Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation

Download the fix: 3Dfix-DOAX-VenusVacation-2.3.7z

This is not to be confused with the console exclusive game Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Venus. This is a free to play casual volleyball management game, and lacks the volleyball gameplay or minigames of its console counterpart.

There are two versions of this game - a Japanese version available through DMM, and a recently released English version currently on Steam. The Japanese version has been around for longer and has more content and features than the English version, but obviously the English version is easier to understand and is playing catch-up with old events from the Japanese version. Most mods will work fine on either version (with some exceptions).

For help with installing the Japanese version refer to this article (the camera mode of the Google Translate Android app may also be helpful for any steps that have changed since this article was written), and the beginners guide to understand the game itself and the reddit community for event guides.

The English version is partially region locked and the store page is not visible from most Western countries, however many people can trivially bypass this by simply following this link to install the game. If that doesn't work connect to a VPN endpoint in a South-East Asia country (e.g. Hong Kong or Singapore, but NOT Japan) to install the game. Once installed you do not need the VPN to play.

Costume Mods

This mod primarily adds support for NVIDIA 3D Vision to the game, but it is also required for the costume mods available for this game. If this is why you are here you can ignore any of the information below that is specific to 3D Vision users and just follow the instructions on the website that led you here.

This mod by itself will not change any costumes - for that you will need mod packs available from elsewhere and extract them into the Mods directory. You don't need to restart the game after installing a new mod - just press F10 in game to load any new mods.

Some mod packs ship with optional parts of the mods that are not enabled by default - look for any files or directories in the mod pack that is named "DISABLED something", and remove the "DISABLED" from the filename to enable it.

Installing (3D Vision + Costume Mod users)

  1. Extract the contents of the zip file to the game directory.

  2. In the launcher (not the game), open settings (2nd button from the top) and change everything to the left-most option (lower quality options are known not to work).

  3. IMPORTANT (3D Vision Users only): Once the main game launches, press F7 to switch to exclusive full screen mode to engage 3D. Repeat this anytime you alt+tab out of the game to re-engage 3D.

Keys (3D Vision + Costume Mod Users)

  • F1: Show help
  • F2: Toggle costume mods
  • Shift+F2: Cycle costume mod shadow modes (on/off/original)
  • Mouse back button: Toggle HUD visibility
  • Ctrl+F9: 3DMigoto performance monitor
  • F10: Reload all mods
  • Ctrl+Alt+F10: Reload all mods and reset to default configuration

Keys (3D Vision Users Only)

  • F7: Full Screen
  • ~: Toggle auto-convergence feature on and off
  • Ctrl+F5: Reduce popout when auto-convergence is on
  • Ctrl+F6: Increase popout when auto-convergence is on

Auto-Convergence (3D Vision Users Only)

This fix uses my new auto-convergence feature (first introduced in my Life is Strange: Before the Storm fix) to automatically adjust the convergence while playing to suit the various scenes and quick camera angles changes this game does. For this game I have set it to try to keep everything inside the screen (behind the HUD), while still maximising the 3D effect in any given scene.

The auto-convergence feature replaces the traditional meaning of 3D Vision's convergence setting with a "popout" setting, which is similar to convergence, but gives better results with a wider range of camera angles, monitor sizes and viewing distances. The same keys that normally adjust the convergence will adjust the popout instead when auto-convergence is enabled, and the popout value will be displayed on screen while adjusting it.

This feature has a number of tunable parameters, which can be tweaked by editing the [Constants] section in the ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini. These tunables include things such as the initial popout, minimum and maximum allowable convergence values, thresholds for how far the convergence is allowed to get away from the target, and threshold for the anti-judder countermeasure.

3D Vision Fixes

  • Lights & shadows
  • Water
  • HUD
  • Added automatic convergence

3D Vision Update v1.1

  • Fixed ripples
  • Fixed auto-convergence popout bias changing on full screen
  • Use a lower convergence preset when Burst is activated

Update v1.2

  • Fixed shadow glitch
  • This fix now forms the basis for third party costume mods

Update v1.4

  • Major 3DMigoto update (conditional logic, performance monitor)
  • Auto-convergence performance cost will be skipped when 3D Vision is disabled
  • Added toggle keys for costume mods and shadows (try cycling shadow modes if performance is an issue)
  • New built in help shown by pressing F1
  • Enabled costume mods for missing costume + shadow shaders
  • Enabled costume and fingernail texture replacement mods
  • Fix cases where a shadow could go missing from a costume mod
  • HUD will always be shown in burst mode

