Friday, May 29, 2020

Rocket League (DX11)

3Dmigoto 3D Vision DX11 Fix

Select viewing method: 3D Vision Plugin - Cross-eyed - Distance - Anaglyph

Last Updated:  June 9, 2020-- **The installation instructions have changed**

What this mod does:
- Fixes bloom, shadows, haloing issues, light shafts, HUD & UI depth

- Download this ZIP file and extract the contents into the directory "..\rocketleague\"
- For the Epic Game Store version:

  1. Navigate to "..\ProgramFiles(x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras\Overlay\"
  2. Move the files "EOSOVH-Win32-Shipping.dll" and "EOSOVH-Win64-Shipping.dll" into another directory

Additional Notes:
- When playing game mode "Rumble", press the 'Caps Lock' key or 'Xbox Right Shoulder' button to place the HUD further into the screen (for the red crosshair).
- Buttons and HUD depth settings can be changed in the d3dx.ini file

Update 12-2-20: This game was taken over by Epic, and is now free on their store.  However, they also force you to load their overlay.  That overlay is not compatible with 3Dmigoto, and will crash.  You can disable the overlay and still play in 3D, but will not be able to play online matches.  See this issue for more details.


  1. Awesome, thanks! I was looking at this with interest, will definitely pick it up now!

  2. Dunno if it's because the game just patched but I notice the game crashes on exit with the fix in place, and there's an odd pause when it's launched (possible the script fixing the shaders or something?). Other than that the 3D seems perfect with the fix though, so a big thanks from me :)

  3. Followed the instructions but that did nothing.

    1. Can you tell me more about your system (Win 7, Win 10) and if you're still having issues?

    2. Hey, another Anonymous here. I got the same "issue": followed instructions (unpacking into ..\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rocketleague\Binaries\Win32) and nothing changed (or I didn't notice it).

      Game played as normal, and 'Caps Lock' did nothing. Is there something really easy to check if it works?

      Windows 7, Nvidia 950 gtx, Passive EDID 3DTV hack with 3d Vision.

    3. Epic Game Store requires their new broken overlay, which will crash 3Dmigoto at launch. See this Issue:

      You can disable their overlay and play offline if that helps, but you can't join online matches without their overlay.

  4. This looks great, thank you. Just one thing, does anybody else have a problem where the 3d stops when they alt-tab out? This doesn't happen in my other 3d games. Cheers

    1. It's happening with me also. But I don't think there's anything I can do about this, unfortunately. For UE3 games, there's a flag that needs to be set in the "BaseEngine.ini" file that will prevent the 3D from disabling. But this game doesn't have that file.

    2. No worries, thanks. I think the engine config files are BaseSystemSettings.ini and DefaultSystemSettings.ini but I looked through them and couldn't find any flags related to 3D vision.

  5. Are getting lag and crashes after latest patch with the fix enabled, any chance of an update?
    Thanks for your awesome work on this so far!

    1. Sorry, the game is currently working good for me (no lags or crashes). I tested this fix with the latest drivers on Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit. What OS are you using. Also, try deleting "GameOverlayRenderer.dll" in the Steam directory and see if you are still having issues.

    2. I'm on Windows 10, the lag seems to happen whenever the games loads new textures in, like a player enter a game or browsing the garage inventory. The crashing isn't often and is probably just the game since I noticed it happening even without the fix enabled.
      Tried disabling all overlays, steam (removing the renderer dll) and rivatuner. No change. Had the lag when a player enters a game before this patch but not any lag from other stuff like browsing the garage. Also the game sometimes starts lagging on certain maps after a goal is scored, seems to stop if changing any graphic setting on and off.

  6. Thank you guys! This game in 3D is just a DREAM! Thanks for your great fix! 3D Vision 2 here, it's just perfect without any tweak!

  7. OKAY this game in 3D Is ridiculous and the HelixMod works way better than stock. THE UI IS POPPING and the depth is increidble. So good for aerials its like cheating

  8. I'm getting problems in the Dunk House stage. When something appears in front of the "hoops", a white silhouette appears on both sides of it. It only disappears when the object moves away from the hoop.

    1. Hi. Thanks for the heads up. I fixed the issue in the Dunk House and some minor issues in the Neo Tokyo arena.

  9. I think the new aquadome map will look great in 3D, but unfortunately it has all kinds of problems. If you have time it would be so great if you could fix it! And thank you so much for this great mod, I play using it almost every day.

