Monday, January 29, 2018

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (DX11)

Update 01-29-2018:
- Thanks to DarkStarSword, all the LIGHTS are ON and fixed. Now the game looks awesome,

Update 12-20
- Workaround to fix reflection using 1080p or higher. Thanks whyme466!!
- Add instructions to enable SBS or TaB Mode

Update 12-04:
- Update to 3Dmigoto 1.2.50. Now is not neccesary to use Nvidia inspector to change profile. Thanks DSS!!

- CS Lights Fixed!! thanks to DSS!!
- Shadows
- Lights
- Reflections
- Skyboxes/Sun/Moon
- Sun glow
- Lensflares (Aproximate)
- Others

- Use Reflections = HIPER, i fix all stuff using this option. I test changing to ohers settings and all work OK.
- Disable all HUD elements in the game menu. There is one Shader/texture for all the HUD, i can't separate to do a more complex stuff.
- A couple of times changing some settings and the other when i have to kill the game exe to exit, the next time i fire up the game some reflections where broken....i have to re-install the driver to fix that, very strange behavior.

Know issue:
- For 720p resolution you can use Resolution Scaling = 1.0, for others resolutions use 0.9.
- For 1080p resolution or higher use Resolution Scaling = 0.9 to fix reflections. Thanks whyme466!!

- Xbox Pad down and "O" key put the Target icons + some part of the HUD in to depth
- Xbox Pad up and "P" key remove the Target icons and HUD

TB and SBS Mode:
- The game support SBS/TB Mode using 3Dmigoto. Remove the ";" in the  ;run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS in the [Present] section of the d3dx.ini. Default TB Mode. F11 to cycle.

- Extract .zip where the .EXE is located
- Start the game, when "Rundll32" prompt appear, press "Yes". This is for the Profile Override needed for this game.

Donwload Updated

Download OLD


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  1. O.M.G.!!! Thank you SO MUCH, DHR!!!

  2. Again thanks for the hard work DHR!

  3. Thanks for this good job.
    a french fan

  4. I thought generally screenspace reflections are not fixable for S3D rendering. I don't have a copy of the game (Mirror's Edge Catalyst) so could you elaborate a little bit on this topic (SSR in S3D) ?

    It is a topic that interests me very much. Thanks in advance :)

    1. Hi Oneofthe8devilz! SSR is fixable, almost all games whit broken reflections are fixed. Every game is a different world....different pattern for fixing.

      In this game reflections are fixed, if you look at the screenshots you will see it.

    2. Interesting... then I wonder why the "Oculus Team" decided to discard SSRs during the optimization of the Unreal Engine 4 for VR:

      "Current state-of-the-art rendering often leverages screen-space effects, such as screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) and screen-space reflections (SSR). Each of these are well known for their realistic and high-quality visual impact, but they make tradeoffs that aren’t ideal in VR. Operating purely in screen-space can introduce incorrect stereo disparities (differences in the images shown to each eye), which some find uncomfortable. Along with the cost of rendering these effects, this made us more comfortable forgoing support of those features in our use case."

    3. That's because the Oculus team does not know as much about stereoscopic 3D as we do. No, really. We fix these effects ALL the time, and they don't understand that they can deproject, fix, then reproject. They have the naive DX8 view of stereoscopic that it all should be done in the pixel shaders.

      The VR emphasis right now is forward rendering only. Unity has had forward rendering always, Unreal4 finally is realizing they need it. Screen space effects are deferred rendering, and it gives fairly bad results in VR, not only glitches for bad effects.

      Performance is the biggest reason they are moving away from it right now. It's easy enough to hit 30 fps with fancy effects, hitting 180 fps (90x2 eyes) is a LOT harder. The other kicker is that for VR headsets, you really, really need MSAA because of the low resolution and constant screen/head movement making edge pixels shimmer. MSAA doesn't work on deferred rendering without a lot of heroics.

      BTW, this discussion doesn't really belong here, this should be about the Mirrors Edge fix itself. If you want more discussion, please use the 3D Vision forums.

