Sunday, August 17, 2014

GUIDE: Understanding and making the most out of "Compatility Mode" 3D.


     I figured a guide is in order because very few people understand "Compatibility Mode" 3D and it is important especially as time progresses due to NVIDIA's lack of support. First off let me explain, I do not hate this mode. People often put words into my mouth. I find it acceptable in a few titles. Its definitely nowhere near as great as "normal 3D" but is "acceptable" alternative in quite a few titles. However, I don't agree with it being used as the sole focus of 3D Vision but that is out of my hands. Its important to note this mode is currently limited to DX11 ONLY. You can check out a video of compatibility mode HERE.

    The name "compatibility mode" comes in a variety forms such as... Depth Buffer / Z buffer / Fake 3D. For the purposes of this guide it will be labeled Compatibility Mode. Compatibility Mode is different from "normal 3D". The main difference comes from the distortion that can appear around some objects.

    The PRO's of this mode is little/less performance cost [usually] / little in the way of anomalies. CON's are less "real" 3D effect, distortion, HUD bouncing/tearing. With this guide I will help you to understand why these issues are happening and how to minimize. Distortion around some objects is unavoidable but can be minimized. This has to do with your depth setting but MAINLY your convergence setting. This is why its more noticeable the closer objects are to the screen. You should primarily rely on your depth for 3D effect then use your convergence to find a middle ground between distortion and 3D effect. If you wish to use to have more depth then your limited to use this file HERE . [Save to desktop and launch prior to launching game. 64BIT ONLY]

   HUDs can be a major annoyance. Its important to know that this is unavoidable. This has to do with HUDs hit detection of objects behind it. I always recommend looking in games options for HUD prior to playing. The best option is to remove as much HUD as possible and then reduce the size so its less of a "target". If its able to be tweaked disable as much as possible. If its possible to be scaled [Like Battlefield 4] scale to a smaller size. Another option that works in most titles is increasing the resolution which usually will scale down the HUD. If you are already at your displays MAX resolution it is possible to Downscale/Downsample IF you have the performance.
Check HERE for details.[HDMI displays can scale to 1080P@60HZ 3D . DVI-D can scale to 1440P@60HZ 3D]

If you need to contact me I can be reached at


  1. Thank you for this writeup Eqzitara.

  2. Just to be clear that version of my DepthHack *should* be 32bit compatible, may need to be Run as Admin, and is a much older version, that's missing the failsafe/error detection if it doesn't write the Registry properly, among other tweaks. Current version and more info HERE.

  3. As far as I can tell NVIDIA broke the ability to hack or lock the Key in the Registry to get more Depth in the latest Driver releases(340+) ... It seems like they're ignoring the Registry Key/Value altogether with CM(fake3D) ... the DepthHacks still work with real 3D, if you're trying to use an extreme DepthHack for CM and it seems like it's not working you can toggle off CM(Ctrl+Alt+F11) to see for yourself.

    On my setup(65") it's locked down to about 1/2" in CM, which is utterly useless. So if you want to get anymore Depth out of Cluster****Mode it seems like you'll need to rollback to the 337.88 Drivers ... I didn't bother installing and testing the 340.43 - BETA Drivers, just the 340.52 - WHQL Drivers ... tired of wasting my time on their bs, started playing Bioshock Infinite instead ... OMFH(eliX)!!! :D