    1. Hi. Thanks for the heads up. Fix has been updated.

    2. This looks great thank you! And so fast!

    3. Hmm Aquadome is still messed up for me with the new fix. Any Ideas why?

    4. Fix updated. Let me know if you see any other issues.

    5. Thank you! I appreciate your dedication.

    6. A couple of the maps with rain/water on the ground still show up a bit weird just fyi.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. you are great 4everAwake !!! You saved my evening :)

  12. Is there any way to re-enable the 3D after it has been disabled by something like alt-tab without restarting the game?

    1. I tried all kinds of ways and could not find one, but if somebody knows please do tell, because it's really annoying.

    2. Try this:

      1) Press Alt + Enter to switch the game to windowed mode
      2) Minimize the game window.

      When you want to return to the game-
      1) Click on the Rocket League window
      2) Press Alt + Enter to re-enable exclusive fullscreen
      3) Press Ctrl + T to re-enable 3D.

      Let me know if this works or not.

    3. This worked for me! This was really helpful thank you for this!

  13. This just looks amazing in 3d, thanks so much!!

  14. The latest patch derped some of the underwater maps just FYI

  15. Yes, at least the new dropshot map and aquadome have problems, if anyone has time to fix them that would be amazing! Thanks!

    1. Fix updated. Thanks for letting me know.

    2. You are very generous, thanks for taking the time!

    3. I don't know if this is just me, but I'm getting some red text across the top of my game that seems to caused by something in the d3d9.dll file. It starts "VS: 0 CRC32 0x4644B9C4 PS: 0:CRC320x" etc...

      Also, this is just a small issue, but on the new dropshot map when the holes in the floor appear things don't seem to render properly below them and they cause a strange effect behind the car.

      Would be great if you can help with either issue, but you have already done more than enough! Cheers

    4. I experience the same.
      Additionally, I noticed that the pscript.lua isn't included in this update and the log.txt contains referrals to it as missing. Adding it from the previous release doesn't seem to affect much, though...

      Otherwise, splendid work, your efforts are highly appreciated!

    5. Sorry. I got some directories mixed up when I went to zip up the fix. The problems should be resolved now. I apologize for the inconvenience.

  16. I hope to see a fix for this.. I can't play the game without 3d now

    1. Fix updated. Thanks for letting me know.

    2. Thank you so much for this!! You sir, made my day.. Keep up the great work ;)

  17. Hi again, my 3D is no longer working since I installed the Windows 10 creator update (I have tested other games and everything seems fine with them). It's very strange, everything seems normal, I'm clearly in 3D mode with the green text. But the 3D world is not splitting into it's two images, and the menu text is splitting but it's showing both images on every line of pixels (I'm using passive 3D with interlacing). I hope this makes sense, sorry I keep having problems with this game. Thank you so much if you have time to make a fix! Or any suggestions are welcome. Cheers

    1. Why not roll back from Creator Update? What's the point of 'upgrading' to broken setups? Is there something in Creator Update that seems really compelling? Game-Mode is a bust, it doesn't do anything.

      3D Vision with our fixes is a relatively fragile environment. Just changing stuff for the sake of change is going to cause you and us a lot of unnecessary work. In this case, being first on your block for Creator is a terrible idea, because these early editions are full of bugs. I discourage anyone from looking at these problems until Microsoft has updated to fix their bugs.

    2. I did indeed roll back the update, I had more general problems with FPS in other games, and the game-mode as mentioned seemed useless. So no worries!

    3. Same problem here. Forced installation of creators update. Then rollback and 3D vision does not kick in in RL. Other games work fine.

    4. I have the same problem... Even with a rollback it's screwed up.. I re-installed Helix mod as well and no go.. I'm screwed!!! This is my favorite game and it's ruined.. There's no going back it seems.. :(

    5. Andy Higgins. Did the rollback work for you??

      I tried rolling back windows, rolling back Nvidia Drivers and I even re-installed Rocket League just in case and it's still as you described for me. I'm clearly in 3d but image is not and text is doubled everywhere but everything is flat.. I'm so mad..I'm a hard working family guy and my relax time after the family is in bed is usually Rocket League.. I play it daily and for the past few days I haven't even touched it and all my friends are playing it but I can't join - the game is unplayable.. I tried for atleast 45 minutes not in 3d and its impossible to play since I have over 1000 hrs in 3d.. Man I hate Microsoft...From what I read here Helix Mod is not going to do anything on this one and it makes me realize how much 3d vision is impossible without these guys.. I can't be the only one with this issue! So Helix Mod, or anybody who reads this and think of what could be done to fix this. Please let me know. You have no idea how much I need this game to work!! Thanks in advance.