Update v1.5

  • Fix missing legs in some costume mods
  • F2/Shift+F2 hotkeys now show status in overlay

Update v1.6

  • Re-fixed lighting & auto-convergence broken by game update

Update v1.7

  • Updated costume mod and 3D Vision ripple fix for compatibility with DOAXVV December 6th update
  • Update to 3DMigoto 1.3.12 (adds vertex buffer hunting keys, clipboard marking mode, etc)
  • 3D Vision: Made specular reflections on some (not all) materials render at their accurate depth instead of surface depth.
  • 3D Vision: Tweaked auto-convergence settings for more comfort in some cutscenes.

Hotfix v1.8

  • Fixed pink fingernails
  • Added another missing costume shader

Update v1.9

  • 3DMigoto updated to 1.3.14 to facilitate more advanced modding
  • Now automatically saves the costume & shadow settings on exit/reload. Ctrl+Alt+F10 will revert to the default settings and reload.
  • Key bindings are no longer processed while alt+tabbed out.
  • Frame analysis now has several "profiles" that can be switched with - by default only skin and costumes are dumped to make blender imports faster. Press Ctrl+F8 (in hunting mode) to enable/disable dumping hair and fingernails, or switch to dumping UI textures instead.
  • Frame analysis will no longer dump out modded meshes to make it a little easier to import meshes into blender when a costume mod is active (If you want to reimport a modified mesh you should be importing that directly from the mod, not a frame analysis dump).
  • Auto-convergence has been updated - the popout bias will be automatically saved in the d3dx_user.ini, and the auto-convergence HUD will show the current convergence value as well. There's a bunch more changes under the hood, so it may behave slightly differently to before.

Update v2.0

  • 3DMigoto updated to 1.3.15
  • F10 reload is now much faster
  • Settings left over from uninstalled mods will be removed on the next F10 reload/game exit (You will still see these warnings once)
  • Fix crash when news is displayed while using certain mods
  • Displaying news will no longer reset certain settings
  • Fixed compatibility issue with ReShade (if you couldn't use the two together before, please test again and report back)
  • Fixed crash that could occur on non-nvidia systems in some circumstances

Update v2.1

  • 3DMigoto updated to 1.3.16
  • Fixed compatibility issue with new versions of ReShade
  • Automatically adjust depth of icons in pool hopping minigame (3D Vision)

Update v2.2

  • Updated costume mod for compatibility with DMM version 2019-04-25 update

Update v2.3

Special thanks to KuroKaze78 for finding the updated shader hashes :)

  • Updated costume mod + 3D Vision compatibility for DMM 2020-06-11 update
  • Includes KuroKaze78's d3dx.ini updates:
    • Includes additional shaders in the d3dx.ini so that fewer mods should require manual additions to this file
    • Hair + fingernail mod support is now enabled out of the box
    • Support for environment mods added
    • desktop.ini files now ignored
  • _id is now included for mods that depend on it
  • Includes support for dumping full size (1920x1080) decobromide images in the frame analysis UI profile

Note that because extra shaders are now included in the base d3dx.ini you may get some conflict warnings with certain mods. These warnings are mostly harmless, but can usually be resolved by updating the mods listed in the warning, or editing their ini files to remove the indicated ShaderOverride section.

Known Issues (3D Vision Users Only)

The news and Gacha probabilities windows and certain text boxes are blank while in full screen (or when using ReShade). Alt+tab out of the game (not just disabling 3D) and they will appear, and press F7 to re-enable 3D when done, but of course if you are playing on DMM it is all in Japanese anyway. Visit reddit for English translations and event guides.

Side-by-Side / Top-and-Bottom Output Modes (3D Vision Users Only)

This fix is bundled with the SBS / TAB output mode support in 3DMigoto. To enable it, edit the d3dx.ini, find the [Present] section and uncomment (remove the semicolon) the line that reads:

run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS

Then, in game press F11 to cycle output modes. If using 3D TV Play, set the nvidia control panel to output checkerboard to remove the 720p limitation.

Like my Work?

Fixing games takes a lot of time and effort, and I also do a lot of work on 3DMigoto behind the scenes to make all of these mods possible.

If you are in a position where you are able to do so, please consider supporting me with a monthly donation on Patreon, and thanks again to those that already do! While I prefer the more stable monthly support that Patreon offers, I can of course understand that some of you prefer to make one-off donations when you can, and for that you can use my Paypal. As a reminder, these donations are to support me personally, and do not go to other modders on this site.

