Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Talos Principle [DX11]

3D Vision fix for The Talos Principle, using the DirectX 11 renderer.


  • Dynamic lighting and shadows.
  • Reflections and other haloing problems.
  • Fog.
  • Light shafts.
  • Heatwave distortion.
  • Distant geometry and skyboxes put at more depth when they were too close.
  • Correctly stereoized crosshair.
  • Stereoized parallax occlusion mapping.
  • Stereoized specular reflections.

Known issues
  • In very few locations, parallax occlusion mapping may be stereoized incorrectly. This happens when the game doesn't have a specific source for coordinates available.
  • In very few locations, specular reflections may remain at surface depth. This happens when the game doesn't have a specific source for coordinates available.
  • The game doesn't want to show refractions/reflections at the sides of some effects when the separation of the effect is too high. This shows as "stretching".
  • The white outlines of interactive objects don't exactly follow the geometry of the object, but the depth of the 2D outline is mostly OK.

  • Download this file and extract its contents in the "The Talos Principle\Bin\x64" folder, where "Talos.exe" is.
  • Run the game and let it overwrite the Nvidia profile.
  • Configure the game to use the DirectX 11 renderer (the game uses it by default).

  • Set the parallax occlusion mapping settings to their maximum.

  • F4: convergence presets (0.333333, 0.666666, 1). 1 by default.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:


  1. WHat happend, that your give us so many fixes the last days? :D

  2. This is awesome! I love the Talos principle and did not finish one of the endings. And did not collect all stars. I played with partly broken 3D from a prototype that 4everawake had made, but now I need revisit. Thank you kind sir!

  3. OMG !!! thank you man :-) Love this game

  4. Thank You very much masterotaku, I've played this 3 times, and will again!! I appreciate it. 1809/425.31

  5. I can't get this to work with geo-11 :( I get stereo image, but it's the just same picture twice with no 3D effect whatsoever. Tried playing around with the separartion/convergence parameters, but no luck. What could I be doing wrong?

    1. I never completed the first game and just got back to it, before the release of the sequel (which is shaping up to be amazing if the demo is any indication).
      I used geo-11 0.6.182 and I had the same issue with identical left and right images. I dug into the graphics options to see if any particular setting is causing this and I found the culprit.

      To solve the issue, go to Options -> Graphics Options and set the "Max 3D Rendering MPIX" setting to the lowest possible value (it's "0.8 (1024x768)" in my case) which immediately fixes the issue - you can now see the background scenery at the proper depth. Then just increase it back up to the desired setting - I use "Unlimited" - the 3D remains unaffected. You need to do this every time you start the game :/

    2. Thank you!!! As soon as I touched the MPIX setting, the game crashed, but when I started it again I got correct stereo :)

  6. RTX 2070 here - great job - thank you!
