Friday, October 11, 2024

Horizon Zero Dawn [RealVR + VRto3D]

Luke Ross updated his RealVR mod to support VRto3D for 3D displays.


  • Has dynamic-depth crosshair
  • Camera now has native controls, so you can play with a gamepad on single/multi-display or mouse & keyboard on multi-display
  • Unfortunately, Sony delisted HZD to make way for an unnecessary remaster, but you should still be able to find keys for sale
  • RealVR uses Alternate Eye Rendering, so it is essential to maintain a consistent framerate to avoid eye-flips or other artifacts, so adjust your in-game settings accordingly
  • You will have to choose between:
    • 1:1 aspect ratio with correct aspect ratio cutscenes, wasted rendering, and having the HUD in the center 2/3rds of the screen; gameplay is 16:9
    • 16:9 aspect ratio with everything in cutscenes stretched horizontally, but no wasted rendering and HUD is normal
  • The game has some aggressive culling, so you may see things disappear
  • The camera in cutscenes often shows you things with funny animations that were out of frame in the base 2D game
  • 3DVision hardware is playable on latest drivers thanks to WibbleWobble. Check VRto3D ReadMe for instructions

You will need:

  • VRto3D setup for your 3D display here
  • RealVR v17.0.0 or newer from Patreon
After getting these, you can follow the instructions below, on GitHub or watch video instructions here


  1. Really? this game can be played in 3D on my 3D Vision monitor?

    1. See:

    2. Yes, but the setup is complex. Read VRto3D instructions carefully and watch the linked Youtube guides.

  2. Is it compatible with the remaster ? thank you.

    1. It's not compatible currently. Luke Ross hasn't said anything about updating his mods for it yet. You can still buy keys for the original version if you want to play in 3D. Remaster likely won't be 3DVision compatible either, as forbidden West isn't.
