Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

A fix by mike_ar69 & DarkStarSword

Profile and 1.10/1.21/1.3x updates by Helifax

Update for game version 4.00 onwards by masterotaku

3DMigoto improvements by Bo3b and DarkStarSword

Assembler by Flugan

Special thanks to everyone on the forum who helped out with testing!

Latest update 12-11-16, works with both Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine expansions:
Latest update 2024-09-28, for game versions from 4.00 to latest. Fix redone mostly from scratch. This new geo-11 fix isn't backwards compatible with older versions of the game like v1.33 and older.

Select viewing method: 3D Vision Plugin - Cross-eyed - Distance - Anaglyph

Fixed (v1.33 and older)
  • Lights
  • Shadows
  • Global illumination
  • Specular highlights
  • Environmental reflections
  • Decals
  • UI Depth adjustment added (cycle with ~ key)
  • Hairworks MSAA one-eye transparency
  • Hairworks glitch at specific depth from camera
  • Hairworks shadows
  • Light shafts
  • Sun & moon depth
  • Sun & moon reflection in water
  • Approximate fix for water environment reflection probes (Note that an SLI bug affects these - see below)
  • Approximate fix for direct reflections on water
Fixed (v4.00 and newer)
  • Shadows (included shadows on hairworks effects, and Nvidia Ansel exclusive shaders).
  • Lighting.
  • Compute shader lighting clipping.
  • Temporal anti-aliasing.
  • Screen space reflections.
  • Decals.
  • Fog.
  • Terrain haloing problems.
  • Underwater wave effect.
  • Light shafts for presumably all resolutions (tested up to 7680x4320 and also ultrawide resolutions).
  • Radial blur (when "Blur" is enabled in the options).
  • Stereoized specular reflections.
  • Sun, moon and stars depth.
  • Dynamic crosshair depth and limited dynamic HUD depth (avoiding corners, intended for 16:9 resolutions. You can disable this feature except crosshairs with F3).
  • Dynamic depth for monster sounds when using witcher senses.
  • Autoconvergence configured, detecting cutscenes and menus to force screen depth HUD under those situations.
  1. Extract the folder from the rar file into the game directory under "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64". If done correctly, the d3d11.dll file should be in the same directory as witcher3.exe.
  2. Launch the game. The first time you run it (and again after any driver update) you will get a UAC prompt for Rundll32 to install the driver profile - choose yes.
  3. If 3D does not kick in change the video settings to exclusive full screen mode (This setting has a tendency to reset from time to time, so this step may need to be repeated on occasion).
Keys and Configuration (v1.33 and older)
~: Cycles UI depth between several presets. You may customise the default depth by editing the d3dx.ini and adjusting x under [Constants]. To customise the presets on the ~ key, find the [KeyHUD] section and adjust the list as desired.
F1: Toggle between two convergence presets.
F3: Disable false reflections caused by an SLI bug.
F11: Cycle SBS / TAB modes (see below to enable).
When raining, raindrops will land on the camera. If you find this distracting you can disable it by editing the d3dx.ini file and setting x1 under [Constants] to 1.
Side-by-Side / Top-and-Bottom Output Modes
This fix is bundled with the new SBS / TAB output mode support in 3DMigoto. To enable it, edit the d3dx.ini, find the [Present] section and uncomment the following line by removing the semicolon from the start:
run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS
Then, in game press F11 to cycle output modes. If using 3D TV Play, set the nvidia control panel to output checkerboard to remove the 720p limitation.

Keys and Configuration (v4.00 and newer)
  • F1: convergence presets (0.6, 1.3). This only works if "dm_auto_convergence" is set to 0 in "d3dxdm.ini".
  • F2: HUD depth presets (0, 20%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 80%, 100%). 40% by default, except for cutscenes and menus.
  • F3: dynamic HUD toggle. Disabled by default due to inconsistencies. It avoids affecting HUD elements at the corners (this is sometimes a serious limitation), and is intended for 16:9 resolutions.
  • F4: gameplay depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default. The effect only appears if depth of field is enabled in the options. With this hotkey, you can disable it for gameplay while maintaining it in cutscenes.

Known Issues (v1.33 and older)
  • Sometimes after dying and loading a previous save the game may crash, or the 3D may glitch out. If this happens, restart the game.
  • On SLI systems, water in certain areas may display an incorrect reflection (e.g. reflecting clouds from the sky while underground). These false reflections can be disabled by pressing F3.
Known Issues (v4.00 and newer)
  • There is a lighting clipping issue (geo-11 exclusive problem) affecting characters' bodies under some circumstances. After many hours of trying to fix this, it wasn't possible yet.

The Witcher 3 - Patch 4.04a Update (2024-09-28)
  • Fixed a river water surface effect.
  • Updated geo-11 to build v0.6.198, fixing a launching problem after a game update.
The Witcher 3 - Patch 4.04 Update (2023-10-28)
  • Fixed HBAO+.
  • Fixed more sun, moon and skybox shaders.
  • Perfect clipping fix for lighting compute shaders.
  • Disabled motion blur, after some recent update made it hard/impossible to fix.
  • Some further autoconvergence and HUD tweaks.
  • Updated geo-11 to build v0.6.182.
The Witcher 3 - Patch 4.01 Update (2023-02-04)
  • Fixed a Witcher sense footprints shader.
  • Updated geo-11 to build v0.6.107.
The Witcher 3 - Patch 4.00 Update (2022-12-23)
  • Refixed the entire game in general (only some light shafts shaders survived the update).
  • Fixed screen space reflections.
  • Stereoized specular reflections.
  • Fixed temporal anti-aliasing.
  • Fixed radial blur.
  • Fixed light shafts at high resolutions.
The Witcher 3 - Patch 1.33 Update (12-16-16)
  • Fixed the water bug during the day and the "green effect" during the night.
The Witcher 3 - Patch 1.32 Update (12-11-16)
  • Fixed the UI warping strangely in some menus.
  • Added convergence changes while aiming
  • Added convergence changes while using Witcher Senses
  • All UI is pushed to DEPTH in Witcher Senses (Xbox Left Trigger or R.Mouse). Unfortunately I cannot push only certain elements as the shaders are shared. Also, if I try to do this the Minimap will glitch really bad - as seen before. If you want to disable this functionality, search the "d3dx.ini" file for "z = 2" and set it to "z = 0".
  • Witcher Senses bubbles are pushed to the right depth.
  • Other minor changes to the convergence values.
The Witcher 3 - Patch 1.31 Update (12-4-16)
  • 3DMigoto 1.2.50
  • Profile is now part of the fix and is automatically deployed
  • Dynamic-crosshair is back
  • stereo2mono updated version so it doesn't kill the SLI bus in 3D Surround.
  • Fixed HBAO+ normal map artefacts following DarkStarSword's pattern (thanks mx-2!)
  • Fixes the Steam overlay and Steam controller in Windows 7 and Windows 8
Big thank you to DarkStarSword and Bo3b for all their work on this update of 3DMigoto!
The Witcher 3 - Patch 1.21 Update
  • Decals (quite a lot of them)
  • Rain splashes /drops
  • Blood
  • Hairworks shadows
  • Fixed witcher senses bubbles & warp bubbles so they now are at proper depth.
  • Crosshair is pushed to DEPTH
  • All other UI is still at FIXED depth.
  • Stars at night (thx SKAUT) for the savegame and pointing it out;)
  • I added presets for different convergence levels on Keys "Z" and "XBOX-RIGHT_THUMB_PRESS". - The Witcher Senses bubbles are also aligned for these 2 convergence values and might not work for others (haven't tested).
  • I recommend using these presets to play the game (if you aren't already using something like this). One if for Cutscenes/Interior the other is for outside:)
The Witcher 3 v4.04a (geo-11, with build v0.6.198)
In "d3dxdm.ini", "direct_mode" is set to "sbs" by default. Change it to the output you need. For "nvidia_dx9", do not use the ingame vsync option (driver vsync is OK) and use double the fps limits than the fps per eye that you want. Performance is worse than in other "direct_mode" settings.
Outdated versions:


  1. Brilliant work guys! Here's a quick tip for those of you who want to play the game with no HUD at all (even those annoying talk and interaction icons!) This will actually work with any game that makes use of separate values for HUD convergence. If you set the HUD convergence to some ridiculous value like 100 it will push the HUD completely off screen. I have this set to a hotkey that toggles it on and off. This way i can play with the health bar on along with any other HUD elements i need and when i don't need them i can just hit the hotkey instead of having to go in through all the menus and turn each one off manually.

    Just add the following to d3dx.ini:
    [Key1] // or any other free slot
    Key = p // or any other free hotkey
    type = toggle
    x = 100.0

    This will also affect all the menus including the main one so if you want to access it make sure you toggle the convergence back to normal.

