Thursday, October 9, 2014

Endless Legend

Select viewing method: 3D Vision Plugin - Cross-eyed - Distance - Anaglyph

Last updated:   June 11, 2020

What this mod does:
- Fixes various haloing & lighting issues
- Moves HUD & UI into a fixed depth. Press the 'E' key to make the HUD & UI screen depth.
- Adds 2 convergence presets on the 'Q' key
- Adds a low convergence preset on the 'Caps Lock' key. Press this when in the Diplomacy screen or when inspecting a hero in the Heroes screen

Known Issue:
-Mouse cursor is screen depth

  1. Use Nvidia Inspector to assign "EndlessLegend.exe" to the profile "3D-Hub Player". (For instructions on how to assign profiles, see this guide)
  2. Download this ZIP file & extract the contents into the "..\Endless Legend\" directory.
  3. Recommended- In the Options menu, click on the UI tab and enable "Big Screen User Interface" 

Made this using DarkStarSword's Unity template.
 If you like this mod, consider supporting DarkStarSword on Patreon


  1. I have done the here above but no way... 3D Vision doesn't trigger at all...
    Was like this from start, I tried to remove the Endless Legend profile with NViudia Inspector, rebooted the PC but no way.

    1. Oh you're right. I forgot to add something. Try downloading & installing the fix again and let me know if it works.

    2. Hi, yes it now works! Well done ! I'm curious to understand what was missing BTW...
      Another trick is (sorry if I'm talking the obvious...):
      - remap convergence keys on Ctrl+'+' and Ctrl + '-' (using numeric keypad)
      - launch the game and Ctrl+T to remove 3D
      - select a location on the map where you want the mouse cursor to be @ ground height
      - Ctrl+T to reactivate 3D
      - Setup convergence so that there is only one mouse cursor

      This will actually adjust the whole game height so that the cursor is at chosen ground level making it much easier to play in my opinion.
      This also works well with other games such as Diablo.

    3. Additional note: would be curious to see if you can do the same on Wasteland 2.
      As far as I know it s another Unity game that has 3D Vision de-activated :-(

    4. I just added something to the dx9settings file that assigns the game to a profile. Also, thanks for your suggestion. Though I was unable to duplicate your trick for getting the cursor in depth. But I'll keep trying.. would be very handy indeed.

  2. Thanx for this great patch!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Falkir, don't hesitate to put some or YOUR free time into fixing games. Anybody can do it.

    2. I suspect that this will only work with 32-bit version, I believe you have to revert to 32-bit in steam copy.

  4. What does this line mean "Using Nvidia Inspector, remove "EndlessLegend.exe" from the Endless Legend profile"?
    What is Nvidia Inspector and where do I get it? I downloaded a tool called this from here but my screen just went black when I tried to launch it.

    1. Sorry for the late reply. I didn't see this comment.

      1) Open Nvidia Inspector, click the icon next to the driver version (looks like a wrench).

      2) In the profiles field, scroll down to "Endless Legend".

      3) On the top bar, click on the icon "remove application from current profile" (7th icon from the left). Then click on the red 'X' directly below it to remove "endlesslegend.exe" from the profile.

      4) When the "Delete Application" dialog box appears, click "Yes".

      5) Click on the icon "Apply Changes".

      Let me know if you are still having issues with this.

    2. Also, I'm not sure what to do regarding the black screen issues. I've never heard of that before. Perhaps try extracting Nvidia Inspector in a different location (maybe it's conflicting with something else). I did a google search, but I haven't found any similar symptoms. If I encounter anything, I'll post here.

  5. Hi the shadows seem to be broken. Has a patch broken this fix do you think?


  6. Hello, 4everAwake after the update 10/12/14, i'm having flickering shadows once again, before 3d was correct.
    I'am the only one?

    1. Hi Karl. I took a brief look and all shadows seem to be working ok for me. But I'll take a closer look at this fix tomorrow. Maybe try to Alt-Tab out of the game and back in?

    2. Also, lots of flickering textures with SLI, depending upon driver version.

  7. Thank you for the replies,
    i have a single GTX980, W7, 64bit with the latest nvidia drivers (347.09) the 3d would not kick in, i revert to 344.60, the 3d is now working, doing Alt-Tab the flickering shadows disappears but i have still double vision issues....

  8. After all the updates and DLC:s this fix seems to be broken. Would be great if it could be taken on the road again.

    1. Fix updated. Let me know if you encounter any issues regarding this fix.

    2. Great!

      Everything looks beautiful, but the white/coloured borders between regions seem to gradually disappear as you explore the map.

    3. I can't seem to duplicate the issue you are having. I started a new game & played 50 turns. But the borders look ok on my end.

  9. I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but I'm running Windows 10. Is there a Win 10 Nvidia driver that's compatible with this fix?

    1. Sorry for the late reply. I just updated the fix for the current game version. As far as I know, this fix should be compatible with any recent Geforce driver on Win 10. I'm still on Win 7 so I'm unable to verify at the moment. If you are still having problems, let me know.

  10. Hi,
    Fix seems to be mostly working, but with the latest Nvidia drivers seems some light effects around edges and/or shadows are now misaligned and doesn't look quite as good as before.

    1. Thank you for the update. I just updated the fix for the current game version.

  11. Hello 4everAwake

    Endless Legend no longer works in 3d vision
    can you afford to update the xcorrectif 3d vision?
    A big thank-you

    1. Hi stfparis. I currently don't own Shifters DLC. Anyways, I'm waiting for the next DLC to release (Tempest) before I re-fix this game (that way I don't have to fix the game twice). Sorry for the inconvenience.

  12. Hello 4everAwake
    Thank you very much for your answer.
    We will wait for your patch 3D with patience.
    Best Regards


  13. Thank You 4everAwake !!!

  14. hello 4everAwake

    I just buy tempest dlc
    3d and your patch does not work
    I'm a little disappointed
    Do you have a solution ??
    thank you very much

    1. Is 3D not turning on? If that's the case, try this:

      1) In your Steam library, right click on "Endless Legend" and select "Properties"
      2) Click "Set Launch Options"
      3) In the box, type: -window-mode exclusive
      4) Click Ok and run the game.

      Let me know if this works or not.

  15. 4everAwake

    Sorry patch not working
    Please thank you in advance for it to work

    1. Is 3D not turning on? If that's the case, try this:

      1) In your Steam library, right click on "Endless Legend" and select "Properties"
      2) Click "Set Launch Options"
      3) In the box, type: -window-mode exclusive
      4) Click Ok and run the game.

      Let me know if this works or not.

  16. Hello 4everAwake

    walk your solution !!
    thank you very much
    Good evening to you
    Best regards

  17. hello 4everAwake

    I just buy INFERNO dlc
    3d and your patch does not work
    I'm a little disappointed
    Do you have a solution ??
    thank you very much

  18. A big thanks to 4everAwake who updated this Fix allowing to play again in 3D vision to this game with dlc inferno

  19. Hello 4everAwake
    I just buy endless legend symbiosis
    3d and your patch does not work
    I'm a little disappointed
    Do you have a solution ??
    thank you very much

    1. Did you try swapping the d3d9.dll with the 32 bit version in the folder? For me it solved the problem, working perfect now with symbiosis

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