Saturday, October 21, 2023

Tekken 7

3D Vision and geo-11 fix for Tekken 7.

Update  (2023-10-21): added geo-11 fix. Redone from scratch and better than before. Autoconvergence configured, motion blur fixed, and more. However, I disabled all custom hotkeys except manual convergence presets, which will only work when autoconvergence is disabled.

Is you are interested in the list of changes of the previous fix, check this file.

- Lighting.
- Specular lighting with realistic depth.
- Light shafts.
- Screen space reflections.
- Smoke.
- Shadows.
- Skybox.
- Heatwave effects.
- Transparency effect in geometry.
- Compute shaders clipping.
- Depth of field.
- Ambient occlusion bug at certain resolutions.
- Motion blur.
- And a lot more inaccurate effects.
- Vignette disabled by default (check the x12 value in d3dx.ini).

- (geo-11, recommended, with build v0.6.182): download this file and extract its contents in the "TEKKEN 7\TekkenGame\Binaries\Win64" folder, where "TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change your "direct_mode" to the output you need.
- (Older 3D Vision, for history purposes): download this file and extract its contents in the "TEKKEN 7\TekkenGame\Binaries\Win64" folder, where "TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" is.
- Launch the game and let it apply the profile changes.

- F1: four convergence presets.
- F2: HUD depth presets. Screen depth by default.
- F3: HUD toggle (with a nice collapse animation).
- F4: bloom and lens dirt toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F5: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F6: Arena stage TVs convergence presets. By default, they now display a 3D image, probably as a side effect of other recent fixes. those TVs are in 2D, but if you open "d3dx.ini" and uncomment the ";[TextureOverride1]" line and its two following lines, those TVs will render in 3D. Use for fun and testing if you want.
- z: Kuma/Panda hair toggle. If you use a high/max textures setting, they will have hair, which needs a lot more GPU power than normal. Using this hotkey will disable their hair and you will get a lot more fps. They have hair by default.
- Right trigger controller button: low convergence preset while holding it. If you use that button for combos, you can disable or change the hotkey in "d3dx.ini" ([Key8]).
- x: some HUD elements have variable depth by default (some at screen depth, and some at full depth), so with this hotkey (which is disabled by default), you will be able to use a positive, negative, or disabled correction (3 presets), which also inherit your F2 hotkey values.
- 1 (not the numpad): screen space reflections smoothness toggle. It disables the average smoothing it does over time (you may see some dithering with flickering, but better clarity). Not disabled by default.
- 2 (not the numpad): screen space reflections toggle. Not disabled by default.
- 3 (not the numpad): CS lighting (fake reflections) position toggle. Full depth by default. Press it to use surface depth. (removed)

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:


  1. Very nice excellent work .

  2. Thanks to you I can enjoy some great fighting game`s in 3D
    Again huge thanks for all the hard work and efforts!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey masterotaku, thanks for the fix - having some friends over tomorrow and planning to put this up on the projector :)

    For any DX11 fixes where you need a specific profile, I really recommend using 3DMigoto's built in profile manager in the d3dx.ini - you can either set exactly the settings you need (which I recommend if you understand which they are), OR run the game with the profile you want to use, then take a look in the d3d11_log.txt to find the active profile (which will be just after all the ini settings - starts with 'Profile "blah"' and ends with 'EndProfile' and looks very similar to the output from Geforce Profile Manager, but with the settings decrypted and some comments added) and copy and paste it into the d3dx.ini under [Profile]. Don't worry about changing it to look like the example settings in the d3dx.ini - 3DMigoto supports reading the profile in the exact same format it logged it in (alternatively you can actually copy and paste it out of Geforce Profile Manager, but if you do that make sure you remove all the encrypted SettingStrings).

    1. Patch went up yesterday and online matchmaking connectivity is greatly improved. Thanks again for the Fix masterotaku..
      DarkStarSword. There is still an issue with specular lights, maybe you can assist with your wizardry to get this final issue resolved? =)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for the Update. Really appreciate you keeping on top of this. I guess at this stage it maybe just that final fantasy character to come, unless they decide to do a season two. Game works perfectly with no stuttering I guess due to the precompiled shaders =)

  7. Wow huge thanks for the Update and all the great fixes!

  8. fantastic fix thank you very much, however does anyone else experience "precipice of fate" as really bright and green? (so bright you cant really see what is going on?) i did experience on some other stages before the update however the latest version fixed those (once again fab work thank you very much)

    1. I had this problem, on an older driver. It actually happened on all the stages randomly never quite worked out what was going on, but Once I removed my Video card overclock it went away.