  2. I have not enough words to express my gratitude. BIG THX to Mike_ar69, DarkStarSword, Bo3b, Helifax and Flugan and all Tester of the 11 alpha.
    Without you we would not have real 3D in this game as in many others, Nvidia has abandoned us .....
    Great job.

    1. Go to NV control panel, 3D, 'Set Keyboard Shortcuts', and make sure 'enable advanced in-game settings' is checked.

  3. Fantastic work as always. Even on a gtx 670 I can run 3D in this game with a few visuals on. Easily one of the best gaming experience and especially 3D experience I've had in a long time.

  4. Thanks again Helixmod Team for your dedication and hard work!

    I can't turn the CM mode off by pressing CRTL+ALT+F11, I'm also experiencing strong ghosting around characters, it reflects the surroundings etc.

    1. You need to enable the advanced in-game keys in the nvidia control panel first. I've updated the instructions to cover this.

  5. Thanks so much for the excellent work!

    I'm getting an error when I try to import the saved/modified profiles back into 3D Profile Manager. "ERROR: There was a problem importing the settings from disk". I've tried several times, and I am using Notepad++.

    One thing I've noticed is a non-Asian looking character that is shared between two lines. Perhaps it is an issue with the website displaying that character, or a missing font/script on my machine? Here's a screenshot of the three common icons as displayed on my screen, I've underlined the sections in red. Are these correct?

    Strangely while trying the previous alpha versions I never had to do this step and still got perfect SLI scaling and no other issues. I'll give that a try now too with the release version as a test.

    1. I suggest just using regular notepad as the encoding of the file is completely bogus (the SettingString fields contain raw binary data that is not compatible with the encoding of the rest of the file) and any more intelligent editor is likely to mess up.

    2. Hmm thanks for the tip but still no luck unfortunately. I'm pretty sure it's a missing font/script on my machine, because I see two boxes (the standard unknown / invalid character) instead of 'normal' Asian looking symbols in the two places I underlined. Oh well, don't worry about it, everything seems to still work regardless (except for a memory leak which I have not confirmed is due to the fix or not). Thanks again! Off to play some more. :D

    3. The font shouldn't matter as that is not actually text (I also see one of those missing character boxes). If you have already saved the file in Notepad++ you might want to export a fresh copy in case the encoding has already been broken. I haven't actually checked if those SettingString lines are important - you might be able to get it to import by removing them. If the game is rendering ok for you it isn't necessary to use this profile, but it does help with a few thinks like the HUD disappearing underground.

    4. I had the same error. You could try the instructions from

      Deleting nvdrssel.bin before importing worked for me.

    5. Thanks - added that to the instructions.

    6. 1. First go to "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs" Folder.

      2. We are interested in these 3 files:
      nvdrsdb0.bin - DataBase0 binary file
      nvdrsdb1.bin - DataBase0 binary file
      nvdrssel.bin - DataBase Selector file between 0 and 1

      3. Delete the nvdrssel.bin file. (It will get automatically generated on profile import)

      4. Start Geforce 3D Profile Manger and hit [Export SLI Profiles]. Save the file.

      5. Open the file and search for your DX11 Game entry.

      6. Once found APPEND or REPLACE in the settings section this entry:
      7. Save the file.

      8. In the "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs" folder delete the nvdrssel.bin file. (if it got generated).

      9. In Geforce 3D Profile Manger hit [Import SLI Profiles].
      Taken from Helifax's awesome work (bow down and respect)

  6. Looks like it's time to get Witcher 3. I don't get any games without helix mods releases first. Thanks again for the superb work! The day you guys stop making mods is going to be the darkest day in gaming history. :(

    1. If you thought flotsam in witcher 2 looked good. Just wait until you see literally anything in witcher 3. Every single scene is a kodak moment.

  7. Thanks for the fix! Whats the point of that custom profile btw? Just curious since ive played with beta releases on default profile and all seems fine.

    1. It fixes a few things, but personally the main difference I've noticed with it is that it solves the problem of the missing UI underground. There's more details in Helifax' post:

    2. OK, thank you.

  8. Thanks a lot for your great work!

  9. Thanks a lot guys. You're fantastic boons to the 3d vision community.

  10. Thanks for the patch but your captcha system is very horrible and boring

    1. You get a free 3D Vision patch and you still complain that you have to suffer the hardship of using Captcha? If you use an account you don't need to use Captcha. Without Captcha, sites like these get inundated with spam, so it makes sense for them to use it. Stop whining.

    2. The level of pure disappointment I feel in you as a human being is larger than the time it will take you to finish this amazing game.

    3. I say this to help you because half people don't post to say thank you because of your new boring captcha system.

      Please prove you're not a robot "Select all images with street signs." O_O

      If you prefer lost comments it's your business

    4. I prefer no comments to your asinine bullshit. What kind of gold-plated house of entitlement do you come from that you feel the need to complain about ENTERING A FEW NUMBERS, optionally, in return for a free fix that will bring you untold hours of enjoyment? Good god what a piece of trash you are.

    5. ok I bother you more but the captcha system is the worst I've ever seen ;-)

    6. Captcha system is built by Google, used on all blogs. Pretty much industry standard, wouldn't you agree?

      As noted, if we don't have a captcha for ANONYMOUS accounts, the dregs of the internet will destroy this blog.

      If you create a free account, you don't have a captcha. I don't understand why this is hard.

    7. I'm not a fan of Google's captcha system either - it's actually Recaptcha which they bought out, which used to be good until they ran out of legible words and started only using words that people had already gotten wrong, then Google decided to use it to decode house numbers from street view so now you end up with a bunch of blurry numbers photographed from a vehicle hurtling by the house at speed. For a while they changed it to just a simple click to prove you are human, which was good but the spammers broke that in no time so now it's back to the horrible stuff. Blame spammers and Google if you like, or just sign in with your Google account and move on with life.

  11. Why doesn`t "~" cycle the hud-profiles for me?

    1. What keyboard layout are you using? Is it the standard US layout or something else? It should be the key immediately to the left of 1. You can change it by editing the d3dx.ini - look for [KeyHUD]

    2. I'm using german key layout. The key left to "1" is "^". Changing doesn't help, I tested 3 other keys. But also the other keys don't seem to work for me like "q" for convergence. The problem must be something else, perhaps a very simple (sitting infront of the monitor? ;-) ). By the way, if I change the settings in the d3dx.ini the game is starting with 2 tones (high-low), sounding like something isn`t working correctly.
      Nonetheless the standard settings work fine.
      Big thanks for the 3dfix!

    3. The two tones signifies that there is an error in the d3dx.ini file - probably the key= line did not match any known virtual key names or common aliases. The canonical list of supported key names is here:

    4. Thx for the reply, I found the solution. The first 3 keys I tried out did no work but setting it to "," made it. And no tones when starting the game. Probably 'cause of the german key layout.

    5. Yes, I daresay the German layout caused some because 3DMigoto doesn't have explicit support for it and the aliases are based on the US layout (the problem keys are all VK_OEM somethings). This is possibly an area we could look to improve 3DMigoto, but I don't have a good handle on the dos and don'ts of supporting alternate layouts... any pointers?

    6. Yeah hard to say, but I think that VK_OEM_3 will work here. Since we are using GetAsyncKeyState, we can possibly extend your cool list to support all of those OEM variants. We are too low level to use automatic language key mapping functions I think, but not sure.

  12. Unfortunatly it doesn't work for me. I'm on Windows 10 10158, GTX770. Compatibility mode works ok but in real 3D it's all white on the left eye. Anyone had success with win10?

    1. Can you please double check that the profile was installed correctly. Check the original post those instructions were summarised from if you have problems.

    2. Win10 is not ready for prime time. Are you asking us to spend time looking into it? If you want to actually play the game instead of spending your time debugging problems, use the stable OS of Win7.

    3. On windows 10, download 350.12 driver for win7/8, custom install, check new install. Repeat all the process to fix the game (Note, if witcher 3 profile doesn't exist, just insert it after witcher 2 profile).

    4. I'm windows 10 also, i have same problem with all white left eye, i thought it was gonna be ok since it's release was 2 month ago.
      Moreover i get this error :"ERROR: This driver is not supported by this tool. You need a driver from release 256 onwards." after i have deleted the drs file . Someone know how to fix this?

      I have latest driver Nvidia.

    5. If you run win 10 you have to use 350.12 drivers - anything more recent is broken resulting in that problem with one white eye because the driver ignores an important setting in the profile. As for the error, try using DDU to cleanly uninstall the driver then reinstall it.

    6. I've tried 350.12 and it worked well finally! I think i've got error on the last driver also because I deleted the wrong file i went on program files instead of Program data! my bad x). Thanks BTW Dark.

      Anyway it's fine now, does someone have a good setting to optimize depth and convergence with having less ghosting and double UI possible? 100% Depth hurt a little.

    7. Good to hear it's working for you :)

      For the UI you can use the ~ key to move it between several presets to suit the scene.

