Friday, June 27, 2014

Bioshock Infinite [DX11] Helix

Bioshock Infinite [DX11]
By Helix

I am posting this for Helix because I had a few people ask about it and it's definitely worth checking out for those who missed it. This was posted around a year ago on Nvidia forums.

-Fixed some parts of the hud.
-Fixed random crashes.
-Fixed bug with different game resolutions.

Known issues:
-SSAO should be on NORMAL or below.
-Distant lights cutoff.
-[SLI ONLY] Reflections are broken during Chapel intro scenes.

Required Instructions:
-As soon as 3D enables press Ctrl-Alt-F11 [To disable fake 3D mode]
-Set SSAO to Normal.

Unpack this FILE to where BioShockInfinite.exe located

Update 2024-1-4
Fix crashing shaders as found by Helifax:
Requires global driver hack, or driver 425.31.


  1. The game is 3d vision rdy now

  2. Already grabbed this the first time, but thanks a lot anyway

  3. fake 3d is not 3d vision ready pal, thanx fo the fix Helix, the only thing missing is the correct gun sight convergence

  4. Thank you for this fix.
    Does Ctrl-Alt-F11 have to be pressed every time, or just once? Can it be saved to the game's profile with Ctrl-F7?

    1. As far as I know every time. Game default loads nvidia's "fake 3d" mode.

    2. what's exact time-point for to press Ctrl-Alt-F11 ???

  5. Awesome, was waiting for this :D
    I have a request if you don't mind, there is a game called Max the Curse of Brotherhood, I don't know if that can be Mod for 3D Vision, but I think it will look amazing in 3D Vision

    1. You can try just loading a fix for other games. I have found that to work

  6. thks for the 3D pleasure.

  7. The distant light cut-off problem can be fixed by decreasing the depth to a little bit under 50%. I'm getting a weird graphical glitch when using the shock jockey vigor in the game though.

  8. How do I know If I disabled fake 3D mode or not?

    1. Ctrl-Alt-F11
      You can cycle and you should see a difference.

    2. I don't see a difference...I think I did something wrong.

  9. How to change ssao setting?

    1. options. On start menu. Its like
      Continue Save
      New Game

    2. It might be labeled Ambient Occlusion

  10. Great work! But is it possible to get the HUD back to screen depth? Thanks.

    1. I took a quick look at the fix, and there is no easy way to move the HUD. Would require someone digging into the fix to add that, maybe via a hotkey. Doable, but someone needs to spend the time. Learn how you can make this change and share:

    2. To change HUD depth ou have to edit the following files: 718B6728.txt, 71054161.txt and F3834447.txt in the \ShaderOverride\VertexShaders\ folder. Search for "mul r1.x, r1.x, l(0.2)" without "" and change the number @ the end. Higher values means HUD into depth, lowering means move HUD to screen depth. "mul r1.x, r1.x, l(0.0)" is screen depth. Id like the HUD into depth so i changed it to 0.6 but the value is up to ur choice.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. why i cannot use a D3d9 injector with a d3d11.dll fix in any game , like Bioshock I. , or AC Rogue ?
    With BI, it crashx and with AC Rogue , the injector is not working .

  12. why i cannot use a D3d9 injector with a d3d11.dll fix in any game , like Bioshock I. , or AC Rogue ?
    With BI, it crashs and with AC Rogue , the injector is not working .

    1. As noted on Rogue comments, I just tested Bioshock Infinite yesterday, and the game the fix are working fine over here with Steam version, and 350.12.

    2. Can you maybe tell us which your SweetFX version and what the specific preset is? For me neither the 350 nor the new 353 play nice with my otherwise regular steam version of BI. For me either the 3D works or the SweetFX preset work, but not both at the same time.

