Thursday, July 20, 2017

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition

3D Vision fix for Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (no problem if you don't have the DLC, as long as it's the current Steam version).

- Haloing in blood/guts/fruit.
- Haloing in light column of pickable items.
- Haloing in some water.

Optional non toggleable shaders (paste the folders you need from the "optional" folder into "shaderoverride"). Use at your own risk.
- Heatwave disable: it disables the heat waves.
- Lens flares disable: it disables lens flares (included the sun in most situations).

- F1: high convergence (customizable with F7 after loading the preset).
- F2: low convergence (customizable with F7 after loading the preset).
- F3: HUD depth presets. Screen depth by default.
- F4: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F5: weapon laser color toggle (blue and red). Red by default. With blue color, it makes it easier to see for colorblind people like myself. WARNING: while blue, it will break the image inside some TVs that you will see in some cutscenes. Return to red color when that happens.
- F6: color filter toggle. Whatever color filter you use ingame (there is more than one as rewards), this hotkey will disable it. The game will look more colorful, but sometimes more washed out in dark chapters.
- z: HUD toggle.
- b: four HDR/bloom presets. Default HDR/bloom level by default. Each preset disables extra shaders that the game puts over each other. Effects may take a few seconds to change (mostly the oversaturation effect). WARNING: use at your own risk, because in some locations the game will be 100% dark and unwatchable with some presets. Cutscenes may not be affected by the middle presets. If you want to disable this functionality, open "DX9Settings" and comment (using ";" without quotes) these lines:

Key = 66
Presets = 19;20;21;22;
Type = 1

Remaining issues
- TVs in cutscenes render their image in 3D. That can be at too much depth and I didn't find a way to change that.
- Lens flares at screen depth if not totally disabled with the optional shader.

- Download this file and extract its contents in the root folder of the game ("Resident Evil 5" folder), where "re5dx9.exe" is.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:


  1. Thank you very much for the fix! Works very well, except for the fact - which in fact makes the game unplayable for me - that there's no weapon laser like in Resident Evil 4 anymore, only a bulky crosshair at screendepth.
    How can I bring up the laser? I'm seeing it on screenshots all the time.
    Otherwise flawless as far as I can tell.

    1. Here:

    2. can i still play co-op with this mod?

  2. thank you a lot masterotaku ! i was playing on this game :)

  3. Thank you this is one of my favourite games!


  4. I miss the high quality shadows of remaster ps4 / one for pc = (

    1. It's not possible for modders to port the entire game. Only original devs can do that. Also making a 3D fix is super hard, so there is no point in doing a second one for the same game. It's generally better to put our limited time into fixing another game. It's all dependent upon the motivation though. If you are motivated, you can learn how too.

  5. Is there a way to have the color filter ON by default, and F6 turns it OFF instead?

    1. That's how it is right now (IIRC. I uninstalled the game a while ago), and as a general rule in all my fixes. I never disable an effect by default unless it absolutely harms the 3D experience.

    2. Better late than never...

      Open the "DX9Settings.ini" and remove the number 6 on "PresetsKeyList" and this will let you have the color filter ALWAYS ON...tho obviously, you can't turn it off

  6. Is there anyway to disable hud toggle?

    1. Yes, edit the dx9settings.ini file, and comment out the lines for the HUD toggle. Add semicolons for each line to comment them out. Or you can change the Key=90 into a different key.

  7. Works like a charm but when I exit the game, error "The application has stopped working" appears. Any solution?

    1. Unlikely we'll be able to fix it. We don't have access to HelixMod source code. You can try things like alt-enter to leave full screen, or Ctrl-T to disable 3D before exit to see if you can find something.

  8. Also by extract and copy the contents of this folder to the game root folder you can solve saving problem or xlive.dll problem link :

  9. Could someone help me with this mod? it does not work in the gold version of steam, can someone share a version that works? From already thank you very much.

    1. Looks to me like it should work. Doesn't appear to be any difference for Gold edition, other than adding the DLC to the package. The Gold edition referenced on SteamDB doesn't appear to have any shader changes.

      What are you seeing that doesn't seem to work?

    2. Not sure I understand what happened with addition to Gold, but the devs say you can get the old version by switching to a beta branch:

  10. Hola el mod es para la version original o tambien funciona para la version pirata

    1. No idea. We don't support pirated versions, so you are on your own.

  11. En la version GOLD edition original de steam no funciona.

  12. Can anyone help me get this mod to work.. when I start the game it gets to the capcom screen, then crashes.

    1. Does it crash with the fix uninstalled? Just 3D enabled? Try to narrow down the possible problems. Make sure you have no overlays loading, they tend to crash.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Does this work with the unofficial patch that removes the Games for Windows Live login?

    I extracted the files to the Resident Evil 5 folder but when I try to launch the game it just goes to a black screen.

    1. Not sure that anyone has tried before. Sounds like you were the first tester, and it doesn't work.

      You could doing a couple of things. Do a step-wise install of the pieces. Verify game on Steam, so it's back to normal and run once to get it setup and working. Then enable 3D Vision, with no fix installed and make sure that works. Then, install the BH5-fixes to remove GFWL requirement and check that 3D is still working. Lastly install the fix. That might help narrow down the problem.

      Also might be worth running 3DFM as the installer, as it might tweak some settings that help.

  15. Is there a way to make this compatible with reshade?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I have played this title countless times and playing it with this mod was like living another experience, more detail, blood, explorations and textures that with the green filter did not exist, thank you very much for your work !!

  18. Hi masterotaku,

    first of all thx for this fix. Now my question, is it possible to make HUD toggle only for Merc timer and Combo points. I play with a trainer so I don't really care for the timer and combo indicator. but i gotta see our health bars so i dont die lol.

  19. Is there anyway to disable citscenes letterbox?

  20. i cant figure out how to fix cutscene error like any cutscenes will just crash my game

  21. the game was updated and the mod no longer works

  22. the mod is working but everything in the screen disabled (minimap - menu - crosshair)
    it not playable without them.
    weird but they show up when there is a dialogue or when i'm near Sheva

  23. Mod doesn't work anymore

    1. Just tested this again using Steam version, and it was working well. Clean installed game, and used 3DFM to launch.

    2. I reinstalled re5 and tried again and it really didn't work. I used this mod with this

      From the comments both stopped working after an update, I followed the alternative solution that the guy put in the post

  24. When I was playing the PC version of Resident Evil 5, I found that some textures would only be loaded when the main character was close or suddenly changed from low resolution to high resolution, few people would pay attention to this feature, is there any way to load high resolution textures of all materials at any distance?