      Depth & convergence I just recommend adjusting until it's comfortable to view - I use 100% depth, but that's because I'm used to that.

      If you find that you keep needing to lower convergence for cutscenes, you can add a new key to switch presets in the d3dx.ini file - it's commented with examples on how to do that (look for the various [Key*] sections), and you can live reload the file by pressing F10 without quitting the game.

  13. Followed the instructions exactly.

    3d Vision won't kick in when starting the game for some reason.

    1. NM my bad, had to turn on fullscreen mode in options was borderless.

      Looks fantastic awesome job, thank you!

    2. Thanks - added that note to the instructions. That setting seems to like resetting every now and again for some reason.

    3. I get the following error with the profile manager: ERROR: This driver is not supported by this tool. You need a driver from release 256 onwards.

      Any Ideas what is causing this?

    4. Details please - what driver & OS are you running?

    5. I´m running win7 64bit and 353.06 drivers, so I assume it should work right?

    6. Try using DDU to do a clean uninstall of your current driver then reinstall it -
      Also, if you use GeForce experience be sure to delete the nvdrssel.bin file mentioned in the instructions.

    7. Yea that did fix it. Thanks, you guys are awesome!

    8. One thing to add, though: I just realized that when I delete the nvdrssel.bin file I get the same error again, so I would recommend to do the profile changes first and delete this file only afterwards-

  14. Great Fix!
    It works perfect on single screen, however 3d CM does not kick in for Nvidia 3d Surround. It seems to calculate it and all (framerate drops etc) but I only have one image on the screen.

    Could you please please fix this?

    1. Check both Helifax' guides - he's the surround guru:

    2. Do you actually mean NVidia's Compatibility Mode? As far as I know CM is still not directly supported for Surround setups.

      Just to clarify- CM and this true-3D fix are two completely different things. And they are incompatible with each other, you use one or the other, never both at once.

      If you want Surround, you need to use this fix, as it has been reported as working by multiple people on the threads that DarkStarSword referenced.

    3. Oh, ok, so this is a true 3D fix? Seems that I did something wrong because all I can get on a single monitor is the CM. I will reinstall everything and try again, thanks.

  15. Many thanks for the the work that went into this fix, everything looks great. I am not able to get SLI scaling, is there something I haven't done correctly? thanks

    1. The custom profile should improve SLI scaling AFAIK. Check that it is installed correctly, and if you have problems check the original thread that was summarised from:

  16. Is this fix compatible with those reshade mods that ppl have been building? I guess not since both have their own custom d3d11.dll file, right?

    1. There is a good chance that it will work. You will need to use the proxyDLL part of either 3Dmigoto, or the sweetFX. It can act as a chain loader to get both active at once. In the d3dx.ini file look for the [System] section and try the proxy_d3d11=sweetfx dll name.

      This will take some experimentation, but I'd expect it to work. Please come back and let us know if you get it working.

    2. I'm using both reshade/sweetfx and the 3d fix.
      It works but I haven't installed it properly with the d3d11 proxy switch yet(have to look up how to do it again) I get CTD's on fast travel or reloads after dying.
      I'll post back if I can get it sorted out.

    3. I did get the CTD's fixed seems I had missed a file for reshade that needed to get copied to the game directory.

      Anyways the game really is stellar in 3d. So good I don't mind the 30-40 fps I get now, I only have a single 780 GTX(1.212v heavy OC).

    4. I did get the CTD's fixed seems I had missed a file for reshade that needed to get copied to the game directory.

      Anyways the game really is stellar in 3d. So good I don't mind the 30-40 fps I get now, I only have a single 780 GTX(1.212v heavy OC).

    5. Hello 1Kaon1, can you detail how you did to make it work, bacause I tried to put reshade dll (that I renamed d3d11.dll to d3d11_sweet.dll) in the proxy line d3dx.ini file, but the game don't even run :


      Many thanks.

    6. Here's the link to the reshade setting I use ATM

      Unzip the file to a temp directory, in the temp dir rename the d3d11.dll to dxgi.dll. Then copy everything to your x64 directory and merge/overwrite anything if asked. You don't need the proxy switch for this one in particular.

    7. Thank you, it works, but well the game is crashing bad, with full details 1080p, I have to put shadows to medium to pass some area without crash (kernel GPU error, or cdt, or infinte loading) even if I have a solid 50 fps with 3d on. Maybe it will be better with patch 1.07 or maybe not... ;)

    8. Followed the instructions here down to the details and this looks otherwise great, but with 353.30 drivers and this fix (W8.1 64bit) I get weird stutters every few seconds. There's a slight distort in the whole image like 3dvision looses focus for a millisecond or two... It seems to happen in game menus as well and when standing completely still. FPS is very high with 980ti. It disappears immediately when I disable 3d. Tried reinstalling drivers etc. shutting everything else running when playing + no overclock etc. Just played through whole Witcher 2 with 3dvision without any issues and now it is strange that W3 does this irritating thing. GTA V work in 3d. Any advice on what to try still?

    9. 353 series drivers are not recommended unless there is no alternative as they have caused issues across the board - check the instructions for the versions it has been tested with.

  17. I can't thank you guys enough. The Witcher is one of my favorite series, so I couldn't wait to see if a fix would come out, but every time I played I was thinking "this would be so much better in 3D." You guys are my heroes -- great job on this!

  18. Thank you very much for all this work! :)

    I don't want to be picky, but after installing the fix, in the first scene of the game, I see some shadows only with one of the eyes, and some mountains that are far away also have different shapes in each eye. Did I not installed it properly? Is this a known issue? Is there any way to fix it?


    1. Shadows are supposed to render in both eyes, so there must be something else wrong on your system. Check that you are using one of the recommended drivers, have installed the profile, maybe disable the shader cache and if all else fails try turning off SLI.

    2. Someone just posted on the forums that 1.07 broke shadows - what version are you running?

    3. 1.07.
      What I noticed is that for example in a house, one eye has the proper shadows, and the other one everything is a shadow for the front part of the house.
      I'm using 353.06 and SLI. But if I turn SLI off my PC won't be strong enough to run in 3D :/

      I did install the profile.

      I'll wait for the fix for 1.07 shadows to see if it gets fixed after that, if not I'll try the steps you suggested! Thank you very much!

    4. ok, can you just try with SLI disabled even if you don't intend to play the game like that? It will be a few days before I'm able to check the update and if it does turn out to be an SLI issue I'll need to get some of the other shaderhackers to look at it. FWIW someone else on the forums is now reporting that shadows work for them in 1.07

    5. ok, apparently the 1.07 patch resets some of the settings - xXBeeshopXx reported that changing the ambient occlusion setting cleared up the issue.

    6. To make game work, I did 2 things - reinstalled shader fixes (removed compiled *.bin files) and switched Ambient Occlusion to SSAO and back to HBAO+. Then exited game and started again. Everything now is perfect! Also, performance seems to be way higher! I even enabled HairWorks! :)

  19. I got the 3d working but it appears that many of the textures are bright white while I am in Novigrad making it very difficult to use.

    1. Can you please post a screenshot & save? Post on this thread or email me:

  20. The new steam 1.7 update has broken 3d in this game. The 3d vision no longer activates when the game loads. HELP!!!

    1. Someone else reported that 1.7 resets all the game's settings. Double check the game is still in full screen (may need to change it to windowed then back again to be sure), or if anything else changed.

    2. As a general note, Witcher3 will reset the window mode for ANY change to the environment. It's pretty aggressive about forcing it back to windowed full screen. Any update to the game, and load of DLC, and new driver all have forced it back to windowed mode in my case.

    3. Same post as nvidia forum:
      Hello guys, I have a strange problem since patch 1.07, with 3d vision patch.
      Either, I have the 3d broken with the shadows misplaced, like if 3d path goes off (and It seems it does).
      Either, the 3d don’t kick in at all and sometime crash with kernel error.

      It seems that when I launch the game the 3d is ok until I get the loading savegame cutscene, at first seconds of the cutscene the 3d goes off (no cross eye) like if the patch get disabled by the game.
      And then I have the above symptoms.

      The last resort is the remove the 3d patch (uninstall.bat) and reinstall the driver 352.
      Re-enable SLI and 3d vision.
      Reinject the 3d sli profile.
      Reboot the computer.
      Put back 3d fix, and then the game runs fine again ……. Until I reboot the computer or the game crash, then the 3d is broken again. (back to last resort :( )
      I also tried 350 GTA driver, but it’s the same with less performances.

      Before patch 1.07 it was working like a charm (except occasional crash)

      Do you, guys have any ideas about this problem?
      Thanks ;)

      Windows 8.1 pro (official and patched, in test mode for special audio drivers)
      2x 970 asus strix on SLI
      No overlay or any other apps launched (I think)
      3d vision 2 on Asus Monitor 120hrz 1080p.

