Saturday, October 31, 2015

Battlefield Hardline (DX11)

Update Oct 28-2018:
- Upgrade 3Dmigoto to 1.3.11

Update 11-01:
- Add more shadows/lights fixes

Big Thanks to helifax for the user,cfg file. Fix a lot of stuff in this engine.
Thanks to 4everAwake for help fixing shaders.

- Shadows
- Lights
- Reflections
- Sun /Sky
- HUD/Crosshair

- Post Proccesing MEDIUM
- All other settings in ULTRA, the game have a great performance, so no point to lower settings.
- 4xMSAA (i fix shaders in 2xMSAA, but again the game have great performance, no point to lower)
- You can use AO off, SSAO or looks better with HBAO

- "P" key for cycle through different crosshair depth
- "O" key for cycle through different Target icons depth
- "I" key for cycle through different depth for the rest of the HUD (minimap, gun info, menus, etc), there are 3 different depth, not to depth and not to pop looks good with rest of the HUD at screen depth.
- "L" key is for toggle lensflares ON/OFF (default OFF / ON have an aproximate fix, not perfect....i play without them, don't like in this particular game, to many of them)

-For the comments in the release post of BF4, that game have issues with win10 (maybe win 8.x), if you have issues with this game with those OS, try using flugan wrapper + shaderfixes folder + ini. Flugan wrapper don't support texture separation, so HUD/Croshair can be a mess.

- Extract where the .exe is located

Download Updated

Download Old


** Do you like the fix? **
If you like the fix, you can donate to this PAYPAL account:


  1. Amazing!!!! Nice work! Thanks a lot, your fix has transformed the game!

  2. Thanks a lot mate !
    Looking forward to play this one - when I have finished Wither 3 :)

  3. Game crash with this fix :(
    355.60 ver. driver / win 8.1 64 bit / 3D Vision 2 kit

  4. game crash also
    last 361.43 driver / win10 x64 / 3dvision kit 2 / 2X GEFORCE 980 SLI

    thank you for your efforts

  5. 361.75, same thing, bfh.exe crashes on launch (id 1000)

    1. Try replacing the dlls (d3d11.dll and nvapi64.dll) from the original fix, with the 3Dmigoto 1.2.27 version (x64) dlls


  6. thx DHR. I tried with 361.91 and the last 3Dmigoto v1.2.31. it's working fine.

    Badly, there are problems with the "objectives" in the game, [A] [B]... and all others signs. it's REALLY shifted. it's hard to me to explain. the "signs" & objectives in the "first perso view" are really seperated. For example, if i see the "A" objective with my only right eye or my only left eye, it's really not at the same place, all is double

  7. Salut DHR et encore merci pour ton merveilleux fix. Toutefois j'ai un problème avec certains objets du jeu comme par exemple les yeux ou les cheveux des personnages qui apparaissent au 1er plan. Aurais tu stp une idée sur l'origine de ce bug? Merci

  8. sorry, still not possible to launch the game with windows 10, origin, and the fix ....battelfield 4 and 1 are working fine with the fixes and win 10 :=( so why not BH ? so sad ...
