Monday, January 5, 2015

Lords of the Fallen : 3DMigoto 3D Vision DX11 Fix

3D Vision Fix by mike_ar69, Helifax, bo3b

1. Shadows.
2. Lights.
3. Fog.
4. Smoke.
5. Fire.
7. Special effects.
8. HUD.
9. Skybox.
10. Non-SLI: Disabled some "one-eye" rendering effects


This is a full 3D Vision fix for Lords of the Fallen.  It supersedes the initial fix by Helifax - if you installed that one please uninstall it completely before installing this one.

The game was launched with some serious stability issues in 3D, crashes, and of particular relevance to us disabling the 3D fix.  We include settings below that prevents this from happening.  We are not sure if we have completely solved the problem, but it is working well for us.

Developed and tested on:
- OS: Windows 7 x64
- GPU: SLI and non-SLI GTX 770, SLI and non-SLI GTX 780Ti, GTX 880M, GTX 780M
- Resolutions: 1080p, 720p, 1680x1050, 5040x1050
- Drivers: 344.65, 344.75, 347.09



1. Download the v1 fix here (or 8-18-16 Update from Masterotaku)
2. Unzip it into the games .exe directory e.g. for me this is "J:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Lords Of The Fallen\bin"
3. Go through all the steps described below in Setup.
4. Start game

Setup & Configuration

The game behaves differently in non-SLI, SLI and Surround, but we have provided a solution for all 3 cases.  You must edit the d3dx.ini file appropriately.  For non-SLI and Surround it was necessary to disable some minor effects that render in one eye (smoke and fog mostly), but there are a few that remain (fire mostly).

1. Disable Direct Compute paths

The game uses some Direct Compute paths to calculate/render some stuff. This means that these shaders or rendering pipeline is not handled by the CPU but directly loaded on the GPU and thus you are unable to intercept it or the 3D Vision driver for that matter.


1. Go go Documents\Lords Of the Fallen\settings.ini 
2. Open the file and modify it as it follows:

  1. ....
  2. // defines if APEX should utilize GPU support (e.g. for APEX Turbulence) if available (true/false)
  3. apex_gpu_support_enabled = false
  4. // defines the size of the physx timestep to use (a variable timestep will be used if the value is <= 0)
  5. physx_fixed_timestep_size = 0.016
  6. // enables lighting of dynamic objects via light probes
  7. enable_lightprobe_lighting = false
  8. // enables enlighten threads
  9. enable_enlighten = true
  10. // defines the interval at which the radiosity update scheduler gets updated
  11. enlighten_radiosity_update_interval = 10.000
  12. ....

3. Save the file. This will prevent the game from using the APEX (aka Direct Compute stuff).

2. Drivers
1. Original Profile
2. Set Shader Cache OFF
3. Set VSYNC as always ON.
4. Rest is normal.

3. Windows
- No overlays must be enabled!
- Be sure in regedit that you have 

  1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3D\StereoDefaultOn = 1
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3D\StereoDefaultONSet = 1
  3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\Stereo3D\EnableWindowedMode = 5

Otherwise the 3D Driver will not work properly!

4. 3DMigoto Config

We defined these constants to select in which "Mode" the game should render:

  1. [Constants]
  2. x = 0.0 // Single GPU & Single Screen. If set to 1.0 is Enabled. For Single Screen & SLI set to 0.0.
  3. y = 1.0 // Surround. If set to 1.0 is Enabled.
  4. z = 0.3 // Hud and Menus depth
  5. w = 0.0 // Nothing

So for SLI Single Screen
- x = 0
- y = 0

For Non-SLI Single Screen
- x = 1
- y = 0

Surround non-SLI & SLI
- y = 1

4. 3DMigoto Config: HUD SETUP

  1. [Constants]
  2. x = 0.0 // Single GPU & Single Screen. If set to 1.0 is Enabled. For Single Screen & SLI set to 0.0.
  3. y = 1.0 // Surround. If set to 1.0 is Enabled.
  4. z = 0.3 // Hud and Menus depth
  5. w = 0.0 // Nothing

Edit the "z" value:
- A value > 0 will push the HUD into depth
- A value < 0 will pop the HUD out of the screen

The HUD adjustment is basic - the whole HUD gets moved. 