This mod is created with 3DMigoto (primarily written by myself, Bo3b and Chiri), and uses Flugan's Assembler. See here for a full list of contributors to 3DMigoto


  1. Replies
    1. Not sure what the actual translation is supposed to be, but I can't help but think "FP" = "Fap Points"?

  2. "This fix uses my new auto-convergence feature (first introduced in my Life is Strange: Before the Storm fix) to automatically adjust the convergence while playing to suit the various scenes and quick camera angles changes this game does. For this game I have set it to try to keep everything inside the screen (behind the HUD), while still maximising the 3D effect in any given scene.

    The auto-convergence feature replaces the traditional meaning of 3D Vision's convergence setting with a "popout" setting, which is similar to convergence, but gives better results with a wider range of camera angles, monitor sizes and viewing distances. The same keys that normally adjust the convergence will adjust the popout instead when auto-convergence is enabled, and the popout value will be displayed on screen while adjusting it.

    This feature has a number of tunable parameters, which can be tweaked by editing the [Constants] section in the d3dx.ini. These tunables include things such as the initial popout, minimum and maximum allowable convergence values, thresholds for how far the convergence is allowed to get away from the target, and threshold for the anti-judder countermeasure."

    Fucking amazing !!!

  3. Wow :)
    Thanks so mutch for the huge work DarkStarSword!

  4. The v1.1 update fixes ripples and sets a low convergence when the burst mode is activated.

  5. Is there a way to use this mod with lower graphic setting?
    My pc is too slow on high setting

  6. Hello !
    I´m too stupid to achieve the 3D effect :-(
    Got Win7 PC with nvidia card on a 3D TV from LG.
    Game plays fine with ...ahem... naked mods but no 3D. I did all the steps described (edit ini file etc)
    Used the 3D fix manager too but then the game won´t start at all with "Play 3D"(error window pops up)
    Help appreciated.

    PS: And many thanks for the awesome mod capabilities !!!!!

    1. Do you have either a 3D TV Play license from nvidia, or the emitter from a 3D Vision bundle? Are you able to run the 3D Vision test app from the nvidia control panel and launch other games in 3D, or is the problem limited to just this one? If you've modified the d3dx.ini I take it you are trying to use the SBS/TAB output modes to overcome the 3D TV Play limitations - are you able to get 3D working at 720p without this? Do you see any messages from the driver after engaging full screen (green text in the lower right, or red text in the middle of the screen if something went wrong)?

  7. I'm using a nordic keyboard which has no "~" key, is there any way I can change this key binding to something else?

    1. I believe due to the way virtual key codes work it will be whichever key is immediately to the left of the 1 on your keyboard (please let me know if this is incorrect, as I don't have any non US keyboards to actually verify this). You can customise this by altering the ShaderFixes\auto_convergence.ini file under [Key Toggle Auto Convergence].

    2. Thanks for the reply, and thanks for a fucking AMAZING mod! You rock!
      I found the key, it was not next to 1, but the "Ö" key, which is often where anything bound to "~" on US keyboards ends up on a Nordic keyboard. No biggie. One note though: I found that to get the auto-convergence adjustment keys to work, you first have to go to Nvidia stereoscopic settings --> set keyboard shortcuts and tick the "enable advanced in-game settings" or the keys will do nothing. Just thought you'd like to know :)

  8. Can I follow the same steps for an HTC Vive?

  9. Hello, I'm new to the game. After extracting the zip file into the game folder, the game launcher won't load. What should I do next to make it work?

    1. That should be all you need to do. As I can recall the only other person who had this issue found it was a problem with their game installation - try uninstalling & reinstalling the game and/or mod. You can also enable debug logging in the d3dx.ini (calls=1 debug=1 unbuffered=1) to see if there are any hints in the d3d11_log.txt file (be sure to disable debug logging when you are done - it massively slows down the game)

    2. Thanks for reply. I tried reinstalling the game then extracting the mod file into the folder quite a lot of times yesterday but still no luck. The launcher screen is still grey as the last time.
      I enable the debug logging like your suggestion, but I'm not a modder. Could you pls take a look and see what is the problem? If so, which part of the lof should I show?

    3. Upload the debug log somewhere and give me the link, or email it to me. I'm travelling at the moment, so it might be a while before I can look at it. Just to check - does the game work fine without any mods installed?

