Sunday, October 13, 2019

Truberbrook - 3D-Vision-Fix - DSS-Losti - V1.00

Truberbrook - 3D-Vision-Fix - DSS-Losti - V1.00

***This fix was made by Losti with DSS UNITY Script***

---------LATEST official 3D-Vision-Geforce Driver: 425.31----------
You can install 3D-Vision for the lates driver using this Method discriped here:

Optional donation:

If you like the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate here:

Special Thx goes to:

DarkStarSword  - for UNITY-AutoFix Script - donate

DarkStarSword  - for everything you did for this small but nice 3D-Community and of cause your personal support!!! - donate ( or support @
masterotaku - for guiding me with his knowledge and be present all the time for my questions!!!! THY MATE!!!! - donate @

--- ~2 hr time of development later ---                      

Update: V1.00 - 13.10.2019
- release

1.  Fixed

- everything by DSS UNITY Script Auto-fix except:
- HUD (Losti) - Depth buffer is making strange things, hence no depth buffer mouse !

2.  Issues left

- nothing seen, means:

You have other issues and/or can present a savegame with a static scene having an issue???? --- please privide a screenshot and a savegame to

3.  Download

4.  Introduction to get it working

be sure to remove old versions using uninstall.bat
- copy archive files to ...GAMEDIRECTORY\
- start the game with START.cmd
ensure full screen in game
- you may have to restart your PC or restart the game several times until its kick in!!
- press ALT+TAB and back if you have  changed settings or restart the game
- for 3D-mode like SBS and so on please edit the 3DMode.ini in ShaderFixes folder!

4.1 Ingame Settings

- up to you (i think), the fix was made with MAXED out settings,if there are any issues, please provide your settings, try maxed out settings !

5.  Key Settings

5.1  Key Settings (Keyboard + Mouse Gameplay)

"NUM /"
-  cylce HUD-Depth

"NUM *"
-  switch between high and low convergence

5.2  Key Settings (Controller Gameplay)

-  switch between high and low convergence

6.  Key Setting - Customization

----only for more advanced users---

If you don’t like the settings the fix comes with, you have to find your own likes:
- to watch your current convergence/separation set hunting=1 in \ShaderFixes\HuntingOptions.ini
- change constants/settings/keys and check the result in game by pressing F10

6.1  3Dmigoto - Constants

----only for more advanced users---

- the fix comes with the following default constant settings:







6.2  Advanced Key Config

----only for more advanced users---

You can define keys in [Constants] section with:

Key = KEY 

- for choosing a key look here for replace KEY with it (
- replace CONSTANTX with the constants written above
- replace XXX with a value, see above
- replace SEPXX with a separation value, leave it = the separation you choose by STRG+F3/4, no changes, 100 = 100%
- replace CONVXX with a convergence value, leave it = the convergence you choose by STRG+F5/6, no changes

Key Press Types:
- type = hold ==> only active while holding this key
- type = toggle ==> enable/disable this setting
- type = cycle ==> cycles the settings via this key, e.g. SEPARATION = 100, 50 will cycle between 100% and 50% separation pressing this key
--if you have more settings you need to define it for every cycle step:
--means: if you want to change separation and you want to use the same constant for both settings use:
- no definition = settings set on ON once pressed the key

You can also change any existing key definitions changing the key behind key = in the d3dx.ini .... if you like the setting but want another key for it.


THANK you DSS for being on this earth :-)
- THANK you masterotaku for being on this earth :-)
- Big thanks to Bo3bDarkStarSword, Flugan and all others involved in creating 3DMigoto; an amazing wrapper that allows us to fix our favorite DX11 games in 3D Vision!
NVIDIA for creating 3D-Vision as a tech!


  1. Please, add 1-2 game screens to all your post (it`s more informative to see what kind/type of game is you a writing about). Thank you.

    1. ähm use google ??? lol ....

    2. I think he meant 3D game screens, so we can see what the fix looks like.

      Typically, I put these on my server, because it looks like I can't trust nvidia or anyone to not break everything, but Phereo is the usual stereo sharing spot. They've been around for ever, and previously hosted 3dvisionlive. Probably possible to post to mtbs3d and link to those also.

    3. For simplest possible photo share, you can just inline pictures in the blogspot editor, and select a jpg from your local drive. You need rename a jps to jpg, but otherwise can work fine.

      These would be nice-to-have for HelixVision, because we also show the HelixModBlog page, and so inline graphics at the top make for a good user experience.

      Not a problem if you don't feel like adding those, the key part of course is the amazing fixes themselves.

  2. It 's about "here and now." Please be more loyal to readers. Thank you.

    1. English as a 2nd language? This doesn't make sense to me. What do you mean by 'here and now?'

      You are definitely crossing the line asking for more loyalty- Losti has fixed a HUGE number of games. No one here owes you anything.

  3. Hi, I don't know if it is just me, but the zip seems corrupted and not possible to open it, could someone check it please? Tx

    1. You have to use winrar or 7zip to unzip the file. Dont use the windows standard extraction. Bo3B i will update all the fixes for beeing compatible with windows standard extraction soon.

    2. @Losti: I updated all the files I could find. Up until about a month ago or so. So, updated of your fix files by downloading and recompressing as .7z. I updated the HelixModBlog post to change links. I did leave the original files there, since .rar and .zip file endings did not conflict. Should be all fine now.

      @Darkbluesky: Try downloading and unpacking again. These are 7-zip now. Please let me know if it doesn't work.

  4. I've just tried to install it, and it gives me 'inverse_unity_vp.hlsl(1,10-30): error X1507: failed to open source file 'unity_cbuffers.hlsl'

    1. Nevermind: the file unity_cbuffers.hlsl is located in the ShaderFixes directory. If you copy it one level up (to the root of your game installation), the issue is solved, and Truberbrook worked in 3D.