  13. Can I combine this fix with SweetFX settings by any chance? :3

    1. Yes.
      Sweetfx uses different files as far as dx11 games.

    2. There is a conflict for some reason. The 3D fix on its own works flawlessly, but once I copy the SweetFX files into the Win32 folder as well, the game simply does not want to start up and a crash file is generated. It's stange since no files were overwritten when I copied both into the .exe folder. If I remove all SweetFX files it works as well as vice versa. Now strangely, when I remove all the helixfix files and only put the Sweetfx files in there and start the game with regular 3D Vision enabled, then toggling the SweetFX via hotkey also toggles the 3D on and off.

    3. I disabled the steam overlay too, but alas no cigar

    4. Strangely enough someone else seems to have the same problem above: "why i cannot use a D3d9 injector with a d3d11.dll fix in any game , like Bioshock I. , or AC Rogue ? With BI, it crashx and with AC Rogue , the injector is not working ."

      Could it have something to do with new nvidia drivers, or did you change something with the fix? I'm actually pretty damn sure I played BI with an older version of your 3Dfix (when it was still on some nvidia forum) combined with Sweetfx maybe two years ago.

    5. Sweetfx CAN support DX11
      It uses a DXGI file.
      People including myself used sweetfx + 3d fix bioshock infinite.+

    6. Any idea at all, what the conflict might possibly be caused by, or things I could try out possibly to fix it? As I said, even without any of the Helix 3D fix files, and just the default Nvidia 3D enabled - the game jumps back and forth between 2D and 3D mode when I press the SweetFX hotkey to toggle the effects :\ This is NOT normal behavior in other games, where I can use both 3D and SweetFX together.

      So its always either 3D without SweetFX or 2D with the SweetFX. Once I put the Helix 3D fix files into the folder as wenn it doesn't start at all, but this strange behavior leads me to believe that the problem is not connected to the 3D fix itself. I actually did get a preset from and also tried SweetFX 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 but all have the same "switch back to 2D" issue when I enable the effect.

    7. That effect there is most likely to be because of latest drivers. If you can roll back to something more compatible I'd expect that to fix the 2D issue.

    8. Kinda sucks to roll back, considering I also play Witcher 3 and GTA V... oh well I suppose then I have to do a BI marathon :)

      - Any idea from experience which driver version definitely works?

      - Is there perhaps a way to have multiple drivers installed at the same time that you can switch between - it would kind of suck to reinstall drivers back and forth...

  14. Im not able to play this game with 3dtv play at 720p 60hz on my w1070 because the game forces it to use 720p 120hz .
    I've tried NVidia Inspector to force 60hz withou success.The desktop is already in 720p 60hz .
    Anybody has a solution to force the game in 60hz ?

    1. i've just saw the solution on this thread :

  15. Hi eqzitara thanks a ton for another amazing fix everything renders perfectly and looks great. I'm running into a strange issue though, it seems I'm getting a different contrast in each eye. the left eye is darker in color spectrum than than the right. Any idea, this may be monitor specific (ROG Swift - everything seems to be monitor specific with this one). I'll test it out on my old asus I gave to my mom when I get a chance but any thoughts in the mean time?

  16. Might be helpful, if Ctrl-Alt-F11 does not work for you it's because you don't have advanced features enabled in the control panel. It is located under keyboard shortcuts in the stereoscopic 3d section.

  17. great fix, seems to work well! From what I can tell, reflections in the chapel scene looked fine and I've got an SLI setup. Must be something related to newer drivers?... But, is there any way to alter the conversion when aiming down sights? This game would be virtually perfect if that could be applied somehow. Even better if it was done using the smooth transition as was done in Far Cry 4...

    1. Yes, the SLI bug was fixed in recent drivers, not sure which.

      You can play with the settings file and change the conversion. No way to add smooth transitions, this is HelixMod.