    4. Great explanation bo3b, thank you.

  5. Thanks for the detailed reply ... much appreciated :) *thumbs*

  6. Thanks a lot to you for that fix ...
    but I have a question, theres a problem with the reflections for me, they look partially strange.
    I tried reinstalling driver, reinstalling the game but nothing changed.
    Did I do something wrong: I deleted original Mirrors Edge Catalyst Profile in nVidia profile inspector and added the mirrorsedgecatalyst.exe to the battlefield 1 profile ... thats the right way?

    1. Hi stepsbarto....i have some issues with reflections in some particular cases, where re-installing the drivers fix it (but you already did that). Are you using Reflections = hiper?

      And yes, add the EXE to B1 profile is the correct way.

      Also if you can upload a screenthos of the issue....will be better to send me a PM over the 3Dvision forum with the screenshot.

    2. Finally I got it working in 1280x720 (strange) but thats OK for me ... very nice .... thx for the fix...

    3. I'm also playing this game in 720p (150% scaling)....i will try in 1080 TaB Mode if reflections are working properly.....very strange behavior if don't work properly on that resolution.

    4. I have the exact same problem. It works in 720p and don’t work in 1080p. The problem is, because my display is line interlaced in 720p it only works in with black borders! Has anyone a fix for that?

    5. suddenly the reflections are bad again, no matter what resolution etc .... strange thing


    6. There must be something related to the driver. Re-installing the driver fix it for me.
      Try to make all the changes in the video settings once...and never touch that menu again.

    7. Well no success at all ... reinstalling driver and game etc ..
      (But I have noticed sometimes the nvidia messages are in one eye only ... ?!? )

    8. Make sure the game is running properly *before* you install the fix. One-eye problems are always driver and profile related, and have nothing to do with the fix.

      You need to make sure that you don't have broken 3D before you start installing the fix. It needs to work and show in both eyes, just be at the wrong depth for lights and shadows. Only after 3D seems to be working is it worth installing a fix.

    9. Re-install the driver fix it in my case (using DDU and clean install).
      Also remember to change the profile again after re-installing the driver. the profile is also important.

      What a strange issue we have here in this game. Damn frostbite engine.

    10. thanks for your replies ... but I tried these things and it was working and then broke again ..
      .. that one eye green nvidia message I have now is only in ME Catalyst, not in other games.


  7. Where can i change the reflections to hiper? I'm a bit confused.


    1. In the video option --> REFLECTION QUALITY = HYPER

  8. Greets, about battlefield 1 profile... How do I do this? Do I have to delete mirror's edge profile and add mirror's edge.exe to battlefield 1 profile? OR Do I have to change some inputs in Mirror's edge profile?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. In the guides section-

    2. Hi Mario!
      I upate the wrapper, So now is not neccesary to update the profile. Re-download the fix.

  9. Is it possible to change the settings, so the output forced to be Side-by-Side?

    1. Yes, remove the ";" from this line in the d3dx.ini: ";run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS"
      F11 to cycle through others modes (TaB, SBS)

  10. Can you upload older version of the fix? I updated the fix and now it wont work at all. Broken shaders, green nvidia 3d message shows in one eye. Message says fix by DHR so it loads ok? ALso i dont get any Rundll32 prompts, could that be the reason it wont work? I changed profile to bf1 manually but still doesnt work.

    1. NVM its working on windows 7. Couldnt get it to work on win10 for some reason.

    2. Sorry for spamming but fix broke on second boot on win7 too. Got frustrated and deleted the whole game. Could still use older fix for testing to see if the problem is the new 3dmigoto. Profile doesnt load automatically for me thats for sure(geen text shows mirrors edge profile if i dont change it manually) and i dont get any promt either.

    3. The fix is the same, the only thing i add is the profile override.

      When you enter the game, the nvidia overlay says "3Dfix by DHR"? if you see that message the profile is loaded. The runll32 only appear once (the first time you launch the game with the fix).

      If you want the old fix, comment with ";" all the parameters in the [Profile] section and use the B1 profile.