    2. Correction I believe this is an SLI problem.

  9. Thanks for the update/fixes :)
    Did leave a little gift for you Masterkotaku

  10. Hello
    Can you turn HUD toggle into Cheat Engine? Thanks for update

    1. No, I can't. Also, toggling the HUD off with my fix can be unsafe because if it's disabled before a battle and you try to to enable it again in a battle, some of its elements won't be visible.

  11. i have copied the files and followed your instructions but still its not fixing the 3d blur

    1. What do you mean by 3D blur?

      You might try using the 3D Fix Manager to install and run the fix, it simplifies a lot of things.

  12. i doesnt work on my pc . when i open the game it only show white screen . what should i do ?

  13. Im getting the super high key brightness problem on some stages.

  14. Thank you for all your hard work in keeping games enjoyable for us.

    As of the March 22 update to Tekken 7, Tekken 7 takes 4 minutes to begin launch if run in 3D. (System: i7, RTX2060)
    Game launches normally if run in 2D.
    When game does finally launch, it is in 3D, but without the 3D Fix. (There is no green text, artifacts are present, and none of the 3D-Fix hotkeys do anything. If I press Ctl-Alt-Ins it says "Tekken 7 / Rating: Fair / Options/Graphics Settings/Shadow Settings = Low / Press Ctrl+Alt+Insert - to toggle this info.")

    I uninstalled Tekken 7, then re-installed it. Behavior is the same. This time I noticed that when the game launched 4 minutes after starting it, there was red text in the upper left, saying something like:

    WARNING: d3dx.ini entry outside of section

    Game launches with the standard Nvidia 3D driver, not the 3D Fix version.

    As a sanity check, I launched Soul Calibur 6. It ran normally, with the HDR / masterotaku fix.

    1. Finally fixed - I attempted these steps: (this may not be the most efficient way, some steps may be redundant)

      1. Clicked [Delete] in 3DFM, to remove TEKKEN 7 profile: 3D and "out of section" WARNING did not change
      2. Ran uninstall.bat in game folder, to remove 3D Fix completely: WARNING went away
      - When 3DFM [Search games] is run, it detects all games except TEKKEN 7.
      3. Deleted Program FIles(x86)\3D Fix Manager\updateFixes\Fixes\631\.
      - 3DFM still does not detect TEKKEN 7.
      4. Restored 631\ folder which was deleted in step 3.
      5. Clicked [New] in 3DFM. Selected Simple View. Clicked TEKKEN 7 in drop-down list.
      . Pressing [Detect Engine] gave error message. I pressed [Search Steam DB].
      . I said [Yes] to "Do you want to add [universal 3D fix for Unreal Engine 4]?
      . I clicked [Create Profile] (or similar), and said [Yes] to automatically detect game .exe.
      . TEKKEN 7 profile was installed, but it says "Game not installed", even though Steam runs the game.
      6. Clicked on [Download 3D Fix]. 3DFM then says "Download completed", but there is no option to run game.
      . Game is listed under All Games, but not under Installed Games.
      7. I downloaded Tekken7_3D_Vision_fix.7z from, and installed it.
      8. I made sure that "3D" and "Driver mod >v.1903" were enabled in upper right corner of 3DFM.
      9. I launched TEKKEN 7 from Steam.
      . It still launches with default 3D, not the 3D Fix (judging by the green text), but ...
      . However, 3D artifacts are no longer present, as if the Fix is installed! 3D Fix hotkeys work!

      So now the 3D Fix is working again, though the green compatibility text is still from the NVidia unpatched driver.

  15. /cheer Thank YouUUUUUUUUUUUU , you are the man.

  16. geo-11 fix and drivers 425.31 give me some strange 3d errors. It was all good with old fix and 3dvision.

    1. ok i have new tekken 7 ver and the fix is amazing hovever there is some strange autoconvergence
      behavior (zoom in and out)but only in Abandoned Temple stage when fighting akuma.If you could only fix this please.Best 3d fighting game in 3d

    2. anyone?can help?please ?I know that I can always switch off autoconvergence and set it for my needs but then convergence preset for cutscenes story cutscenes, battle intros and outros, but not Rage Arts is to high and my eyes hurt :-( try to edit in d3dx.ini but no effect

    3. 为什么血条不能往后移,那样出屏感会更强啊!
