Thursday, June 16, 2016

Just Cause 3 (DX11)

- Shadows
- Lights
- Sun shafts
- Halos in effects
- Reflections
- Lensflares
- Terrain tesselation
- Add dynamic crosshair and target icons

Known issues:
- Some water reflections
- Cinematics and pause menu have a nasty 2D DOF effect (use the presets)
- During night, some lights have a cut-off issue
- SLI users: if you have water issues, use WATER = MEDIUM
- Some small lights
- Some HUD icons

- "P" key cycle between 2 convergence values, this is for cinematics and menus
- "Xbox X" button (500 delay) cycle between 2 convergence values, this is for cinematics and menus

- The game have some heavy stutter, use LOD = MEDIUM to reduce
- or use driver 372.90 which fixes stutter.
- Use shadows = HIGH or VERY HIGH.

TB and SBS Mode:
- The game support SBS/TB Mode using 3Dmigoto. Remove the ";" in the  ;run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS in the [Present] section of the d3dx.ini. Default TB Mode. F11 to cycle.

- Download
- Extract where the .exe is located
- Disable Boked DOF and Motion Blur
- Use HUD = only reticle in game settings

Thanks to bo3b for help me with some decompiler issues, important to fix shadows and lights
Thanks to DarkStarSword for all the help.

Update 07-31-16 - DHR:
- Re-fixing because recent update
Update 10-12-16 - Bo3b:
- Fix for crashes and all decals.

more info:

** Do you like the fix? **
If you like the fix, you can donate to this PAYPAL account:


    I don't have the game yet;) But now I am interested in buying it;)
    Awesome work my friend as always!!!


  2. oooooh i was waiting for it :) thank you a lot !

  3. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. Have been holding off playing this now for months.
    Fix looks really good, thank you very very muchly for all yours, Bo3b and DarkStarSword's awesomeness.
    Shoutout to all Aussie 3d gamers.

  4. I played through Just Cause 2 twice in 3D and it was epic. I hope Just Cause 3 is good as well.

  5. Which driver is the best?

    1. Very hard to say. I'd start with a very current version, maybe 368.69. As far as I know that's working OK.

  6. Where is the exe if you have steam? i don't see where the .exe is located

    1. Uh, "JustCause3.exe", in the root of the game folder. Steam game here.

  7. thank: i found it , steam-steamapps-common...sorry for my bad english...i'm french

  8. This is not working, the game crashes on start (driver version 368.81 geforce experience beta)

    1. Launches fine here, same driver. Still runs like a pig however.

    2. Yeah, same here - game crashes with fix applied. Win 10, 368.81. No other programs running in background. Disabling SLI / 3D Vision doesn't help - game still crashes. Any ideas?
      P.S. Will try clean install of drivers and report back...

    3. Clean reinstall of driver (DDU) didn't help...

    4. Game launches for me, but hard crashes my system (freeze with audio going beeeeeep) like a blue-screen after about 5 minutes of play. This happens even in 2D with no fix. Probably their shitty software again. But this does seem to be a driver level bug.

      Maybe try older drivers that were working before.

  9. still not possible to launch the game under win 10 with nex fix :-(

    1. Forum people have reported that it works for them under Win10.

  10. Black screen for a few seconds and then pschttt...nothing...:-((

  11. sorry, for me, just a quick black screen when launching (steam version) and then pschhhtttt, noting ...:-((

  12. sorry, seems to work with removing ; the line
    "; allow_create_device=2"

    1. thank! work fine! but removing only the symbole ; not all line !!! in d3dx find "[System]" and last line is ;allow_create_device=2. just elimine the symbole `; no more.....

  13. the game is crashing when i use the fix , i want to enable top_bottom mode and am on win10 64x , i tried to remove the symbole (;) but no success , sorry for my english and thank you for the fix :)

    1. Removing the ";" from the line, leaving:


      Allows this to work upon my Win10 machine. Driver 368.81.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello bo3d.

    i use 3DSurround i did "allow create" there are little problems with lights and alignment with the right monitor.

    do you think it's ok please ?

  15. When i uncoment "run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS" than my game crashes immediately. When I comment it again, than the game starts, but in 3D Vision mode and I cannot toggle it. :(

    I would like to try it in SBS mode.