      In game:
      All extreme settings except:
      antialiasing, sharpen, no vertical sync, unlimited fps, hairworks to 4x

    4. That sounds like a similar problem to other games we've seen recently. Try disabling the shader caching function in the NVidia Control Panel. The fact that it works first try, and fails after that, strongly suggests their cache.

    5. Hi, yep disabling shader cache does the deal, but I also need to remove all .bin of the shaderfix folder. Thanks for the advise ;)

  21. Hey guys, anyone know if 353.62 drivers are worth upgrading? I read some posts saying there is a significant performance increase especially in SLI. Anyone know if this is true?

    1. Anyone notice a 30 fps lock when in 3D? This doesn't happen when I disable 3D, I get frames as high as 70 in some places with both GPUs hitting almost 100% usage. Once I enable 3D I only get 25-30 fps and I feel like it's a sort of frame lock as the GPUs only hover in the 50%-70% usage. I tried lowering settings to the lowest and all it did was lower GPU usage to 30%-50% but it is still keeping the game at 30 fps.

      Yes frame limit is set to unlimited and yes I turned off vsync. I even set game framerate and movie frame rate in the user file to 120 fps (from 60) and no difference. I'm not sure where else to check for the frame lock but I am pretty convinced that there is a frame lock. I feel like at 100% GPU usage for both GPUs I should get around 35-40fps with less stutter as 30 fps lock also introduces some stutter (dips up to 10-15 fps)

      I am on 350.12 using 2 GTX 680s in SLI with the imported witcher 3 profile provided above. Not using any mods whatsoever aside from the 3D Vision mod provided here.

      Sorry for the long post and if I missed a known solution for this. Any input is welcome.

    2. Pretty sure this is the problem we've run across recently where the 3D Vision Driver is only using 3 cores of the CPU. So, it's CPU limited in 3D, but not when run in 2D. This is why the GPUs don't show full use, the pipe is not being fed fast enough in 3D. Look on the 3D Vision forums for discussion of the 3-core problem.

    3. Thanks bo3b for the quick response. Reading through that thread now but so far no dice. Is this common with everyone or only affects certain systems? I wonder if it's driver related or if a patch fixed it?

  22. Hello,
    since drivers 353.62 and windows 10. This fix is broken. I have some white shaders on left eye (and some others few bugs).
    It's possible to fix it for this amazing game, please ?

    1. Sigh. By switching to Win10, you are explicitly saying that the OS is more important to you than playing the game.

      This isn't our bug, it's a driver bug, and it's not likely anything we can fix. It shows up whether the fix is installed or not.

      I discourage, and will continue to discourage any shaderhackers from working on Win10 problems, because it's a poor use of our time. We need to wait for it to stabilize and for them to fix the completely predictable release catastrophes.

    2. Update: Based on comments in the forums, the fix appears to work fine on Win10 as long as you reinstall the profile as specified in the instructions. Wouldn't hurt to cleanly reinstall the fix.

    3. ?
      No need to be rude for a simple question...
      Thanks for answering, anyway.

      Update : I already did that. Nothing change.

    4. So I've been telling people for weeks not to upgrade to Win10 specifically because of these expected problems. Which wastes everyone's time, just like this. And yet somehow after you upgrade to Win10, you come back and make it our problem. When the fix works flawlessly in both Win8.1 and Win7, available via the revert option. And I'm the one being rude.

    5. "So I've been telling people for weeks not to upgrade to Win10 specifically because of these expected problems"`
      ? You think I automatically know when you say something ? I don't even know who you are.

      "Which wastes everyone's time, just like this. "
      Waste time ? I charge you to do something ?
      I just asked a simple question, but apparently it make me a criminal.
      You could just answer "no, I can't do nothing" or simply not answer at all.

      "you come back and make it our problem" "When the fix works flawlessly in both Win8.1 and Win7, available via the revert option."
      You, Sir, are very bizarre (and not so polite). If you don't want to do something... Well, don't. I have no problem about that.

      I'm very sorry, I didn't know my simple question will put you in such great danger.
      I apologize for "wasting your time".
      Good day to you.

    6. You might want to check the forums as some people seem to be having luck with Win 10 - just be aware that it's likely to be a bumpy ride for some time yet, but I can understand why people are upgrading.

      FYI you might want to check the credits on the top of this page... bo3b does excellent work on 3DMigoto and teaching the art of shaderhacking - he is a greatly respected member of our community and a lot of our fixes would not have happened without him.

    7. The reason why sometimes people who post/moderate/whatever give "upset" responses... Is cause we are literally repeating ourselves over and over.
      You can literally scroll up to posts about windows 10.

      It is a waste of time because its been said here multiple times in comments and there is a thread about it.
      Then when someone doesn't reply we get messages like why is no one helping me/why won't I get a reply.

    8. Klown Killer,

      OK, sorry for the mistaken impression that you would know about the risks of being an early adopter. I mostly work under the assumption that nearly everyone who sees the HelixModBlog knows that the best information can be found on the NVidia forums.

      It's entirely possible that I'm getting burned out helping people run the fixes.

      Still, there is a difference between being helpful, and requesting support. Being helpful means trying to give back to the community that provides these magical fixes, helping in whatever way you can. Requesting support makes it seem like we work for you, and that leads to sharp words.

      What I expect to hear:

      since drivers 353.62 and windows 10. Just FYI, this fix is broken. I have some white shaders on left eye (and some others few bugs). Here's what I tried: ..."

      What you actually said:

      since drivers 353.62 and windows 10. This fix is broken. I have some white shaders on left eye (and some others few bugs).
      It's possible to fix it for this amazing game, please ?"

      "Please" is good, but it doesn't change that this is a request for a fix, and that you did no research whatsoever on your own to help others.

      It's not that big a deal of course, I just want people to respect the time that the shaderhackers put into this.

  23. Hey guys, I'm getting random CTD's in the game. Running 1 07. This only seems to happen in 3D. I closed EVGA Precision and other background processes except I need DS4 tool to get my PS4 controller working. Anyone experiencing the same issues? Running 353.62 drivers and profiles, I have yet to try reverting to 350.12 cause I believe 353.62 performance is better,might give that a shot or will try using custom profile.

  24. Unfortunatelly its not workin on the 1.08 with new driver

  25. Same here... I can't get 3d to start in 1.08... I tried re-setting it to exclusive full screen already.

    1. Try uninstalling the fix completely, using uninstall.bat. No other injectors, no SweetFx, no extra tricky stuff. Get the game to run in 3D again, then you can restore the fix.

      If you can't get it into 3D there isn't anything we can do. What OS, what Driver version? It's unlikely to be the change to 1.08.

    2. Just after posting this, I got it to work somehow...
      It still crashes a lot, but it looks awesome!!!

  26. Nice Job ;)
    Works on Windows 10 and Nvidia drivers 355.60 and the game in 1.08.3 ;)
    Thanks you.

  27. Crash a lot, more and more after patch 1.08.3
    But looks awesome!

  28. Thanks, amazing! I'm using the profile from step 2 for SLI 2d single screen, and, when roaming around, fps jumped from 60 to 75, and usage from 80% to 95%+. You guys should really work for nvidia!

    Gpu usage is more like 80% whenever a scripted cut-scene is rendered, however... is there a known workaround for this?

    Windows 8.1, 355.60, 980 SLI.


    1. Nevermind; making sure physx processor was set to auto-select seemed to sort it out. Now 100% gpu usage on gpu 2, 95+ on gpu 1. Sweet. Thanks again.

  29. Runs very stable, looks perfect, I love it! 1.08.3, Win 7 64bit, Driver 355.60, Single GTX 980 TI

  30. I've just finished The Witcher 3! The game looks amazing in 3D! Thank you very much for all your hard work! And I certainly hope to see you around for when VR takes off!!!

  31. I just wanted to thanks to Helix, Helifax and company for this amazing community generated fix. I managed to implement it, making a few sacrifices here and there (going by the Nvidia Optimization Guide).

    Turning Shadow Quality from High to Medium, and Grass Density down from High to Medium, turning off AA, Hair and DOF allowed me to recoup about 5FPS, bringing the average from 42-45 to 47-50 FPS at 2560x1440 (Asus ROG Swift) with a single 980 Ti at 1513MHz.

    Initially, I wasn't at all impressed with the 3D, and even went through the task of changing drivers, from 353.49 back down to the recommended 343.06 and then back up to 353.60 to no avail until I remembered reading either in the instructions here or in the comments or over in the Geforce 3D Vision forum to disable Compatibility Mode via Ctrl+Alt+F11 and HOLY CRAP did the 3D COME ALIVE.

    I've also dialed in the convergence to around 50-55%, In my experience any more than this throws the light shafts from the moon and sun off dramatically, basically rendering two different light shafts from two different moon's / sun's the higher up towards 100% convergence you go. 50-55% is a happy marriage here.