1. Run the "uninstall.bat" file.

Known Issues

1. The game has some bad flickering in places.  This is a game/driver issue, not the fix.
2. Some wall symbol/glyphs are at the incorrect depth. (8-18-16 Update fixes all of them.)
3. In non-SLI, fires have a "one-eye" component that we were not able to remove without removing the entire fire.
4. There is a border on the edge of the screen as a result of pushing the HUD in.  This is tied to the nasty screen smudgy stuff and hexagonal light artifacts that the developers seem to think is cool. There is no way to get rid of this without disabling the HUD


  1. Thanks, you guys are awesome.

  2. Wow. Thank you! mrorange

  3. Thank you so very much for this.

  4. Do the modifications of the regedit have implications on 3D vision of other games? mrorange

  5. Fix is excellent now. Looks very very good and I can't wait to pimp my PC in order to play in very high. Thanks a lot.

    I only have the problem that the 3D turns sometimes off, e.g. when a loading screen comes. This did not happen with the first fix. By pressing the Windows key and turning 3D on and off this can be solved. But then it turns off again...


  6. Heh Mike's pictures always causing me extreme eye discomfort :D I think i could never get used to those depths, or me watching on a projector amplifies it somehow.

    Anyhow, the fix looks great! thanks a lot!

    1. Depth you "use" is much different on a projector opposed to monitor.
      Its based on screen size pretty much.

  7. You guys are my heroes. Very grateful for your work keeping 3D gaming alive and beautiful!

  8. Wanted to say thanks very much for the fix, it works great overall, a huge improvement. Only tiny issue was some of the shadows seem to be at slightly the wrong depth, but we're only talking a small percent of the shadows, and it's not something that stands out (I've double checked I have the fix installed correctly btw). This was in the area after the first boss out on the parapets and in some rooms.

    Any suggestions for in-game settings btw, anything that needs to be on or off for best 3D and anything that kills performance (single gtx970, single screen).

    Thanks again for the fix. Very pretty game and now looks great in stereo.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. As it turns out I myself found a shader I had missed just tonight as well. It turns out that different quality levels have different shaders, so that might be it. I'll see if I can track it down.

  9. One thing of NOTE:
    In Single GPUs Ambient Occlusion is rendered only in the RIGHT eye.
    Workaround for this is:
    - Go to Options->Video->Advanced
    - Set shadows to very high
    - Accept changes (Will complain about the need to restart the game)
    - Set them back to High.
    - Accept changes (Will complain about the need to restart the game)
    - Continue playing.

    This will solve the AO rendering issues.

    Also during cinematics the shadows might render at Wrong depth. This is due to the change in the FOV the game is using. I tried to find the shaders but since I can't pause the image during cinematics is really hard...

    Helifax (can't connect to my account for some weird reason... Work PC)

  10. Would like to start by saying thank you to everyone who has contributed to this (and all the other) fixes. Nvidia's ship would have sunk a LONG time ago without you doing what you do.
    My System specs; 2600k @ 4.8ghz, 8GB mem, 2x gtx 970 sli, 144hz asus 24", 3dvision2 live kit, windows 8.1 pro, Nvidia driver 347.09.
    I have followed the above instructions to the letter, but am unable to launch the game once the files are copied to the \bin folder. I have followed the steps outlined multiple (4x) times, all with the same end result. I am unsure where the problem lies, but in addition to the above steps I have also;

    set desktop refresh to 120 and game to 60 Disabled GPU physx.
    Ran game .exe as admin
    disabled intro vids via cmd line.
    attempted windowed mode.
    cleared shaderfixes folder
    cleared nvshaders folder
    Reinstalled driver and reapplied driver tweaks
    uninstalled 3d fix via uninstall.dat (game ran fine)
    copied 3dfix back in, stopped responding error at launch.
    I have disabled both Steam and MSI Afterburner OSD.

    I appreciate anyones advice, questions or suggestions. I too would love to enjoy this game in 3D. Thank you.

    1. Win 7 compat mode works to launch, shadows still seem off, blood, etc. Not going to rerun in compat mode due to this lame DRM. Thoughts, or perhaps win 8.1 x64 is just harder to implement?

    2. Good idea to try Win7 compatibility setting. Not sure about 8.1 support here, you might be first person to try. 8.1 has numerous problems with 3D Vision, so we mostly focus upon Win7. Numerous previous games work on 8.1 as well with 3Dmigoto, so it's not clear what happens here. You should try rolling back to 344.65 as being more compatible, 347.09 has known problems with 3D Vision.

      We know we have a crash with Dragon Age:I on 8.1 that only happens when using 3Dmigoto. Since this game uses the Denuvo DRM, it's entirely possible it has the same problem.

      Since you can get it to launch without crashing, you might be able to get the fix to work. Try setting the calls=1 in the d3dx.ini file, and run. Send me the log file <> and I can take a look and see. Can't guarantee anything except that I'll take a look.