    2. Thanks for the reply bo3b. The smooth transitions aren't really a big deal anyway... I looked in the dx11settings.ini file but there were no existing settings for mouse/button presets for me to toy with. I tried to dissect the .ini files of other DX11 HelixMod fixes and followed some of the tutorials on the site but couldn't get anything to work. Not sure if it's just not possible with this game or if it's just because I don't know enough about what I'm doing... probably the latter. Is there any advice you can give me to point me in the right direction? Thank you!

    3. No its just not possible. This wrapper was built exclusively for bioshock infinite.

      Basically you choose two weapons and stick with them for all of Bioshock Infinite [cause upgrading].
      Just choose two weapons where convergence doesnt effect as much since your probably playing at a high setting

    4. ah ok. Thank you for the info. Who knows how much time I would have put into it before figuring out it wasn't possible in the first place? :P

  18. how can i start hunting shader in this fix? it's dx11 and helixmod debug d3d9.dll won't work,
    i seek to disable gun model in this game,where is d3d11.dll debug?
    play fpsgame with high setting( separation=10 convergence=10 )that was all I ever needed

    1. This is the only version of the DX11 HelixMod that Helix shipped. I don't think we ever got a debug version.

      You can probably use 3Dmigoto to hunt these shaders. But that will involve making the fix work in 3Dmigoto as well. You'll need to try to find the shaders that are overridden using 3Dmigoto Hash numbers as there is no direct conversion between the two. (different hash functions).

    2. i try to use 3Dmigoto hunt these shaders,rotate through almost 70 pixelshaders and vertexshaders ,none of them are related to gunmodel,
      the same problem occurs in BF4 (3Dmigoto fix),Is this special game status ?
      i could find PS VS related to gunmodel in BF3 BFH FARCRY4........
      buy the way,tridef 3d almost turn all dx9 fps game with screendepth 2d gun and high convergence scene fused together,I think they did it on purpose.,but their technical support is dead..........

    3. I took a look with 3Dmigoto, and it looks like it's working OK on this game. It should be possible to do what you want, but it's going to be hard.

      There are multiple VS and PS for each component, and you need to kill them all. In this case I identified 3 separate VS that affect the gun. Go to HERE to see the shaders and an example with the gun made invisible.

      I don't know if these shaders affect other items, might be better to do the same with PS. You'd also need to replicate the helix fix in the shaders with 3Dmigoto. Not impossible, there aren't that many, and you have the ASM as a guide.

      In any case, this works, you just need to disable multiple shaders.

    4. As far as I know Unreal Engine doesnt distinguish shaders for guns between all other models/textures in game.
      It would be next to impossible. Like shader will control gun and a 1000+ walls, etc and each gun will be on 3/4 shaders.

  19. The fix is not working with GTX1080 cards.

    1. Win10x64, v.368.95 drivers, Dual SLI.

    2. Very unlikely to have anything to do with 1080 cards. SLI was also working with more recent drivers (fixing the SLI only problem of water for example.)

      "not working" doesn't provide enough information to make suggestions.

    3. Dll running shows me a message, that needs a card supporting DX11 or 10, or this versions of DX are not installed (but they are).

    4. Just tested it again, working well here with Steam version on Win 7, GTX 970, driver 368.81.

      The DX not installed problem is weird, we sometimes see that with 3Dmigoto fixes, but this is a HelixModx64 fix (the only x64 one actually).

      Might be a Win10 Anniversary update problem, we've seen other glitches related to that.

      Only thing I can suggest to try is to reinstall your driver, using DDU. On rare occasions it will get bad installs.

    5. Where is the author`s info, that this fix is x64 only?
      I have only x32 game exe version installed (and i`m gonna check why it has no x64).
      Ok, i think you are targeted, where the problem is. Thank you. After solving it, i will write about results.
      Please, let`s add the information about fix is x64 only to the post (this message is for eqzitara).

    6. Ah, sorry, I got that confused. HelixMod has multiple x64 fixes. This fix is for a x32 bit game though, as I think Bioshock Infinite only ever ran as x32.