    I'm completely blown away and happy to be getting 50FPS in the thick foliage in 3D at 2560x1440 with a single GPU considering many who don't take the time to optimize are seeing 50FPS at 1080p with a GTX 980!

    Here's that optimization guide, if youre running this game in 3D I highly recommend playing around with the aforementioned settings, they make a negligible, and I do mean negligible visual difference but yielded 20 FPS 2D (80 to 100 FPS) and 10 FPS 3D (40 to 50 FPS) on my end in concert (vs. simply having all of the settings on Ultra, I have them all on High with Shadow Quality on Low, Grass Density: Med, AA, Hair and DOF: Off).

    My rig and benches:

    Benches and videos:



  32. Edit:

    Last comment, actually I was seeing frames as low as 60 FPS (2D) with everything completely maxed out "Ultra". Reducing Shadow Quality from Ultra to Low and turning off Hairworks bumped that up to around 75 with the additional 25 FPS coming from turning the preset from Ultra to High (retaining the Shadow Quality and Hairworks setting of low and off) and then Grass Density from High down to Medium and AA and DOF completely off. Oh and turning HBAO down to SSAO also yielded a good 3FPS or so with no real difference in fidelity, definitely try that too.

    Normally I'm a fan of DOF, but this game in 3D doesn't need it and you will get 4FPS (2D) and 2FPS (3D) with it off at 2560x1440. It actually looks better with DOF off, this is a first for me, usually I like DOF better but going back and forth it definitely looks better with it off in this game in 3D. With AA, I actually could not tell a difference with AA on or off in 3D! I don't know if by AA they mean SMAA on textures or what but even with my glasses on under the 3D Vision 2 glasses I could not discern a difference.

    I absolutely recommend playing around with the above recommended settings, if I hadn't taken the time to do this and simply left some of these settings on High or worse Ultra I would be a good 10 FPS lower with no real difference in image fidelity.

    To get an idea of what I'm talking about, have a look at the Grass Density image with slider between High and Medium and Shadow Quality of Ultra and Low below. No real difference! But these two settings alone are like 5-10FPS!

    To get an idea of what kind of crappy performance you can expect simply turning everything up to Ultra have a look at a 970, 980 and 780 Ti struggle to produce 40,50 and 37 FPS respectively at 1080p!

  33. Every time the game crashes or the lights and shadows glitch, I feel like uninstalling the mod. But when I try to play this game in 2D, I ask myself how people can stand not playing this in 3D.

    1. Actually, with the latest Geforce drivers (355.82), it doesn't crash anymore and no more lighting glitches. It's fantastic!

  34. Hey guys, I wanted to say that SweetFX absolutely works with zero issues!

    I've tried both "K-Putte's" config as recommended in the following optimization guide, which I also HIGHLY recommend viewing and following, and 'Project Reality 1.6', which I ended up settling on. TW3 looks drop dead gorgeous with this particular SweetFX preset, I highly recommend trying but K-Putte and this one and will also link a rather comprehensive compendium of SweetFX profiles below as well.

    Project Reality 1.6

    A Compendium of Tweaks and Fixes by Verrenus (Highly Recommended)

    A Compendium of SweetFX Profiles

    And if you play Dragon Age: Inquistion I've actually done a little bit of work translating what is, in my opinion, the best looking SweetFX profile for that game "Cookies Preset" into SweetFX 2.0:

    As far as performance goes, I'm running TW3 on the ROG Swift with a custom resolution profile, which I highly recommend those with this monitor consider if youve gone in and individually experimented with dialing back the sliders and are still under a playable framerate (for me that's 50-60 FPS), try 2176x1224 or 2103x1183, you can do this by opening up Nvidia Control Panel > Change Resolution > Customize > Create Custom Resolution. This doesn't change your desktop resolution, it simply makes this and any other custom resolutions you create available in game. 2176x1224 doesn't look as sharp as 2560x1440, but it did net a good 5-7 FPS and look's infinitely more crisp than the previous alternative, running the game at 1920x1080.

    I should also point out that I'm running a Hybrid cooled MSI 6G 980 Ti with core temps that don't exceed 47C under load at room temperature at 1507MHz 4GHz memory (+500Mhz) @ 1.218v and behind that I have a hexa core i7 4930k at 4.5GHz with 1.375v.

    My point is, YMMV, and I've heard but have yet to experience the Maxwell SLI issues with this particular monitor (2x 780 Ti the single 980 Ti replaced worked without issue). If youre running 970 SLI similarly overclocked you should be able to expect somewhat comparable performance (50FPS avg.) with this SweetFX preset at 2175x1224. Be sure to remember to turn off in-game AA, the FXAA this preset comes with is infinitely sharper (although it does cost a good 3FPS).

    I've gone over other recommended in-game settings in my last post but I will briefly reiterate them here:

    Shadow Quality to Low: This is the one change that had ZERO, and I truly mean ZERO visual difference but yielded nearly 10 FPS on my end. Go ahead and have a look at the difference between Ultra and Low here (there is a difference, but it isn't worth 10 FPS IMHO):

    Ambient Occlusion to SSAO: HBAO does have greater fidelity but it's not worth the 5 FPS it costs, and SSAO is better than nothing.

    Texture Quality to High: Ultra, contrary to the optimization guide itself, does actually cost about 3FPS on my end and my eyes absolutely cannot discern a quality difference. Medium looks like garbage, High is the sweet spot:


  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey guys, I wanted to say that SweetFX absolutely works with zero issues!

      I've tried both "K-Putte's" config as recommended in the following optimization guide, which I also HIGHLY recommend viewing and following, and 'Project Reality 1.6', which I ended up settling on. TW3 looks drop dead gorgeous with this particular SweetFX preset, I highly recommend trying but K-Putte and this one and will also link a rather comprehensive compendium of SweetFX profiles below as well.

      Project Reality 1.6

      A Compendium of Tweaks and Fixes by Verrenus (Highly Recommended)

      A Compendium of SweetFX Profiles

      And if you play Dragon Age: Inquistion I've actually done a little bit of work translating what is, in my opinion, the best looking SweetFX profile for that game "Cookies Preset" into SweetFX 2.0:

      As far as performance goes, I'm running TW3 on the ROG Swift with a custom resolution profile, which I highly recommend those with this monitor consider if youve gone in and individually experimented with dialing back the sliders and are still under a playable framerate (for me that's 50-60 FPS), try 2176x1224 or 2103x1183, you can do this by opening up Nvidia Control Panel > Change Resolution > Customize > Create Custom Resolution. This doesn't change your desktop resolution, it simply makes this and any other custom resolutions you create available in game. 2176x1224 doesn't look as sharp as 2560x1440, but it did net a good 5-7 FPS and look's infinitely more crisp than the previous alternative, running the game at 1920x1080.

      I should also point out that I'm running 980 Ti with core temps that don't exceed 47C under load at room temperature at 1507MHz 4GHz memory (+500Mhz) @ 1.218v and behind that I have a hexa core i7 4930k at 4.5GHz with 1.375v.

      Driver: 355.60

      Continued Below (HTML limit)

    2. Cont.

      My point is, YMMV, and I've heard but have yet to experience the Maxwell SLI issues with this particular monitor (2x 780 Ti the single 980 Ti replaced worked without issue). If youre running 970 SLI similarly overclocked you should be able to expect somewhat comparable performance (50FPS avg.) with this SweetFX preset at 2175x1224. Be sure to remember to turn off in-game AA, the FXAA this preset comes with is infinitely sharper (although it does cost a good 3FPS).

      I've gone over other recommended in-game settings in my last post but I will briefly reiterate them here:

      Shadow Quality to Low: This is the one change that had ZERO, and I truly mean ZERO visual difference but yielded nearly 10 FPS on my end. Go ahead and have a look at the difference between Ultra and Low here (there is a difference, but it isn't worth 10 FPS IMHO):

      Ambient Occlusion to SSAO: HBAO does have greater fidelity but it's not worth the 5 FPS it costs, and SSAO is better than nothing.

      Texture Quality to High: Ultra, contrary to the optimization guide itself, does actually cost about 3FPS on my end and my eyes absolutely cannot discern a quality difference. Medium looks like garbage, High is the sweet spot:

      I've tried both in-game V-Sync, conventional Nvidia V-Sync, and Adaptive V-Sync and I don't know if it's 3D Vision or what but the best result for me is NO V-Sync at all and limiting the frame-rate either to 60 FPS in game or via Nvidia Inspector. Any kind of V-Sync and this game stutters like mad at any framerate below 50 FPS! I can get 47 FPS all day long but it looks like crap and I have to make compromises.