    4. I have the same issue.
      Reinstall the game and extract the zip(No other mod), and then the launcher doesn't work anymore.
      The log shoes the error happens at GameStartProgress : 4.

  10. ERROR compiling custom shaer ,what should i do?

    1. Either a windows filesystem permission issue or a 3rd party mod included a bad shader. Use the uninstall.bat to remove 3DMigoto and the 3D Vision part of the mod, manually delete the "mods" directory, then reinstall this and make sure it works, then install any other mods you want one at a time.

    2. Hello. I have the same problem and can't do anything rearranged 10 times and the game and your program. maybe I'm doing something wrong... at start at once there are about 8 such lines. I even fashion any did not put. tell me what you need to do?

    3. This can be caused by having non-english characters in the path - try moving the game to a different directory.

  11. buenas hace varios meses ya lo habia probado y todo bien,hoy baje la actualizacion 1.6 y la carpeta de mods que hay en la pagina y ahora al presionar el f2 aparecen y desaparecen solo las sombras, antes las mostraba desnudas con el traje de baño lace white, estoy haciendo algo mal? ya tengo todo en maximo rendimiento tambien

  12. v1.8 update is out to fix compatibility issues with last night's update. If you already grabbed the earlier v1.7 please update again to fix pink fingernails.

  13. excuse me
    I would like to ask some questions
    Why is my Mouse back button not working?
    How can I toggle HUD visibility?
    Can I change the hotkey?

    1. Take a look under [KeyToggleHUD] in the d3dx.ini

    2. Thank you!!!
      I found it!!!
      The problem has been solved

  14. Excuse me
    Ⅰcan not download(open from URL)this ZIP file…

  15. This mod has been updated to version 1.9:
    - It is recommended to update, as future mods may require this version.
    - This will now remember whether you have costume mods and shadows enabled or disabled when you close the game down or reload mods. If you wish to reset to defaults press Ctrl+Alt+F10 - this may also help if you remove a mod and start seeing warnings on F10 reload.
    - Key bindings are no longer processed when you alt+tab out - no more UI hiding itself or disabling mods while navigating around windows explorer.
    - (3D Vision Users): Under the hood changes to auto-convergence.

  16. I should try this game only to see what you hero are able to do with game ^^

  17. I think a new version is needed. It crashes the moment it tries to render anything.

    1. Mods are working fine, but the update on Thursday introduced a number of stability issues and a lot of people are experiencing crashes even without mods.

      If you are getting crashes when the news is displayed and you have any of minazuki's mods installed, make sure you update them to the latest versions.

  18. I can't download this mods.
    This site was timeout when I downloading the mods.
    What happened...?

    1. Download was working fine here. West coast USA, CA. It uses Amazon Web Services, should be worldwide.

    2. Thank you for the notice!
      maybe,the mods were eaten by wireless LAN before being sent to japan yesterday.HAHA
      Today is good feeling.

      Sorry for bad english.

  19. reupload the mod please

  20. Hello.
    I would like to see it in hmd side by side.
    Is it possible to display with the aspect maintained?

    1. What, and lose even more resolution? You can edit the 3dvision2sbs shader if you really want, but you'd be better off asking the developers of whatever you are using to convert this to VR to support half width side by side.

    2. Thank you for your reply.

      I do not mind losing the resolution.
      Which file should I edit? 3dvision2sbs.ini?

    3. Take a look at your VR software first. Virtual Desktop for example has both a half-SBS and full-SBS options. You might just need to hit a key.

  21. Then the (way 3D vision users only) is only for improve the appearance inside of the game? is it right?

    1. Then the (way 3D vision users only) is only to improve the appearance inside of the game? is it right?

    2. Yeah, that's right. 3D Vision is a stereoscopic rendering technology from nvidia (think 3D TVs), so that part of this mod makes the game render correctly in stereo 3D.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. when i installed the mod the launcher only shows grey screen

    1. Hey, the launcher is grey for me as well, however, the buttons are still there and functional, you just got to know where to click and everything works.

  24. Heads up: Hong Kong didn't work for me. Had to go to Singapore with VPN. Hong Kong said region lock.

  25. link is dead...;'(
    please help.

  26. sorry, my english so bad .
    The following is google translation
    Currently using the nv version for 430.86, the launcher will be grayed out.
    Is there a solution??
    Thank you!

  27. excuse me I have a question how to fix error warning profile update failed?