    4. maybe you could try this
      it worked for me
      change resolution scale to 0.9 and back to 1.0

    5. Thanks for the link but i couldnt make it work. 3d looks now good except reflections are broken no matter what i tried. Must be something to my system. TBH i didnt try to troubleshoot that much because i get frustrated pretty quickly. Res scale did change something in the reflections though but they still remained broken.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Guys. Correction does not work as it should.
    I tried all the options. Reinstall the driver changed his profile, he played with the settings in the game and in the NVIDIA driver ...
    Two days of torment and experiments - corrections are included only once. After restarting the game - 3D broken again!

  13. I can't seem to get it to work without enabling compatibility mode... I've tried all the other things people have described, including scaling, but no matter what combination of things I try, there are places where only one eye sees a shadow or a light, and the shadow/light is missing from the other eye

    This effect gets worse the higher the stereo depth setting

    It makes it unplayable given how distracting it is. Turning on compatibility mode "fixes" this, but then the perceived depth is very, very small.

  14. I recently fired up the game (no patches) and it works "perfectly fine" other than the fact that there is haloing on some elements, body and fences, and the fact that several of the ui elements are at the wrong depth (screen depth for some on screen waypoint icons and some elements like the health bar partially clipping the edge of the screen) I don't think you can adjust convergence by default :(

  15. Was having issues with shadows, going crazy, tried everything. FINALLY I read a topic about pixilated shadows and long story short click the ignore video memory option and everything looks good again.

  16. 3d vision no longer works. cant get it working no matter what i do. It wont even activate.

  17. Replies
    1. Well first thing is to get it drawing 3D Vision, with no fix installed.

      Make sure that it is running in exclusive full screen. Bordered windowless never works in 3D.

      If that doesn't seem to work, try older drivers to try to narrow down what happened. Try to figure out why it no longer activates 3D Vision.

  18. Hello,

    It seems, the game crashes on start, if Steam overlay is active. I could start it without steam, but then the Steam controller is not working.

    I even deactivated the Steam overlay completely, but the game still crashes.

    I already tried using 360ce for redirecting the controller, but the game doen't get XBOX inputs from 360ce.

    The only thing, I managed to work, is to use Steam controller via Desktop settings (means not as XBOX controller, but as keyboard in game).

    Has anyone an idea, how to fix this?

    1. Try setting the allow_dxgi1_2=2 in the d3dx.ini file. This might cause other problems, but has worked for other games.

    2. I already tried that. But accidentally typed "=1" instead of "=2". Now it works. Thanks.

  19. Hallo,

    I occasionally have wrong reflections (especially in buildings). Most oft the time, the reflections are OK.

    The bigger problem is, that everytime a message appears in the left right corner the image becomes flat. I have not found an option to turn of those messages. Very annoying are the message to press space, when I use the rope!

    Has anyone find a solution for that?

  20. You can disable it by commenting or removing all lines in the "Override to make the Menu 2D" section at the bottom of d3dx.ini.

  21. so i recently bought this game and only just started playing. 3D works and looks great, no issues on that, but i get a driver crash about 15 minutes in the game. not a specific part of the game, it just happens. nvidia driver shows a long error message and the game freezes and stops working. the error says something really weird about making sure if the gpu is properly installed and enough vram available (neither of these are a problem, checked) among other things. ive reinstalled drivers. also the crash goes away if i uninstall this fix and i can play the game just fine without it.

    anyone got any ideas what it could be? has the game been updated or something?

    1. Same crashing problem with me. I am using 399.24 drivers.

    2. There is some discussion that this is a game problem if you have multiple monitors enabled.

      I don't think this is a 3D or fix problem specifically, although that is always possible. If you can narrow it down some that would be very helpful.

      Make sure you don't have *any* overlays active. They are almost always badly coded, and tend to crash or introduce bugs. Check your thermals for your CPU and GPU to be sure they are not a problem. Make sure to disable any OC as an experiment.

      Also try *underclocking* your GPU as an experiment. I had a weird crash in Deus Ex that was the only game that tickled a particular problem on my GPU, that was running at stock. Underclocking avoided the crash.

  22. Just finished the game (main missions) in 3D with ea play (game pass)
    thank you so much