    6. No idea what the problem might be there. Seems like rollback doesn't really do the proper job. Microsoft no longer seems to care about bugs and keeps shipping broken stuff. I don't have Rocket League, so cannot take a look.

      If it's possible, your best bet is to dual-boot Win7. Win7 for gaming is going to be stable, because it is 'obsolete', and they'll stop jacking with it. Which is exactly what I want, because they no longer do any QA. (Fired entire QA staff for Win10)

      Setting up a dual boot is easiest if you can plug in a new HD and use the BIOS to select which to boot. You also don't need a legit key, it will just complain about not being genuine, but still run. Your choice, but I can promise that using Win7 for 3D will be more reliable.

    7. That's actually not a bad Idea..After reading your reply I tried the game inc ompatibility mode with win 7 and win 8. Still didn't work.. Now I came to 2 solution..

      Option 1: buying another hard drive and do what you suggested. The problem is that I have a very good rig and my HD is M.2 which is the HD I obviously want my games to launch on for performance so I would need win 7 as my main windows..

      Option 2: I'm thinking maybe simply doing a fresh format on win 10 and re-install everything.

      I appreciate your feedback. Thank you

    8. To fix this just go to game properties (the executable), Compatibility tab and check "Disable fullscreen optimizations".

      EDIT: more friendly fix: Go to Settings > Gaming > Game bar tab > Checkout "Show game bar when I play full screen games Microsoft has verified" and you don't need to check the "Disable full-screen optimizations" option per game. If that's not an available option then try updating to the most recent creators update to purposely disable it

      Hopefully this will save some hours to anyone out there.

    9. Chump Blaster,

      Thank you so much for sharing.. I did exactly what you said and its fixed!!!
      You made my day dude.. I'd buy you a beer if I could ;)

    10. I'm glad I could help. Cheers!

    11. SOLVED!
      Disabling the show gamebar option did the trick for me as well. Now I can experience the game in 3d for the first time, thanks!

    12. Went to play 3d today for the first time in a while and got this issue. Unfortunately the fix didn't work for me, tried disabling the full screen optimizations too. I've made sure all other overlays aren't running either, anything else to try?

    13. Just figured it out... Just had to Alt+Enter out of fullscreen then do it again to go back into full screen. Not sure why it makes a difference, maybe it was running borderless windowed for some reason? All good either way.

  18. Looks like one of the newer maps is broken, any chance of an updated fix?

  19. Anyone having problems with driver 382.33 on windows 7 or 10?

  20. FYI, there is an issue with aquadome map where 3D is broken.. Same issue as March 22nd that got fixed by "4ever Awake".

    I hate this map but it pops in so often. I thought I'd let you know. Thanks in advance

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Is anyone else having issues with the 3D fix not actually sending 3D frames to the glasses after the two-year anniversary update to Rocket League? The L/R frames just get overlaid in 2D on the monitor, but the shutters don't actually separate them.

  22. 3d has stopped working for me entirely now... it only seems to show the frames of one eye. Changing the depth moves the whole view to one side, but no 3d effect.

    Anyone else?

  23. Hello, help please!

    Sniper Elite 3 works fine, here are the screenshots:


    In the 3D Vision overlay says that Compatibility Mode is on.

    I am using 3D Fix Manager (plus I've installed the mod manually) for Rocket League, but every time all I get is this:


    The overlay doesn't mention Compatibility Mode. I have tried turning it on with CTRL + ALT + F11, but that doesn't do anything. All of the other keyboard shortcuts work, including 2D working fine if I CTRL + T.

    The foreground is getting duplicated in both eyes and there is no depth to the background. Is there something simply I'm missing to get it to 'click' into 3D? Many thanks.

    1. Check your NVidia Stereo Control Panel settings. You need to open Set Keyboard Shortcuts, then, Show advanced in-game settings, then check the box for Enable advanced in-game settings. By default this is disabled, and thus ctrl-alt-f11 won't work.

    2. bo3b, thanks for the reply. Yes, Advanced Settings is already enabled. The other keyboard shortcuts seem to work fine (...although I'm not sure whether the convergence shortcut is actually doing anything).

      Do you reckon that Compatibility Mode is the answer? Any ideas how to force it into it, other than by using the keyboard shortcut? Thanks again.

    3. Generally speaking people prefer a true-3D fix to CM, but I'm not sure if this fix is still working on this game, so if it's broken, you'd need CM to see 3D.

      But, taking a closer look at your image, it seems like 3D is completely broken here, showing a double image in each eye.

