Monday, October 10, 2022

Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition

3D Vision and geo-11 fix for Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition.

Update (2024-07-21): geo-11 build updated to v0.6.164. Motion blur fixed. Ambient occlusion fixed. Dynamic depth for the bow/gun crosshair. Other corrections.

Update (2022-10-11): geo-11 fix added, with build v0.6.64. Temporal effect of volumetric fog fixes. Fixed all other remaining shader problems and HUD text. HUD tweaks. Autoconvergence configured and enabled by default.

- Haloing problems (smoke, water, refraction effects, etc).
- Shadows, decals, and lighting.
- Volumetric lighting and fog.
- Clipping of lighting and decals.
- Water reflections.
- Skyboxes, sun and moon.
- Screen space reflections.
- Motion blur.
- Ambient occlusion.
- World map.
- Some geometry that was double stereoized.
- Distortion effect.
- Tweakable HUD depth and toggling. Crosshair is at dynamic depth and isn't affected by the HUD depth hotkey.
- Autoconvergence configured for slow transitions, with an automatic preset for cutscenes that changes how autoconvergence is configured (lower max limit and faster transitions). This preset also makes HUD be at screen depth for better subtitle readability. Also another preset that makes world map convergence be higher.

geo-11, with build v0.6.164: download this file and extract its contents in the "Nioh2" folder, where "nioh2.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change your "direct_mode" to the output you need. For 3D Vision monitors, use "nvidia_dx11" and preferably set "upscaling = 1" in "d3dxdm.ini". The "nvidia_dx9" mode doesn't work currently.
- (3D Vision fix, outdated): download this file and extract its contents in the "Nioh2" folder, where "nioh2.exe" is.
- Launch the game and let it overwrite the profile.
- Do not use 1366x768 resolution specifically.

- (3D Vision, old) Never disable 3D or alt+tab while playing unless you are in Nvidia Ansel mode (paused game in photo mode). Doing that will make trees and grass desynchronize between the eyes.
- Don't use the ingame 120fps cap. It will make anything under 60fps run at lower speed than normal. Better use the 60fps cap.
- You can use borderless fullscreen and it will still trigger 3D Vision. Just like exclusive fullscreen, but more alt+tab friendly (if you remember to use Ansel before doing that).

F1: convergence presets (0, 1, 40, 80, 160, 240, 320). 320 by default. However, there are two or three missions that incorrectly trigger the low convergence preset because the depth of field shader is present. These presets don't do anything when using autoconvergence (enabled by default).
F2: HUD depth presets. 40% depth by default.
F3: HUD toggle. Not disabled by default.
F4: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
5 (not the numpad): bloom toggle. Not disabled by default.
6 (not the numpad): vignette toggle. Disabled by default. A second press also disables radial blur in the dark realm. The third press turns all vignette and radial blur on again.
7 (not the numpad): FXAA toggle. Disabled by default.
8 (not the numpad): screen space reflections quality toggle. Unmodified by default. This doesn't control resolution. It increases the amount of geometry reflected. There is a performance cost when you use this, maybe 15-20% extra GPU usage.
- XB_LEFT_TRIGGER (holding it): this increases HUD depth to 85% when you hold it, intended for aiming with long range weapons. Not needed anymore.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:
Or you can join my Patreon:


  1. Awesome!! Thank you for this fix!!

  2. thanks so much! And yeah, don't waste your time on motion blur, I think most people turn it off.

  3. Oh yeah! Gonna get the game now and try it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, for me is not working. Is working fine with the 3D off. I have only sound and a black screen when the 3D is on.Some advice? Thank You.

    1. 3D Fix Manager -> Settings -> Nvidia 3D Settings -> Show global driver hack toggle
      Check that. Then, at the top right corner, enable the global hack under the "3D" button.

      I've just tried without it, and I also get a black screen with sound. With the hack enabled (which I use all the time), the game works fine.

  6. Yes the game now is working in 3D, thanks for the "3D Button" hint! donation seems that the shadows are broken and hotkeys are not functioning, can you give me some advice.

    1. That means you didn't install the fix correctly. Make sure "d3d11.dll" and the rest of files from the fix are alongside the "nioh2.exe" file.

    2. Strangely with the 3D fix manager program the wrapper is not loaded, while manually inserting it, it works. thank you very much, great.

    3. @Masterotaku + Karl:
      May I ask if you used the "Play 3D" button in 3DFM? Because without hitting the button you'll definitely see the black screen ^^.

  7. Hi Pauldusler, the game is not on my Steam library, yes i always use the "Play 3D" button next to the "Play 2D" button to start my games, your software is very useful. The suggestion of Masterotaku worked.

  8. is there any way to run this mod and special k in same time? Your fixes are great but in need frame pacing fixes from special k too.

  9. The game does not work anymore in 2D or 3D after I installed the 3D Fix.
    It will start but closes as soon as it loads the very first screen (with the small Nvidia-info on the left side.)
    I don't know whats wrong.

    1. Sounds like you don't have the Schwing hack enabled. All DX11 games need the hack up to last driver of 452.06.

    2. Thanks.
      What is the "Schwing hack" & how do I enable it?
      I already did enable the global hack in the 3D Fix Manager, though.

    3. The global hack is an implementation of the Schwing hack, so that should work.

      If it's crashing in 2D as well, then something is pretty broken. Try doing uninstall.bat to remove the fix entirely and see if it fixes the crashing.

      Would be worth doing a re-verify of the game files too.

  10. I already did.
    Uninstalling the fix & verifying the game-cache did not change anything.
    Still the same error:
    The game will start but it crashes as soon as the nvidia Ansel info shows up.

  11. Well,
    I managed to fix the problem by replacing BORDER LESS with FULL SCREEN in config.xml.
    Now I can play the game in 2D but 3D does not work.
    I noticed that for some reason many games don't work in 3D anymore.
    I will try reinstalling the drivers & 3D Fix Manager.

    1. Be sure to try using DDU to cleanly refresh the driver. NVidia does a crap job of cleanup and normal installs you can wind up with a broken driver. It sounds to me like your driver is broken in one of these ways, particularly as the Ansel overlay causes a crash. Worth also scrubbing out all the stupid overlays that might conflict, including dumb stuff like Discord and XBox Games.

  12. You did great job man! The game looks a lot better, anyone can notice the improvements clearly after installing your mod. I m huge fun of playing games without the HUD but this one is a bit hard to play using "F3" option. Can you please show me how to add the following elements when I toggle the HUD off?
    -Enemies life and Ki bars
    -The Dot when aiming with a ranged weapon
    -Your life,Ki ...bars and the elements in the upper left corner (not that important but would be nice!)
    I really appreciate your help, thanks in advance!

  13. Thank you so much. i will try this fix soon!

  14. Any idea how I would merge this with Nioh 2 Mod enabler? I mainly want to combine the FXAA, DoF, Bloom disablers with some costumes mods and a fog disabler from nexus. Thanks.