    3. (here's the last part of my personal optimization recommendations with offensive grievous comments removed)


      I would use this guide in conjunction with Verranus' Compendium of Tweak's Guide with one caveat. Verranus is incorrect with the SweetFX 2.0 instructions, you absolutely do not need to sit there with both presets open in notepad and alter the values one by one. How I installed it was I simply downloaded "Reshade 0.18.7" in the first link under K-Putte's profile and move that to TW3's x64 folder and then "extract files" and then click on "Reshade Setup.exe" in the newly created folder there. Then it's just a matter of navigating to the "SweetFX" folder and renaming whatever profile you want to try "SweetFX_Settings.txt".

      That's it!

      And OSD (I'm using the latest MSI Afterburner and RTSS) works with SweetFX 2.0! To toggle on and off to compare between Vanilla and SweetFX simply press "Scroll Lock".

      Anyhow, as I've said, I've tried both K-Putte and Project Reality and vastly prefer the latter. The Witcher 3 LOOKS AMAZING with this particular preset. Like you will wish you hadn't already played through the game 2 or 3 times and are growing tired of it already good. I can guaranteed youre going to wish you tried SweetFX earlier.

      And that's why I'm here posting this, having looked at the comments above I was somewhat intimidated by playing around with SweetFX, giving the finicky nature of getting these 3D Vision fixes to work to begin with. But let me tell you, the latest one install as easy as I laid out above and are absolutely worth exploring.

      Also, aside from SweetFX, here's a few essential mods:

      To me this game would be nearly unplayable without the ability to disable the camera auto-tracking (when you ride Roach), without auto-loot (for Herbs), without Geralt acknowledging the various colorful inhabitants of Velen and elsewhere with head-tracking, and with the default map zoom level (I'm always having to zoom out at default) and without all of the potions labeled.

      Here's the link's to these mods and more on the Nexus:

      No Talk Icon


      Immersive Cam (Highly Recommend this one):

      Minimap ZoomOut (My recommended setting with this mod is recommended in the comments there)

      Buffs In Radial Menu\

      Thanks for reading this far, hopefully someone finds this useful. :)

  36. A bit late to the party on this one but wow. I have had an Oculus DK2 for over a year, and still the impact of seeing a good 3D Vision game is immense. I can run Witcher 3 on 2560x1440 DSR with AA enabled and everything maxed out (except hairworks...just not worth the performance hit) on my single 980ti in stereo 3D and it runs well enough to be quite playable and looks amazing. It's incredible how much better all the swaying foliage and trees look in 3D compared to 2D. I think this, after Alien Isolation has become my new 3D Vision benchmark game...I don't see any reason why 3D vision should be superceded by VR. I think they co-exist nicely and bring different things to the table. Thanks again guys!!

    1. I agree! I think the 3D Vision community was incredibly lucky to have this game work with a little work as it is one of the best. As far as performance goes, I guess we have different standards of what is acceptable performance, on my end, with the same GPU (1507MHz core and 8GHz memory here) I've made a great deal of sacrifices to get the framerate around 47-55 FPS, including reducing the effective resolution to 2176x1224, turning Shadow Quality to low and ambient occlusion to SSAO. For me, anything under 55 FPS and there's stuttering with the game completely unplayable at 40 FPS. I've tried everything, adaptive v-sync, in-game v-sync and no v-sync seems to have the least stutter.

      I have no idea how youre managing this game at 2560x1440 with DSR and AA enabled and everything maxed with presumably less frequency (I'm technically under water with load temps of 48C via Kraken G10 + x41 @ 1.218v). 25-30 FPS?

    2. Hey Vulcan. Yes, as you correctly assumed I am running on air and with only an old i7-920 CPU oc'd to 4GHz. It does stutter badly at times and the frame rate is highly inconsistent (might get fraps going to check the numbers at some point). I think that after coming from low res DK2 with high frame rate and relatively low detail experiences it's just so nice to be in a beautifully rendered high resolution environment that the performance just isn't bothering me too much! I even tried 4K DSR and while I admit it was a step too far it was still a joy to behold because the detail even into the far distance and the density of the environment is so impressive...and hey, performance is no worse than in Batman Arkham 2D :)
      Having said that, I just read back through this thread and discovered all your previous comments which are very interesting. You've clearly spent a lot of time to find the best settings and thanks for sharing those! I will definitely set things up the way you have suggested and see how things perform. Thanks.

    3. i7-920! Nice, I had the same processor in an older DTR, an M17x R2 with 5870 X-Fire. The most I could get out of it was 3.4GHz with peak sustained temps of 90C.

      As far as using DSR at 2560x1440, are you at 1.2 or what? If youre at 1.5, which I think is 4K, then you absolutely do not need AA at all. In fact, it could be just me, but I've found the in-game AA to do virtually nothing for aliasing while still incurring a ~3 FPS hit!

      Instead of increasing the resolution, if you want to get rid of the stuttering might I recommend going the other way and decreasing resolution? I lay out how to do this and what res is a nice compromise in one of my posts above.

      Also an update, although I still recommend SweetFX and the preset "Project Reality 1.6", I recommend going in to "SweetFX_settings.txt" and turning FXAA from 1 to 0. This is a personal preference, you will lose the AA that this setting affords, which is far superior to the in-game AA, but you will gain 4 FPS, which can mean the difference between an stuttering 47 FPS mess to a semi-smooth 51 FPS.

      If I had the money I think I would have already picked up a second 980 Ti simply for this game in 3D Vision, I could then run it at a full 2560x1440 along with turning everything all the way up (minus HairWorks) and still get a smooth 60 FPS everywhere. Right now it's still very good looking, but it doesn't look nearly as good with the resolution reduced and some of the other compromises including turning off SweetFX's FXAA and dialing back the foliage distance and shadow quality etc.

      I just finished downloading Arkham Knight and am curious to see how it runs in it's pre-patch state in 2D. I was hoping we would get this game working in 3D as both the sequels worked but it still seems up in the air.

    4. Haven't messed with SweetFX yet, but did try setting everything as you recommended. AA off, low shadows, most other settings to high and took the res down a notch to 2351x1323. Now I'm getting between 50 and 62 fps as you reported with a completely acceptable loss of quality and it's far more playable. Awesome! I am toying with putting AO back to max level though because with SSAO I've observed quite blotchy shadows under the clumps of grass where with the highest AO level the foliage shadowing looks more natural. Still, a lot of fun tweaking settings...might actually get back to progressing in the game at some point :)

    5. Good to hear! Yeah for me 2176x1224 is my personal sweet-spot. Youre getting the same frames at higher resolution! What are your settings exactly and what display driver are you using?

      Oh you absolutely have to try SweetFX, NIGHT AND DAY difference. That green fog? Gone! If you use it be sure to try it with both FXAA on and off to see if it's worth the cost to you. FXAA on looks infinitely better than in-game "AA" (not sure if it even does anything) but does cost 4 FPS (3D Vision, 8 FPS in 2D I presume).

      Here, have a look for yourself at the difference between SweetFX and Vanilla:

      (Be sure to view the images full-size with slider)

      I've tried both K-Putte and Project Reality 1.6 and like the latter but there are a ton to choose from.

      Installation tips (simply use included .exe) etc. can be found above.

    6. Hey, I tried Batman: AK and it runs nearly flawlessly on my end even in it's pre-patched state (2D). There are a few parts where there is considerable slowdown, usually transitioning from a cut-scene to open world. It's my understanding that Batman: AK has attempted, and mostly succeeded, in doing away with all loading scenes that existed on the prequels. This is why, if anyone has played this (no real spoilers) when Ivy is rescued from here interrogation room early on in the game there is like a 5 second or so pause at the bottom of the door she's going to come out of and engage with Batman.

      I'm using an SSD (Crucial MX100 550MB/s read / write) and have also seen 80% core load on my CPU (i7 4930k @ 4.5GHz). I'm not sure if the core load is a sign of the game being optimized or still poorly optimized but the game pretty much stayed around the 90FPS limit for the hour or two I had with it last night at 2560x1440 with everything turned up.

      I have to say, although nothing beats the depth 3D affords, 90-120 FPS G-Sync is so amazing to behold.

      I've seen videos of the PC port of Batman: AK where the frame-rate literally grinds to a halt during the Batmobile section and I have to say that, at least with 980 Ti on 355.60 that entire section is 90 FPS completely maxed out. I don't know what they are doing to finish up the port (I think some of the advanced Nvidia features as those are still greyed out) but the game is completely playable at the moment for me and it is a worthy successor to the series to be sure.

    7. Eh, I think I'm actually kinda burnt out with Batman, I don't have the same feeling I did with City and then Origins while engaging in combat, it's just kinda stale at this point. The game looks amazing, but I'm even getting slightly worn out with the narrative as well, none of it feels innovative or fresh, it seems like a well-dressed cash grab.

      I tried 3D and it's truly broken, the shaders are way off, hopefully a fix gets in there eventually because I do actually want to play it. After playing The Witcher 3 for a good amount of time (level 11) Batman: AK simply couldn't pull me away from it. I think I would actually enjoy B: AK if the 3D worked properly though.