      I'd recommend doing a clean driver install using DDU, 385.69 is a good one. Lots of 388 drivers are borked, I would not use them. Also look in earlier comments to disable that idiotic Win10 game mode, it might be interfering.

    4. What you need to do is:
      1. Go to video settings
      2. Put the game in windowed mode
      3. Put the game back in fullscreen
      4. Hit ctrl-T

      It will work but 3D will vanish after 5-10 minutes of gameplay and only way to get it back is restarting.

  24. So my 3d broke again, after windows updates -.-
    Tried installing many different driver versions, including 382.xx which worked before and 385.69 which was suggested above. I tried uninstalling via:
    - simply installing a newer version (both clean install and normal install)
    - simply removing via standard windows remove programs tool
    - rolling back in device manager
    - removing fully using DDU
    Tried reinstalling fix manager
    Disable gamebar etc. via windows settings
    Uninstalling the windows update
    Starting to get desperate now...

    Anyone have an idea?

    1. Hi. The fix is still working on my end. I'm still using Windows 7, though. (Geforce drivers 388.59).

    2. Can you explain what you mean with broke?

      This is my situation: 3D Looks double but when I switch from windowed back to fullscreen it works then afte 5 minutes the 3D just vanishes.

    3. Mine crash, the game won't launch!
      rocket stop working and back to windows 8.1

  25. Got it working. In game settings, change video to windowed then back to full screen, then the 3D will start working properly, adjust the convergence a little and it'll look AMAZING.

  26. Am I the only one experiencing some very slow loading time for the game to launch itself or to load in a game or practice mode. Since the last Big Rocket league patch about 6-7 weeks's been very very long on loading anything. I removed the Helix mod files and the loading was extremely fast (normal).. As soon as I put the files for the fix it's back.. Anybody know what this could be? Any help is much appreciated!

    1. Try disabling 3D while it is loading, using Ctrl-T. There have been a couple of games that got confused by vsync being 'too fast.' Maybe start windowed, and use alt-enter to bring it full screen and show 3D.

  27. Hi bo3b, do you think there's a way to play it in 1080p checkerboard mode sbs or top bottom. Thanks bo3b

    1. Ah, this one is DX9, using HelixMod. That means we don't have access to the SBS shader or other techniques like that. I don't know of any way to get SBS out of a DX9 game. We have no mods for that at present.

    2. Thanks a lot for your answer bo3b

  28. We need another update. 3D is broken in dropschoot

  29. Hi there! Thank you very much for this mod, it worked really great for me so far! Unfortunately under Windows 10 1809, it's not working anymore because of too long match loading times. U can't join any online matches anymore cause it simply takes to long to load. Switching 3d off and later back on doesn't work either, still the same long loading times. This helix mod fix always enhanced my loading times in rocket league, but never to this extent. Is there a possiblity for a fix? Thanks!

  30. Did new update break it again? Not working for me anymore

  31. Seems to be working under Windows 10 1903 again.

  32. Hey 4everAwake, do you have a donations page? Also any chance of getting this to work in unison with the bakkesmod injector for custom training?

  33. Is this game still working for everyone? Not working for me after this latest update, but it might just be my squirrely computer...

    1. Yeah, refusing to boot up after latest update for me to. Shows the "press start" button screen in a flash and then quits :(. Game works in 2D tho.

      Really sucks, i can only play this game in 3D now :(

    2. Okay, appearantly they switched to DirectX 11. And the dx11 version seems to break it. For now we can opt out and use the directx9 version by adding -dx9 to the launch options. 3D will work again :).

      But Rocket League will be directx 11 going forward. So we do need a new fix for the dx11 version or no 3d anymore :(

    3. Crashes for me when i use the -dx9 launch option. I mean 3D kinda works without this fix but it looks shit.

  34. It working for me, but we need update becouse 3D is wrong in dropshoot.

  35. thanks a lot ! Now i can play this game on my projo with Top/Bot 3d .

  36. THX! Sooo muuuch!

    Finally! ;-)

  37. Thank You very much for update 4everAwake!

  38. Still 3D is broken in dropschoot 😭

    I'm begging you to fix it, please 🙏

  39. Impossible to make 3D working, the game crashes !

  40. If anyone is having trouble running this on Epic Games, the Overlay is causing it to crash

    Go to %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras\Overlay

    Make a folder like _disable and drag n drop the EOSOVH-Win64-Shipping.dll into it

    1. Still crashes if 3D is enabled, with and without moving that file. It used to work great on Steam.

    2. Thanks a lot !!! It's work !!!

    3. Thanks Tsaebeht, great find for the overlay conflict.

      @vic: are you running the schwing hack for recent drivers?