      The part that is unique here is that this is the only DX11 fix for HelixMod. All others are DX9. So... unlikely to be what is going wrong in your case.

      Try running the game with the fix removed, but enable 3D. It will look terrible, but that will tell you whether it's a driver/OS problem versus a problem with HelixMod.

  20. Anyone notice weird shimmering around your weapon in 3D? Tried adjusting convergence and depth settings, but the issue persists. Suggestions?

    1. Did you
      ~Disable compatibility mode with Ctrl+Alt+F11 (check the green text to confirm that it is disabled - you should only need to do this once).

  21. Having an awesome time with this fix, thanks so much!

  22. Hi and thank you so much for your great job. I have no 3d viewfinder, what can i do ? thanks

  23. Cross air is ok !! Great great greaaaat

  24. Does this fix still work? My game keep chrashing on startup. Or am I doing something wrong?

    1. Just tested this again, and it's working OK here. Win10 1803, Driver 419.67. A few glitchy triangles on the loading screen, but gameplay seems correct. Hangs at exit. Not perfect, but still working.

    2. Okay I had 419.35 installed and Win 10 (also 1803). I just installed 425.31 (latest driver with working 3D) and tried again but the game still crashes instantly after the intro. As soon as I see the cursor the game closes it self without any further information. I also tried CMU and this works fine for me, I might will go with that, but I believe the fix would be better if it would work. BTW I installed it via 3D Fix Manager and also tried manually, both same result, even toggled the Compatibility Mode OFF like described. I am not sure what SSOA is and how to set it to "Normal" tho.

    3. ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion- it's a setting in the game itself under graphic properties.

      I'd try a full uninstall and reinstall of the game itself. Be sure to delete the target folder for the game so it can have a clean folder. Might also be worth deleting the game settings so it has to generate new settings. Look at pcgamingwiki for the locations. Run it once with no fix installed, no 3d enabled to get it cleanly setup. Make sure your graphic settings are how you want before you install the fix.

      Did you use DDU when you installed driver? Best to do full clean installs when you get problems like this.

      It's worth getting it to work in geometry 3D. Works really well once it's up and running.

    4. I reinstalled it and now it works :) the games does not crash anymore. It is looks better than the CMU version, so thanks for the suggestions.

    5. Glad to hear it! Game is terrific in Helix 3D. Part of what I try to do here is to test games when people report problems, so that you can know whether it's the fix or something unique to your machines.

    6. I'm having similar issues too now. 1809 with any driver after DDU install. Works fine in 2D.

    7. Ok, I've narrowed it down to the 3D Vision monitor only mode. It only happens when I turn it on in frame sequential mode. It doesn't crash on anaglyph mode.

    8. It works without the helix fix, but as soon as I install the helix fix, it wants to crash at the mouse cursor, that's when Steam seems to double launch by asking to play Bioshock infinite at that point. If steam didn't interfere, it would work fine.

    9. Took another look here, and it was crashing for me on driver 425.31, Win1803. Different driver for me. Digging into it for about an hour, there is a bad shader that seems to crash the game. No idea why this is different, but it's also the shader that was causing glitchy triangles from before. It has one comment "armor".

      If you remove the shader 38791777.txt from the ShaderOverride\VertexShaders folder, the game no longer crashes.

      Not sure what it does to gameplay, initial look seemed fine.

    10. I finally fixed the issue on my end by reading about a loading games crash behavior with 2D users. Apparently, when the My games Bioshock Infinite folder in the Documents folder is corrupt, the game will exhibit this issue. At first I thought it was solely a Helixmod issue since I could only generate the crash when loading using the 3d fix, but then I followed the instructions to remove the entire folder I mentioned. Since the folder doesn't clear up when verifying the Steam folder or uninstalling, the problem never goes away until I deleted that folder completely and let it rebuild itself after launching the game again. Now the game works, and that's without changing drivers or using DDU. Of course I used DDU everytime I changed drivers anyways but the actual solution was not as apparent as I thought. Thanks for mentioning about the shader. At least that fixes those artifacts. I was going through multiple drivers or changing settings at one point and I think that triggered the corrupt documents folder due to the artifacts I thought my card was overheating or had some faulty driver which lead me down this road. I even went and installed another videocard that had the same problem so I knew my card was fine.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The game crashes always when pressing the [ESC] key during the game (not at the start screen). A window opens that says that the DX11 card has been removed etc...
    I'm using 425.31 and Windows10 1909 (Windows10 1809 doesn't change anything)