  37. I just wanted to finish up my comments here with a message of deep gratitude to all of the selfless members of the 3D Vision community who are keeping this thing alive, we've all given back and have done our part to a certain extent but there are a few who have tirelessly contributed more of their fair share; an extra thank-you goes out to Helix, Helifax, boeb and Pirateguybrush, you guys have been particularly helpful.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. After the 1.10 patch of the game, some floors and walls are glitched.

  40. I would like to know how anyone can make Reshade/Sweetfx and 3dmigoto working together ? Vulcan perhaps ?
    i use ReShade 1.0 with SweetFX 2.0 beta 8 (found here : alone with ProjectReality settings : it works very well .
    3dmigoto fix alone works well too , but when i try to mix both : crash at launch !
    i tried rename sweetfx dll "dxgi" "d3d11_helix" and remove ";" in the d3dx.ini [system] .
    I tried whithout using the proxy .
    Without success :/

    Any idea ?

    1. i found at last (!) the problem ....
      And it's now my new mantra :
      don't use FRAPS at launch !
      don't use fraps at launch !


    2. just a note about sweetfx.
      I never understood why sweetfx 2.0 (or Reshade) cost 8 fps when sweetfx 1.5 did not cause any loss of fps for the same effects (basically sharpen, DPX, curve etc ...). In fact, I realized that in the customFX_settings.cfg file, there was a set parameter (USE_REINHARD) who was not wanted and which, once removed, restored my lost 8 fps.
      In conclusion, Reshade and sweetfx 1.5 , for the same effects, cost the same number of FPS.

    3. I don't know what youre experiencing, on my end using a SweetFX 2.0 profile "Project Reality 1.6" results in a drop of 1 FPS with FXAA turned off (on by default) and a drop of 4 FPS with it turned on.

      I should note that the FXAA provided by SweetFX is infinitely superior to the proprietary in-game AA, while only costing 2 FPS more.

      It goes like this:


      Vanilla, No AA, in-game AA: 57 FPS avg.

      Project Reality 1.6, FXAA turned off: 55-56 FPS avg.

      Project Reality 1.6, FXAA turned on: 51-52 FPS avg.

      Vanilla, in-game AA turned on: 54 FPS

      As I mentioned previously, for a while I turned off both in-game AA and SweetFX 2.0's FXAA and although that netted me a good 4 FPS the game looked like garbage. I only realized how bad it was running towards water, where I noticed the scintillating effect no AA causes while viewing bodies of water in this game. Turning on the in-game AA seemed to mitigate that some, and then experimenting further I realized that SweetFX's FXAA was infinitely better all for the cost of 2 FPS up and over in-game AA.

      I encourage anyone reading this running SweetFX to go ahead and try the above on their end. It's not just the bodies of water that the in-game AA poorly handles, all of the trees and especially diagonal parts of structures that have pronounced aliasing. FXAA destroys this aliasing that in-game AA seems to skip over, ostensibly in the pursuit of performance (2 FPS here, CD Project Red should have stuck with FXAA).

      Make sure if youre running FXAA via SweetFX that you have in-game AA off as well, the game doesn't know any better and will process both.

      YMMV, the above numbers are x2 for 2D and were attained with a hybrid liquid cooled 980 Ti at 1500MHz running the game at a custom resolution of 2103x1183 (2560x1440 native) with shadow quality on low (the largest consumer of resources with the least visual benefit IMO), most of the other settings on high, HW off.

    4. Sorry if i'm not clear enough , English is not my native langage , but i always had a 8 fps lost (4fps in 3d) with the reshade i downloaded from their site , with no FXAA or AA ON , just dpx, sharpen etc . It's just that there always have one or two "hidden" effects ON in the other files , like CustomFX_settings.cfg , that cost a lot . I did not pay enough attention , that's all :)

  41. What garbage. How about a much simpler fix rather than jumping through the hoops?

    1. Obvious Troll is obvious. Please ignore.

    2. Maybe your education level makes this too hard.
      I have some building blocks I can send to you. Would you like to start from there?

  42. Anyone else with broken 3D after patching to 1.10? The HUD is gone and no choice for dialog options visible...Also there are some broken shadows.

    1. I'am also, some shadows, ground and wall textures are glitching ... too bad patch 1.08 was working flawlessly in 3d

    2. yes I noticed also,the blood on the floor is also effected .. It's a shame as playing in 3D is outstanding, Here's hoping one of the talented individuals on this site takes pity and comes up with another one of there great fixes..

    3. Helifax is currently working on an update to address these.

    4. Thank-you Helifax! I wish I could help work on this, I will try to rejoin the 3D Vision community with a different member-name / email address soon.

    5. Oh and I'm still on 1.08, I just heard about the gigantic 1.10 update today and figured I'd visit here to see if it broke anything before updating. I'm staying put until a fix surfaces.

  43. My 3D Vision 1 glasses just arrived today and they're working with the mod nicely (thank you, Helix folks!). However, I noticed that text (character's names on top of them, subtitles, dialogue options...) will often (but not always) appear duplicated, like when you purposedly change the focus of your eyes to view a Magic Eye picture. I think this is called crosstalk? This makes the text hard to read and it's upsetting. Any way to correct this, or is this my brain's fault?

    Would 3D Vision 2 glasses have less crosstalk?

    1. No real difference between v1 and v2 glasses. Primary difference for 3D Vision 2 was the LightBoost monitors. Glasses are nearly identical, with larger lenses on v2, but no difference in terms of crosstalk.

      For the text doubling- be sure that CM is turned off. By default it is on, and will conflict with our fix. Ctrl-Alt-F11, but Advanced Settings must be enabled.

    2. By default, the UI is not at screen level and this might be your problem.

      From the guide above:
      Keys and Configuration
      ~: Cycles UI depth between several presets.

      Press ~ 4 times (or 5? I don't remember now) to bring it to screen level. This should fix your problem.

    3. Thank you Leandro, that worked! Now I wonder if you guys can answer a couple other questions: I have a BenQ XL2420T monitor which supports Lightboost. Since it apparently only works with version 2 glasses, maybe I should get a used pair of version 2 ones (without the emitter)... they would cost 1/3 of what I paid for the 3D Vision 1 kit.

      So, my questions are: is it worth paying 1/3 of kit value to have Lightboost?

      And would it be activated automatically with the 3D Vision 2 glasses whenever I launched the game, or how would I activate it?

      Thanks again!

    4. @Nantes: this is not the place for general questions, it ruins it for people looking for game-specific details.

      Use The Forums

  44. The fix has been updated to fix problems introduced in the 1.10 update - thanks to Helifax for this update!

    1. Onec again this community makes all the difference.. Thanks for the update and continued hard work

  45. I just updated to 1.10 and added the Hearts of Stone DLC. I am having an issue where there is nothing but a black screen when I launch the game. I've already deleted all of the mods and am about to try deleting SweetFX but I think the problem might be something else. Anyone else experiencing this and have you found the solution? Thanks in advance.

    1. Hmmm, so you're getting that even without the fix installed? I've seen at least three different people report that the game became corrupt after the 1.10 update (with different symptoms), so I'd suggest verifying the game files or reinstalling to see if that fixes it.

  46. Uninstalling Reshade / SweetFX hasn't fixed the problem. I believe the issue is the two dxgi.dll files that the patch introduced to enable some stupid GOG overlay, that were then subsequently removed with the Hearts of Stone DLC. It was my understanding that by installing the DLC right after the patch I could avoid having to play around with renaming these files that are also used by SweetFX but I may have been mistaken. I believe I need these two files, and there's no way to get them by themselves as the patch from GOG comes as .bin files.

    "On GOG Galaxy, patch 1.10 introduced two new .dll files to the "x64" folder - d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll - which overwrote Crosire's custom dxgi.dll that people were using for SweetFX/ReShade. This could be circumvented, however, by renaming the copied "ReShade64.dll" to "d3d9.dll" instead, thus leaving the game's new d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll files alone!

    That being said, with the Hearts of Stone expansion downloaded, it would seem that those two new .dll files are now gone, just like they were before patch 1.10, meaning that SweetFX/ReShade can once again be made to work by renaming ReShade64.dll to "dxgi.dll". That's all I meant in my post, I didn't encourage anyone to tamper with the game's official .dll files!"

    So now I suppose my only options are to redownload the entire game, redo all of the above, and then reinstall the patch, and then try to reinstall SweetFX.

    So much fun!

    What's messed up is that 1.10 is riddled with it's own issues and will require another hotfix, meaning we get to do all of the above again. And again. And again. Hey how about simply taking the time to release a game without so many bugs from the get go?

  47. Yeah I bought the game through GOG so that more of the game's cost goes to CD Projekt Red as they don't have to pay Steam Marketplace fees that way, I also got it on sale so I figured it was win / win. There's no verifying the game cache with the GOG version.

