Monday, May 6, 2024

War on the Sea [DX11] [GEO11]


War on the Sea - DX11 and Geo 11 fix

Fix by Rubini based on Steam last version  (v. 1.08h5)
This fix uses last Unity Universal fix 2019 by 4everawake

WAR ON THE SEA is a WWII Naval combat in the Pacific theater in “real” time. 
I like war games very much and this one is trully a masterpiece: historical, tactical, realistic and action real time war game !

WotS uses Unity engine, then the last  universal fix (from 4everawake) did the job almost flawless.
I just fixed some HUD issues and the moon depth.

I made it for Geo11 (witch have autoconvergence, and a bit more performance) and also for Dx11-3Dmigoto that need old nvidia drivers compatibility (it might be my impression - but dx11-3dmigoto has better antialiasing, I don't know why Geo11 has "less AA" in some games. .. well that's another matter)

My specs/tested on:
Win 10 Pro build 19045 nvidia driver 563.23
Passive monitor at 1920x1080, gtx 1070
direct_mode: interlaced

- moon depth position
- some HUD depth

- "F3" adjust convergence for Dx11/3Dmigoto only (geo11 uses autoconvergence) (cycle)
- "Caps "  hold to  instant small sep/conv if needed. Useful for change units with the mouse (also on mouse xbutton1 if you have an at least 5 buttons mouse)
- "PgDn" moon depth cycle. 
(the fix already adjust it in good depth, its there anyway )
- "Shift F6" show separation, convergence and pop-out (toggle)
- "Crtl F11" show FPS (toggle)

All video settings can be maximized
Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to manually change your "direct_mode" to the output you need (geo11 only)
- The mouse pointer on this game cant be put in depth and also is used in different types and functions, so cant be replaced by mouse shader.
- So, you can press&hold Caps or mouse Xbutton1 to make a quick selection of distant units on 3D easy (less separation, better precision for a mouse pointer at screen depth)

Installation :
- Geo11/Dx11(choose one or another): Extract all files to where the WarOnTheSea.exe is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" (geo11) to change your "direct_mode" to the output you need (direct_mode = interlaced is default here. Also note that i only tested this fix with a passive monitor, 1920x1080, win10 gtx 1070).
- Then launch the game and let it overwrite the profile if needed
- Play the game!

Download fix version1:

Have fun!

If you like this fix, consider donating to DHR at his PayPal account:

1 comment:

  1. Could you please update the Cheat Engine table for Final Fantasy IV 3d? The version you provide unfortunately does not work in the latest update of the game. I would be immensely grateful.
