Sunday, September 6, 2020

Tales of Berseria [DX9] [DX11]

3D Vision and geo-11 fix for Tales of Berseria, with extra hotkeys to disable some effects. The DX9 fix was done with the HelixMod dll and the DX11 fix was done with geo-11.

- Shadows.
- Lighting.
- Battle area limit line.
- Water.
- Haloing problems.
- Sun position and occlusion.
- Stereoized specular reflections (geo-11 only).
- Autoconvergence configured for cutscenes (geo-11 only).

Installation (DX9)
- Download this file and extract its contents in the "Tales of Berseria" folder, where "Tales of Berseria.exe" is. You will notice that there is a "visiond3d9.dll" file instead of the usual "d3d9.dll". This fix assumes that you are going to use the Tales of Berseria "Fix" from Kaldaien (Special K). And I recommend that (it features high resolution shadows, audio fixes, and more).
- Make sure you have installed the Tales of Berseria "Fix" from Kaldaien, but only up to the 0.9.8 version (newer ones break effects like bloom):
- You need to make Kaldaien's fix load the 3D Vision fix. To do so, open "d3d9.ini" and add this block near the beginning of the file:


- Run the game. Remember to change convergence because Nvidia's default setting is extremely low for this game.

Installation (DX11)
- Install dgVoodoo v2.79.3 (or close enough versions) by copying the "MS/x64/D3D9.dll" file into the "Tales of Berseria" folder and running "dgVoodooCpl.exe" to configure it like this (using the amount of VRAM you prefer. Don't go too high if you don't have lots of VRAM):

geo-11: download this file and extract its contents in the "Tales of Berseria" folder, where "Tales of Berseria.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change your "direct_mode" to the output you need. It's sbs by default. For 3D Vision monitors, "direct_mode = nvidia_dx11" works in borderless and fullscreen, but "nvidia_dx9" doesn't work.
- Run the game.
- Note: you won't be able to use Special K, so you won't be able to increase shadow resolution and other effects as much. But CPU performance will be significantly better than in DX9.

Warning: don't use MSAA or SGSSAA via profile settings. MSAA makes the game run at near zero fps in 3D, and SGSSAA makes some lighting appear only on one eye.

Hotkeys and features (DX9)
F1: high convergence preset. Recommended for gameplay. If you manually change convergence after pressing this key and then you press F7, the value for this preset will be saved.
F2: low convergence preset. Recommended for cutscenes. If you manually change convergence after pressing this key and then you press F7, the value for this preset will be saved.
F3: HUD depth presets. Screen depth by default. Some flashback cutscenes will be adversely affected by HUD depth. I recommend staying at screen depth except for battles.
F4: cel shading toggle. Not disabled by default.
F5: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.

Hotkeys and features (DX11)
F1: convergence presets (50, 100, 150, 250, 350). 350 by default, recommended for gameplay. During cutscenes, autoconvergence will take over.
F3: HUD depth presets (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%). Screen depth by default. Cutscenes will automatically put subtitles to screen depth.
F4: cel shading toggle. Not disabled by default.
F5: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:
Or you can join my Patreon:


  1. Thanks MasterOtaku, For fixing many games. I will give you another donation soon as my covid pay reduction quits being a thing!

  2. Thanks, this really looks cool pushing the convergence even farther than F1, a gem of a game that toyified is not one to miss for us 3D lovers.

  3. Is Kaldaien's fix absolutely necessary for this fix to work? Kaldaien's fix causes me to lose all sound, apart from cutsenes... and yes I'm using v0.9.8

  4. Managed to fix it by forcing stereo sound in the Kaldaien's fix settings. Hopefully this helps somebody in the future.

  5. Silly question, but does HelixVision need to run to make this work? Or does this simply make it run in 3D (I am trying to set this up to play in 3D using my Quest VR).

  6. thank you so much for this and other profiles found here. Amazing work.