    1. Accept the rundll UAC prompt when it appears, or run the game once as admin. The only settings it needs to change are related to 3D Vision, so if you are only here for the costume mods you can just ignore it and everything else will work fine (in that case, to stop it throwing the warning edit the d3dx.ini and remove the [Profile] section)

    2. Thanks for your answer I will try

  28. doesn't it support on blender 2.8?

    1. Not yet, but it is coming soon. For now it's probably best to stick to 2.79, but I have put up a preview of the 2.80 version here - importing frame analysis dumps and raw buffers works, but I haven't ported the exporting and other misc functions as yet:

    2. hm thank. hope it will be released soon

  29. Ok, noobie question... I just installed 3DMigoto in my brand new computer, according to the guide, and the game perpetually looks like it's in... "Anaglyph mode"? Like I'm looking at a 3D image but without the glasses on. Personally, I don't care about the 3D effect, I just want the costume mods... can I turn that off?

    1. 3DMigoto doesn't provide anaglyph or any other stereoscopic rendering by itself, though it does allow the game to work with them if they are available. These are provided in older versions of the nvidia driver and will only be available if they have been explicitly enabled in the nvidia control panel. If you are seeing anaglyph you may have enabled "3D Vision Discover" mode - check under nvidia control panel -> Stereoscopic 3D -> Set up stereoscopic 3D. If you are on AMD/Intel or do not see any options for stereoscopic 3D it must be something else.

    2. Oh wow, perfect response. That fixed it right up!

  30. I installed 3Dmigoto and the toggle for custom mods and stuff works in the game, but the skins are not working, trying out on kasumi but i dont see anything. I removed "disabled" for kasumi. F10 doesnt seems to have any reaction when pressed. BTW i installed DOAXVV via steam. HELP PLEASE!

    1. The download on this page enables the ability to install costume mods, but does not come with any - please direct questions about specific mods to the forum they were obtained from. If you are removing a disabled keyword you may have started with the wrong mod pack, as the all in two modpack is designed to work out of the box with the only requirement being that you equip the correct outfits (Orchid or Loquat) - get that working before trying any other mods. Start here:

  31. nice work. thanks..
    i have a question. is there any way to make bigger camera zoom in, out degree?
    in-game camera zoom out is restrictive. i want to see the character in far point of view. TT

  32. This game is so popular... can it be played with one hand? =x

  33. Can you hack "D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH" value?

  34. Need help!
    Mods invalid in the latest update.

  35. Need help!
    Mods invalid in the latest update.

  36. Hi, Just wanted to know if the Mod is still working? it used to work normally however recently whenever I enable the mod when the character is wearing white lace outfit, the costume only partially disappears and the nipples cant be seen. Any one can help?

    1. The game must have updated and changed some of the shader hashes - I'll update the mod with the new hashes soon. If you can't wait, check the last couple of pages on loverslab for the updated hashes.

  37. Ummm does the mod still works until this year?

    1. Well it work for me till today.

  38. i cant download anything at all, is the link broken somehow?

  39. I've searched the Internet but couldn't find anything, so please let me know.
    If there is a way to output DOAXVV's hair mesh in hunting mode, please let me know.

    1. It seems that the hash value of the hair was just not registered.

  40. Hello, when i choose some mods options and turn the game off, on the next start the mods will return to their former state. How can i make it that the game saves the current mod state and uses it when the game is started? f10 sets it also back to its former state.

    1. That is supposed to be something the mod authors should set up, but it's pretty straight forward to add yourself - open the mod's ini files and look for the [Constants] section. Any entries you see there that are like "global $something" add a "persist" keyword, like "global persist $something"

  41. soryy japanese つくしちゃんの乳首がないのは使用でしょうか??

  42. Sry guy but when i'm use old Beginner character like nyotengu , Ayane , Helena and other in photomode i get lag in fullscreen mode :(

  43. When I click on the download fix button it doesn't work, anyone know what might be the case?

  44. one question. how many costumes work with this mods?

    1. There's no practical limit

    2. I have try a few costumes ,but seem like nothing happen. only when the girl take a shower.

    3. Sometimes the game updates and changes shader hashes breaking the mod - not sure if that has happened since the last time I updated this download. The loverslab modding community might have a more up to date d3dx.ini if that has happened again.

  45. i wish someone make this kind of mod work on Nintendo Switch.

  46. Try again now - Looks like the latest firefox doesn't like http download URLs, so I switched it to https

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