withou it.

    7. Also, i don't use NVidia videocard. There is an Intel one.

    8. Ah, OK, that is the problem. NVidia 3D Vision only works on NVidia GPUs. Our stereoscopic fixes do not work with Intel or AMD GPUs because we require the Nvidia driver.

  8. Thanks for fixing this, masterotaku. I'm only three hours in, but so far the 3d looks great. Actually, I think this is the prettiest "paper cutout" game I've played yet.

  9. Looks so good in 3D. Probably the best 3D experience that I have had. Thank you!

  10. Any chance in getting a Lifeblood update?

    1. Fixing it as I speak (I was busy with other games until today). I'll try to have it ready tomorrow or the day after. This update broke all my shaders, but I know what to do, and I'll keep supporting the game until the end.

    2. Man I love You! Thanks for the update @masterotaku! This game is amazing and 3D Vision makes it so immersive.

    3. Sorry about the slight delay. There is only one more place I have to check in the game and then I'll release the update and bump the post date. Today is the day, this time for real.

    4. Done! If there is any broken shader with this update, please tell me (I didn't thoroughly check the game, but I got the equivalent shaders as before for broken effects). It will be easier to get my attention here:

  11. Right on! Thanks a lot! I appreciate it!

  12. hi sbs not working

    1. It's working fine for me. I have just tested it. Are you uncommenting the ";include = ShaderFixes\3dvision2sbs.ini" line and then using F11 ingame? I don't know how noticeable it is for SBS users, but just before the main menu, the game loses exclusive fullscreen and you have to alt+enter twice to be able to play in 3D again.

  13. Was there a recent update? I went to launch the game through 3D Fix Manager, and it said there was an update. So I updated it. However, the depth for the farthest backgrounds seem off after I updated it. Not sure if it's just me or not.

  14. Here is a link to a screenshot I took with the latest version:

    Everything seemed fine before the update. I've tried reinstalling the fix, but I get the same problem.

    1. I see what you mean, but there isn't anything wrong with the game (still version Check this screenshot and look at the red arrow (it's your screenshot but modified):

      You were misinterpreting the 3D image. Try using very low convergence and increase it bit by bit. It's just that those elements in the background create more or less a pattern that can be misinterpreted as things that are near your face.

  15. Ah I see. Thanks for the response. My eyes must just be playing tricks on me. Was there an update after the 5-2 update though? I was just wondering because 3D fix manager was saying that there was.

    1. Fix update or game update? I didn't do any update to the fix since then, and about game updates, there's a new beta on Steam:

      I'm able to use the beta on GOG, but I just noticed about its existence so I didn't download that. I'll probably wait for the non beta update. Did anything break? You can check if my hotkeys work or not.

    2. Hmmm. It said there was a fix update. Maybe there was a 3D Fix Manager bug or something.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. The mod doesn't appear to do anything for me. I extracted it to the same folder as Hollow_Knight.exe and created a shortcut with the -window-mode exclusive argument and the game boots up just fine, but none of the toggles work. I also tried it without the -window-mode exclusive argument and got the same result of nothing appearing to be in effect.

    1. Maybe try using the 3D Fix Manager instead. Simplifies the installations.

      I just tested this using 3DFM, and it was working well. No problems getting game to run in 3D, all graphics look good. Toggle keys like F1, F2 are working. Allowed update to 1.3.14 3Dmigoto, Win10 1803, Driver 418.81.

  18. Thank you masterotaku for this fix, its brilliant!

  19. It does not work with steam anymore, any help?

    1. Just tested Steam version here and it was working correctly.

  20. No need to downgrade the fix anymore. I've uploaded the updated fix today.

  21. "No need to downgrade the game anymore", I meant to say.

  22. It works!!! Thank you very much!!! I appreciate your work

  23. Could you upload an update for the new version of Hollow Knight

  24. Idk why, but the mod isn;t working

    1. Just tested this again, and it seems to be working well. Driver 452.06. 3D effects seemed a bit off, but after I tuned up the convergence to a better, more satisfying, level it looked perfect. I launched from HelixVision, 3DFM should work too.

  25. it worked in the oculus quest 2 ???

  26. This is amazing, I hope the devs see this. What a cool way to make my favorite game even more stunning, thank you so much for your hard work.

  27. Is there any way to get this working on a 3DS with Moonlight/Sunshine?

    1. Is there a way for the Moonlight client to enable 3D? If it can do a standard 3D presentation like SBS, then it could work. geo-11 can generate SBS by default.

    2. I got it working without having to do anything extra, and it's GORGEOUS, thank you so much for doing this.