  48. I actually am thinking about just going back to 1.08


  50. Update:

    GOG Launcher has a feature similar to Steam's "Verify integrity of game cache".
    I'm doing that now.

    1. Having started on this around 7 pm, it is now 12:24 in the morning and I've only now chased down all the bugs and got the game up and running again with 3D Vision, SweetFX, and a handful of mods.

      Sadly a few mods haven't been updated by their authors, namely "MainMapZoom", which is nice when you modify it's file so that it stays zoomed out a bit, but I believe another user has offered up a fix which I will look at tomorrow:

      One mod, which was a total PITA to get working again but is absolutely essential would be Instant Sign Casting. It allows you to instantly select and cast a sign with a single keypress of your choosing (with considerable work with input.settings). For example, I have my Yrden bound to X, Quen to Q, Axii to C, Igni: 3, and Aard to 4. Combat is completely evolved, you no longer are breaking immersion by having to either fumble with your mouse scroll wheel or having to pause to change signs. Once you get your muscle memory dialed in it is awesome having the ability to cast Yrdern, then Quen, side-step, Aard or Igni, Strong attack etc. Like I said, it is a lot of work (you need to look and find all of the keys that you wish to bind to a sign in the input.settings, for example, C, which I have set to Axii, is also "Sheathe Sword" in combat and "DiveDown" in Exploration, if you don't successfully find and change the keys for these different actions pressing said key results in no action in game, to top everything off, if you don't set input.settings to "Read Only" the game will reset all of your work!).

      This is the only downside to modding, when updates break them, it takes forever to fix. 5 hours of my life, which could have been otherwise spent playing this game, have been lost to repairing the damage done by the recent patch. Fortunately The Witcher 3 is still an engrossing game that I am still enjoying, I actually stopped playing Skyrim because I got sick of mods breaking with updates and incompatibilities with other mods.

  51. Working like a charm, THANK YOU.

  52. For everyone running SweetFX, you have to try Canuckodile's profile, it's better than Project Reality 1.6, my former favorite (too desaturated). Be sure to turn off HDR to avoid the performance hit:

    1. Hi Vulcan - this profile looks really good, can you comment on how you got it working with the 3D fix? My attempts at renaming the the .dll file and / or setting a proxylib loader in the ini file has not worked. In fact if I have both the sweetfx / reshader files and the 3d vision files together in the same folder the game won't even launch / instantly crashes.

  53. Any update for 1.11 or is it basically the same? I hear 1.12 is on the way

  54. working great, game looks amazing in 3d, mad props for the fix

  55. Should we try to downgrade or will there be another fantastic fix? Is it possible to downgrade with a steam installation? I loved it so much! Witcher in Real 3D was the best! Plz make it wirk again! Helixmod is the best and most useful site of the web!!

    1. Helifax updated the fix the other week to work with 1.10 and the expansion - are you using the new version?

  56. DarkStarSword would this work with the latest driver or so i need to revert back ?

    1. I haven't been following it too closely, but from what I've read on the forums it sounds like nvidia fixed all their outstanding bugs (including the windows 10 issue) in 358.87, so you should be golden :)

  57. Dark Star Sword me again, im on the 358.91 driver so should i just follow the installation guide on this page ?

  58. Thx DarkStarSword, i'll try again later, repeating the installation procedure.

  59. Restarting the game after switching Compatibility mode to off did it for me.

  60. Great fix (as usual!) ;) . Thanks for beeing there and saving the S3D scene from the forgoten realm that cyclop's buisiness are throwing us into. Cheers !

    ps: i'm using nvidia drv 359.06 with no issue so far.

  61. Why in the the name of 3d doesn't Nvidia hire you to work for them or compensate you? This profile is amazing. 3d just tickles my brain! Thankyou.

  62. Superb fix, thanks guys! However HUD sometimes totally disappears in some areas (interiors, underwater,...). Is it a known bug? Is there a way to fix it? I play with 358.91 and SLI.

    1. Disappearing HUD means the custom profile is not installed

    2. Weird, I've made the custom profile as recommended, and I remember the HUD worked fine but suddenly started to bug. Is it possible that the profile was overwrited (e.g when changing ingame video settings)?

    3. Or maybe when I have installed the DLC?

    4. If you reinstalled or upgraded the driver it would have wiped it. I've also seen a few reports that make me think that something else is causing it not to stick sometimes for this game - not sure why.

    5. I can validate this. I have to import that Helifax' custom SLI profile every time when I start the game, just to be sure. It does not stick for me.

    6. Same Problem here, the profile is great but I have to reapply it every day. Some dark magic is overwriting it with nvidia default crap. (I did not update the driver)

  63. I was so happy with your update for 1.10... it was the first time the fix worded for me. Unfortunately i didn't stop the gog galaxy client from auto updating the witcher, so now with 1.12 it again doesn't work. Will there be another update of your fix in the future?

  64. We're looking into it. Can't give an ETA yet but hopefully no more than a day or two.

    1. I can't find anything broken by 1.12 other than a few decals and a minor clipping issue on global illumination - what's wrong for you? If the 3D isn't engaging change it to windowed mode and back to full screen (has happened to a number of people after updates).

  65. First off, big thanks to all the guys who made the 3d patch possible , 94 hrs in and to be fair i wouldn't have spent this time on the game if not for the patch.

    However I hope i'm not the only one getting continuous crashes in TW3 in vers 1.11 and 1.12 and prior. Done all the install of the patch as per the notes apart from the 3d profile (as i find that stops SLI from working - yes the hud is invisible under water / in caves but i can live with that for the extra performance SLI delivers everywhere else).

    What i find is i can be fine for 3hrs or i can get 3 crashes in an hour. I researched this online and it seems a few people state deleting d3d11.dll and then rerunning the game fixes this issue but that's going to break the patch.

    Could it be the lack of me doing the profile, anyone had stability issues without the profile ?

    Are others finding this game constantly crashing to desktop like me ? Any ideas appreciated.

    1. Best bet is to post in the main forum regarding this problem, and read through the last few pages or so to see if it's a common problem or not. Geforce Forum Witcher3

  66. I should mentioned re the above notes, i'm running windows 10. 358.87 drivers (recommended ones) with dual Titan Xs.

  67. For those having consistant crashes to desktop (ctd) in this game , i found updating to version 361.43 whql driver made a huge difference vs the 358.87 driver. No more ctd and also beneficial frame pacing and/or higher performance from my cards in SLI - very noticeable improvement in the experience vs the 358.87 driver. I as yet have not tried this driver in other games as yet.

    I should mention i have overclocked system , but heavily underclocked everything prior to doing the driver update - everything i tried did not sort out the ctd but the updated driver. Running win 10, Titan X sli.

  68. Hi fellas can you please help me i was following steps you described iam using a driver 361.43 because when i switched to 358.87 its unplayable its super laggy.So when i get to the point when i have to in Geforce 3D profile manager export sli profiles i cant save it at all because iam getting this error in a Geforce 3D profile manager
    Is it because iam using driver 361.43?I had 358.87 also installed which is unplayable framerates drops are horrible and also got that error when i was importing files.First of all i have to say that i managed to get it saved on version 361.43 but i couldnt import files so i switched to 358.87 which i found horrible to play with even without 3D comparsion so i swithed back to my 361.43.Now i cant even export sli profiles because of that error.can you please help me.

    1. Double check you deleted the right nvdrssel.bin file (ProgramData, not Program Files) - it's a Geforce Experience conflict.

  69. I found this file only on Program files cant find Program Data anywhere where it shoud be located?My C:/ disk doesnt seem to have it at all

  70. Ok managed to solve it had to enableto see hidden files in order to see a program data i was deleting nvdrssel.bin from Program files which was a mistake :)Thanks

  71. Hi guys I have a big problem.

    It was working perfect, like in a charm... No ghosting, perfect 3D with Helix mod.

    And then I don't know what happened, a LOT LOT LOT of ghosting apparead one day, with reminiscent ghost (like when I press select and the menu with the "witcher 3" logo appaar, when I close the menu, I can still see the form in the sky in ghosting of the logo)

    I didn't do anything, my nvidia card was not patched or anything.

    Do anyone has any idea ?

  72. Hi, just to say, everything was perfect and then one day BAM, lots of ghosting on top and bot of the screen, visual glitches in HUD and bizarre things, do you have any idea ?

    1. Here are pictures of some of the glitches

  73. Hi, tooks alot of efford to get a 3Dfix and reshade 1.1 running.I tried all above and failed. Finally i went to the 3dmigoto download site and downloaded the latest version DX11 wrapper and it works like a charm...

  74. Hi fellas Its me again so i had to update my driver today i have read that i will need to do these steps again if i want to play with 3d compatibility mode off so i did exactlly the same steps again as i did before but now when i press ctrl+alt+f11 game pops up to windows desktop and then its off its seems like a never run a game and i have to start it again.So after an update i cant get it working any help?