    4. @vic: if you're using the 32 bit version of the game move the 32 bit version of the dll, EOSOVH-Win32-Shipping.dll

      Technically you can move all the EOS* files but that specific dll is what was causing it for me

    5. Thank you for this, TsaebehT. I've updated the instructions above.

    6. I'm using 445.87 but with the 3D drivers installed from the 3D manager, other games work. I removed both win32 and win64 dlls and all the other files in the Overlay parent folder but it still crashes after the Psyonix logo.

    7. @vic if it's crashing without the fix installed when 3D is enabled that's a different issue. Most likely you need to hack/hex edit your nvwgf2um/nvwgf2umx.dlls, sorry not sure if 3D Fix Manager is supposed to do that or not or if there's an easier method. I've just been doing that part manually for now...

      Scroll down to Option 2: hex edit

    8. I finally got it working, I had to revert to 425.31 AND remove the dlls. I was on 432, 436 and 456 drivers before. 3D only works fine on some games, but 425.31 is necessary for Rocket League and Remnant on Epic.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Has anyone been banned for this? This modifies the dlls after all.

  43. It still works fine in 3D if I launch from 3DM but it's offline. If I launch from Epic it's online, but 3D is disabled.
    I noticed Remnant (epic) has a similar issue, except it asks me to login to epicgames on my browser when I launch the game, this gets it working online again (even though I already have Epic open). Rocket League doesn't ask for me to login again, maybe that's the problem.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Hello!

    Is someone still playing this game ?

    I have a problem that this game won't launch & crush to desktop on launch, even with 3DFM hitting play3D button.

    If someone have some solution plase share it.

    1. This is crashing now because Epic forces everyone to use their broken overlay, which will crash at launch. As noted in the comments right above. Latest version of 3DFM and HelixVision already has a fix for this.

      It's possible to disable the overlay after their store is launched, but you won't be able to play online matches because they now require their overlay for the social stuff. You can only play offline now.

    2. I have Steam version of this game & I launch via 3DFM. But maybe they have added this layer in Steam version too.

    3. I'm not sure, but I think I read that they force you to use their crappy overlay even for Steam version. Epic bought the game and probably force their social connection for matches. For Steam at least you can go back to older versions of the game where it works.

    4. Hey Skawen. The Steam version still works ok for me, using 3DFM. Windows 10 version 1909, Geforce driver 425.31 (installed via 3DFM). I'm not sure what could be causing the issue. Try this and let me know if it's still crashing:

      1) In the "..\rocketleague\binaries\win64\" directory, Open "d3dx.ini"
      2) Scroll down to the [Profile] section
      3) Under [Profile], enter the line: APP_COMPAT_SHIM = 2
      4) Save the file

  45. Thank You gentlemen for help & testing that this game is still playable!

    The problem was with the fix in 3DFM, I redownloaded it & now all runs fine.

  46. Just a heads up if anyone's thinking about purchasing Credits/Season Passes in-game, you need the Overlay in order to do this... temporarily disable the fix(move/rename d3d11.dll), start game, make purchase, exit, reenable fix and you're good to go! :)

  47. Another heads up if anyone's interested in playing this game online, I just noticed the updated notes say you can't play online. You CAN play this online with the dlls disabled/renamed the only thing you can't do is purchase credits, the issue I mentioned above, it needs the overlay in order to do that... :)

  48. I'm currently using the 3DMigoto Loader + the 3D fix to play online...

    target = RocketLeague.exe
    module = d3d11.dll
    launch = com.epicgames.launcher://apps/Sugar?action=launch&silent=true

  49. Hello everybody!
    I am not able to play Rocket in 3D, the game when the first image appears, it exits the game automatically. Can anyone play today 9/11/2022 in 3D?

  50. Works great still with GEO11. Delete EOSOVH-Shipping.dll and you can play online. Most stadiums look perfect. Stadiums with reflections look a little weird. Obviously reflections broke somewhere along the way.

    1. Could you please confirm that it still works for you? And if yes give me details on how you make it work. I'm playing the steam version with latest fix (3dmigoto on 3d vision compatible driver). The game starts fine with menu/background in 3d but as soon as I start an offline exhibition this is back to flat 2D (except for the HUD still in 3D). I tried to disable epic overlay (moving/deleting files the game just won't start) or using loader Params posted above but did not work. Thanks all for your precious support