    1. I have exactly the same problem and I'm on win7 / 411.63 and RTX2080 Ti

    2. I just tested in Win 10 (1803) / 1070 / 368.95 and there is no such problem. So it's definitely a driver or graphics card problem

    3. This problem only occurs if the fix has been installed. If you start the game without the fix it runs in 3D vision and the pause menu works fine.

    4. For me it was a problem with the 2C67DC93 vertex shader file, removed it, pause menu works, few effects broken but not unplayable.

    5. Deleting this worked for me also. The one bo3b mentioned didn't help.

    6. For me on Win 1809 rtx 2080 Ti with 425 drivers, deleting 2C67DC93 also worked for me. Thanks. Had the same pause menu crash issue and this fixed it

  27. Both of the Vertex Shaders that are crashing, 2C67DC93 & 38791777, are missing code in the declarations that's causing them to crash...

    dcl_sampler s15, mode_default
    dcl_resource_texture2d (float,float,float,float) t125

    Adding those 2 lines between the dcl_constantbuffer lines and the dcl_input lines fixes the Shaders and eliminates the crashing

  28. fix is 7 years old and it has not worked all this time . And you are reporting the solution just now?:)

    1. I don't remember having any issues with it 7 years ago but I never got around to finishing it, fast forward to now and I wanted to give it another go, so I dug a little deeper... :)

    2. Yeah it worked fine long ago, something changed in the driver or runtimes to make the shader compilation crash/error out.

      @TsaebehT: Thanks for figuring that out and letting us know how to make it work.

  29. I am trying to play this but it keeps crashing the moment I hit the start button on my controller. While in game the game runs but when I try to pause to put in via the game menu, game crashes. anyone else have this problem? also how can you set the SSAO? i don't see the option to in the game graphics settings

    1. I fixed it by deleting 2C67DC93 file from ShaderOverride\VertexShaders

  30. At first: Thanks for the great job. im confused. When i press ctrl+alt+f11 the crosshair is not ok. press it again it works, but i think the 3d fx is better when the crosshair is not there where it should be(maybe). in this state the nvidia crosshair is also wierd seperated. or should i do the ctrl+alt+f11 only one time at the first start and then never again? any advise...thanks

    1. add: without glasses i see only one crosshair

    2. Just tested this again, and it's still working nicely. I fixed the broken shaders as reported by Helifax and added a new download link.

      I don't think the ctrl-alt-f11 is necessary now, as the driver profile is already set for regular 3D. You want to see the green text in lower right to see which version is active. Compatibility mode is not what you want.

      The crosshair seemed pretty much flawless when I played, and follows depth properly. Try going further into the game, as it seemed stuck at screen depth in the opening screens.

    3. hi, thanks for that. I have now seen that the compatibility mode is off when the crosshairs works. so everything is fine. Thanks for the upload, I have added the new files. I was just confused because of the ctrl+alt+f11 thing. looks very nice in 3d :)

  31. Added Helifax's fix for the two crashing shaders, and it still seems to be running very well.
    Tested with free EpicGameStore version and that is working too.
    Ambient Occlusion still needs to be off.

  32. Hi Bo3b, thanks for the support. However, I can't seem to adjust convergence. Everything looks very flat. Is the Convergence locked? Only depth can be adjusted. thanks

  33. Never mind seem to have been disabled in the Nvidia control panel.
