Monday, March 4, 2013

How to change a 3D Vision Profile and List of games on wrong profile

How to change a 3D Vision Profile

3D vision uses a system that I don't really agree with to profile games. Basically someone who works at Nvidia has to every once in a while give game's 3D vision profiles. The game will launch with a message like "This game" Rated Fair, etc. Now the problem is sometimes a game has wrong profile either due to negligence or game is old and a better profile is available now. Then there are games that DO NOT have a profile which will automatically use default. Not to mention games on certain profiles have ISSUES FOR SLI/NON SLI USERS. So if you are interested I will teach you how to give games profiles.

Tools Needed 
Nvidia Inspector - DOWNLOAD HERE  - GUIDE HERE[BY DHR] -
Required for Steam and game's we can not rename the exe or we want to SLI/AA settings.

Profiles I use to test.
[1]Prototype "Prototype.exe"
[2]Aion "Aion.exe"
[3]The Witcher "Witcher.exe"
[4]Mass Effect 2  "MassEffect2.exe" / Call of Duty: World at War "CODwaw.exe"
[5] World of Warcraft "wow.exe' / Aion "aion.exe"
[6] Max Payne 3 "maxpayne3.exe"  DX11.

[1] Prototype and aion are my bread and butter for checking. In games where effects "ghost" or shadows are off it has a chance of working. Sometimes when using either profile it will not look work with a person on sli/non sli. Basically if a person says use prototype and it doesnt work for you, try aion OR vice versa however sometimes it will not work at all.
[2] Read above.
[3] The Witcher is a profile that fixes model issues. It was kind of famous when witcher 1 came out, basically fingers would grow to be a mile long. Basically the closer the camera is to a model the more likely it will distort or convergence brings the model past 2D into "pop-out". They added a new profile and it seems to cover these issues.
[4] Mass Effect 2/World at war are if you have a game and you need an nvidia laser sight. Its pretty rare you will need/be able to do this. I also use mass effect 2 as a Helix Modder and I cant get nvapi to work right[No idea].
[5] WOW/ Aion are used to force Windowed mode/fake Fullscreen games.

[6] Max Payne 3.  For DX11 games, this is a new addition that it can fix one-eyed shader effects.  This also can fix SLI/non-SLI variations.

If you know of any games on wrong profile please leave a comment below. Please be brief but if you want you can write issues it has but keep in mind people will need to check comments for games.
Or if a new profile that you can confirm is different then ones mentioned besides Googleearth [It doesn't really have a good function for gaming]

Known good profile switches:

Clive Barkers Jericho - Use Profile: Prototype
Dragon Age 2 - Use Profile: The Witcher
Sacred Citadel - Use Profile: The witcher
Defense Grid - Use Profile: Prototype
Flatout Ultimate Carnage - Use Profile: Prototype
Arma2 / Arma2 OA - Use Profile: Prototype

Far Cry 4 - Use Profile: Max Payne 3 for non-SLI
Ryse Son of Rome - Use Profile: Max Payne 3

Company of Heroes - Use Profile: Empire:Total War
Race to the Sun - Use Profile: Aion

From Blacksmith56:
Blood Rayne 2 - Max Payne 3 - Use Blood Rayne FSAA patch – it also fixes reflections
Company of Heroes - Use Profile: Total War: Napoleon
Dark Void - Use Profile: Prototype - Turn off dynamic shadows – game crashes on load if 3D is on !
Death to Spies: 1+2 - Use Profile: Max Payne 2
El Matador - Use Profile: Max Payne 2 - Turn off bloom and post processing =3D Ready
Fahrenheit Remastered - Use Profile: Max Payne 3 - turn off front end buffer effects
Sacred 2 Gold - Use Profile: Prototype - Set shadows to minimum
Samurai Warriors 4-II - Use Profile:  Prototype
The Suffering / Ties that bind - Use Profile:  The Witcher
Venetica - Use Profile: Titan Quest - Disable fullscreen effects, makes it 3D ready


  1. Will write more as I remember.
    Clive Barkers Jericho - Use Profile: Prototype
    Dragon Age 2 - Use Profile: The Witcher
    Sacred Citadel - Use Profile: The witcher
    Defense Grid - Use Profile: Prototype

  2. I used the prototype profile on PainKiller Hell and Damnation
    very playable now

    1. What about gun depth issue. I thought guns were all over the place tbh.

  3. Flatout Ultimate Carnage - Use Profile: Prototype
    it fixes water, smoke and reflections.. basically it becomes 3d vision ready :)

  4. Arma2 / Arma2 OA - Use Profile: Prototype (works fine with either one or two graphic cards running in SLI mode)
    In the video settings - set shadow detail to normal or disabled.
    Adjust full depth and configure the convergence as preferred.
    I found the convergence best when in optics mode the gun is just at the edge of screen or pops out just slightly, any further and the aiming was difficult (each gun is different so its good to check a few different ones and then adjust the convergence on the one which pops out the most and leave that setting for all other guns)
    The game is much more immersion in stereoscopic and looks really good.

      try that.

  5. I am struggling with getting your method to work with texmod in Arkham Origins. Basically, I have to rename the original executable ArkhamOriginsOld.exe, and change the texmod executable to ArkhamOrigins.exe.

    This ensure when you start it from Steam, it loads texmod first and then you can select your skins.

    This also means, when you start the game, the profile for Arkam Origins doesn't load, and the 3D doesn't work.

    Whenever I try and add the origins profile to arkhamoriginsold.exe , it doesn't work.


    1. You will have to ask on nvidia forums.

      Both arkhamorigins.exe + arkhamoriginsold.exe . Need to be set on profile for arham origins. If that doesnt work I couldnt say. Game isnt installed and I am not entirely familiar with texmod.
      I also haven't tried arkham orgins in DX9 which might be another part of the issue.

  6. What about Titan Quest Immortal throne? Anyeone looked at getting a profile working for that?

    1. you can use the original Titan Quest profile, there are 1 or 2 very minor issues in the expansion but works great overall.

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    1. Just so you know, your posts will always be deleted when you include spam or bootlegs.

  9. I tried all profiles, I can see my 3D Vision is enabled at least but there is no depth at all!! what else should I do beside changing the profile in 3D inspector!!

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  11. I tried to play Ryse Son of Rome with Max Payne 3 profile. The 3D kicks in, but it doesn't have any depth. I tried it with Sniper Elite 3 profile, it has depth, but it's really bad, with locked 50% depth and glitches. So for now I'll have to endure playing it in 2D...

  12. I found the profile Assesins creed Syndicate

  13. Jet Set Radio - use profile Tomb Raider Anniversary

  14. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 and 2016 -> NBA 2K13 (mentioned on PES 2016 fix in this web). Fix must be applied.

  15. The Longest Jorney 2: Dreamfall - Use Profile: Prototype (for reflections)

    1. ... and switch to profile of Word of Warcraft in some areas when the Prototype profile brakes dynamic shadows.

  16. For Q.U.B.E.2 use the Nvidia profile for Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice !

  17. company of heroes : there is NO profiles "Empire:Total War" nor "Total War: Napoleon"

    1. Looks like NVidia killed the profile for Napoleon, it's not in my 446.14 driver either. However, Empire:Total War is still there.

      These profiles are just setting different flags in the profile, you can find much better detail here:

      Which gives you a lot more flexibility for experimenting and finding working parameters.