  11. Thanks for the response bo3b, Applying win 7 compat to game .exe allows it to launch and looks great, getting some haloing at any depth above 2 or 3 bars from lowest though. Convergence not working via hotkeys, not sure if there is a way to force the convergence to work. My only concern using compatibility mode stemmed from Heli's post regarding the DRM locking him out of the game after running it a few times in compatibility mode. I did get one crash (Stopped responding) after an hour or so of game play, but surely thats just the steaming unpatched turd the game is. Still want some logs?

    1. the original issue i had with shadows was corrected after relaunching the game. So currently, as above, only dealing with haloing around models (slight, not major). The rest looks great, other than getting the depth/convergence perfect.

    2. Just stopping by one last time to update... The halo effect I experience only affects the text in game, I have had to drop shadows to high then back to ultra high to fix shadow flicker one time in 2+ hrs of game play. Honestly, other than compatibility with win 8.1 (Why MS, why?!?!), I would have to give everyone who participated in this a giant thumbs up. The game makes me drool. Seriously, if Nvidia cant update their own software, even with the cash flow they have to find the right people, and instead you guys make their tech work.....Seems you would do better to outshine them and take their customer base. Next time I have a 3dvision issue, I will be coming here or checking for YOUR posts on NV forums. Thanks again -C

    3. That halo effect sounds like it might be the NVidia Compatibility Mode (fake-3D), but I didn't think there was a profile for Lords yet. Did you switch to a different profile? Worth trying to turn it off with Ctrl-Alt-F11. You can see what mode it thinks it is in, and which profile, with Ctrl-Alt-Ins.

      Sounds suspiciously like fake-3D, with the low separation, convergence locked, text shimmer/haloing.

    4. Yes that is the impression it gives, however the actual 3d elements of the game are all rendering correctly and showing spatial accuracy. I am not using another profile, and you are correct there is no profile for this game atm.ctrl+alt+f11 has nothing to switch to. It just affects the 2d fonts on menus and in-game. It is working very well. Surprised Nvidia hasnt contracted you guys yet.


  12. Finally i bought the game, but i cant run it in 3D, even with no 3D on, after i copied the files into to /bin dir, the game crash at the loading screen. I followed the instructions and tried some stuff. Windows 8.1 x64...

    1. Did you try Cody's workaround of using Win7 compatibility mode? Seems like it's working for him on 8.1.

      BTW, the tool will crash if 3D is disable altogether in the control panel. Does have to be active (ctrl-t) but check-mark must be set. We patch traps that only happen in 3D mode, so without them it crashes.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It work if i set the game.exe in "Run as Administrator" Thanks for the fix


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Simetime i lost 3D after a cutszene or if a level load. tab to desktop or strg-t dont help. Only restart help, sometime i have to restart my computer.

  15. When i run the game, it crash. I followed the instructions, using Win7 compatibility mode, driver 344.65 run as administrator, nothing helps((

  16. Does this patch work with Ancient Labyrinth DLC? Did someone try it already?

  17. this makes the game crash on startup. any fix?

    1. Best bet is to use Win7, it's most compatible with 3D. If you have 8.1 you can also try Flugan's wrapper for this game. Look at the Dragon Age fix to find that.

  18. This game will crash on launch unless you delete GameOverlayRenderer64.dll from your Steam folder. You'll need to do this every time you restart Steam, as Steam will restore it on launch.

    1. Thank you this solved it for me. Any way to lock the refresh rate at 24hz for 3D Tv Play?

    2. Yes, thank you! I was about to give up on 3D since it kept crashing and then this totally worked!

  19. hey guys I followed the instructions but I'm getting really bad shadows, did the Driver part on Nvidia Control Panel -> Documents, settings -> d3dx settings -> regedit settings. I'm currently using windows 10 x64.... can somebody anyone please help me I'm dying to play this game in 3d, thanks for the support :)

  20. Any way to lock the refresh rate at 24hz for 3D Tv Play?

  21. Again thank you for all that you heroes do to keep 3D gaming alive. Got this game just because of the 3D fix and it looks fantastic and runs great in 3D. You rule!

  22. A huge thank you to you 3D heroes keeping 3D vision alive for us diehard users!

    Second, for anyone coming to this game late like me, two key details for this fix that I'll put here at the end in case you don't skim all the comments:

    1. You have to go to your /steam folder and delete the GameOverlayRenderer64.dll file or else the game will crash on launch. Steam will automatically regen that file whenever it is restarted (so you have to delete it before you play).

    2. Each time you start the game you might have to go to your "shadow quality" setting in options, switch it to another setting (it will say you may have to restart game) then switch back to your desired setting. This fixes weird issues with shadowing on the walls being different in each eye.