    Please FIX

  16. Nevermind my last post... I am using 3D Fix Manager and it fixed all my issues. Thank you very much that you exist and for your great work. Keep it up. Thumbs up

  17. I just installed this for the first time.
    When I launch the screen opens the disappears.
    If I uninstall the fix it opens fine.
    Was there a windows 10 problem or something needed in order for it to work?.
    My build number is 1703 - 15063.413 so the newest version.


  18. How do you remove the xbox controller x binding. The convergence changes when you shoot in jet pack wing suit. Thanx

    1. Edit the d3dx.ini file, and look for the top section where key bindings are set up. You can comment out or change keys for any of those settings, including xbox settings. To comment out a line, put a semi-colon on the line as the first character.

  19. gerat fix DHR,There is no issue with game rendering before using the issue is All vehicles in the game do not have shadows when apply fix . Only the wheels have shadows. The settings inside the game are adjusted according to the instructions, different driving versions are tested. Now it is the latest system is win7 gtx970

  20. Hello, exactly where is the file location for these steps? I can't seem to locate the right file to edit.
    Where do i find "[System]" and last line allow_create_device=2 ?where's the d3dx file? i need the step by step, sorry.

  21. I ask because the game is crashing at the start when I try to run in 3D through 3D Fix Manager

  22. Hello, the game crashes at start when trying to play 3d with 3d fix manager.

    I tried to remove ; symbol from the [System] last line of allow_create_device=2 from the d3dx file located in C:\Program Files (x86)\3D Fix Manager\Fixes\251\ini_files and it still crashes at the start.

    is tis right? and something else I can try? thanks for the help

  23. Also crashing for me when trying to play 3D with the fix

    1. Just tested this again, and it's working well. Win7, Driver 378.92. No crashes, fix is correct. Used 3D Fix Manager, and let it update to 1.3.11.

  24. Crashing within 5 seconds after clicking play 3d.

    1. Looks like Win10 broke things, again.

      Make sure you allow 3D Fix Manager to update to latest DLLs, then also uncomment the line allow_create_device=2 in the d3dx.ini, by removing the semicolon.

      This worked here for Win10 1803, Driver 390.77.

    2. I just tried the game + 3D fix for the first time and I also had that crash.

      @Bo3b: Thx for the tip with allow_create_device=2. With this the game started without any issues. Both 3dmigoto versions 1.2.44 and 1.3.11 worked. I've configured the fix profile that it adds this entry to d3dx.ini automatically now. I'll publish the updated profile for Just Cause 3 soon.

    3. Yep, for 1.3.11 the d3dx.ini default has changed to allows allow_create_device=2, but this fix is pretty old, so it has that value unset in it's d3dx.ini. As a general rule, setting it =2 should always work now for 1.3.11 if you want make that change at the same time as dropping in the 1.3.11 dlls.

  25. Hello. I have a problem with the HUB. The target is a bit righter that it should. It just need to be a bit left. Can i fix it somehow? Thx for the fix!

  26. I also noticed this. A bit tricky trying to aim slightly to the left of the target.

    1. I just tried this again, and it seems to be working correctly here. Aiming seems spot on. If I aim with sniper rifle at a decal of some form, I can hit exactly the spot. I can shoot birds out of the sky, and do headshots from distance. Not sure what you are seeing here, but I don't think it's related to our fix. Be sure to set to Reticle Only.

    2. Hey guys, check to make sure you are NOT in Compatibility Mode If you are in CM, yes, your bullets/aiming will be off to the left. DHR fix, you'll be spot on. :-) Still one of my favorites.

    3. Good call djb, thanks for the suggestion. I couldn't think of any way we'd be affecting this. :->

      Guys- just to clarify, you either want to use our fix, or CM, not both at once. Naturally I think our fix is vastly superior and should be the call, but performance is a problem with this game. No longer stutters like a freight train though, thankfully.

    4. I was in CM mode! I fix it, really thanks :).

  27. how do you disable CM mode? ...cant seem to find anything in the nvidia control panel sections.

  28. advanced hotkeys where disabled ,,,it happens every driver update. user error 42

  29. Did anyone get this to work with Geo-11? Missing ground textures for me. This game has INCREDIBLE explosions!
