Monday, November 30, 2020

World of Warcraft: The War Within

Hello 3D Enthusiasts,

This, MOD is untested in 3D vision. I ONLY have it currently working for Katanga and VR with the new 3Ddriver Geo-11.. so it is untested in 3D vison so no promises there. Now again I am not sure if the 3D mode will make 3D vision gear work with Helixvision. I do have 2 download one for 3D vision and the other for GEO-11 and Katanga..

I have made a fix for World of Warcraft: The War Within there are a few things we need to setup before starting. First do NOT install the fix or you will have no mouse cursor to setup the Graphics settings.
Second start the game and adjust your Graphics setting to desired levels and resolution. then set the 

Shadow level to High then set Water Level to Good as well.
Then go to Advanced settings and look for Graphics API set it too DX11. then Quit the game and find your Config.WTF file located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Config

Then right click it and go to Properties on the Properties page set the Attributes to READ ONLY put a check in the box and then click OK.

if you have any questions Please post here and I will try and help. It will take a while for Bo3b to get the fix on helixvison so I included the folder to install WoW in Helixvison in the meantime. here is the folder for Helixvision:

You will need to unzip it and place it here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\HelixVision\Fixes

Updated Jan. 20, 2024---And here is the Fix just incase:

ENJOY The_Nephilim


When, logged into the game go to Chat windows and type the following command in the chat window or the mouse cursor will disappear after 10 minutes. 

/console hardwarecursor 0


If, you have any questions Please post here and I will try and help. 

UPDATE: I just fixed Death in Shadowland world. there was a black image in front of the char. after you died which made it hard to navigate.  I also rechecked shadows. I will get the Options menu sorted out. but if you have any questions or something is not right please let me know..

EDIT: The Following link is for users for Geo-11. I currently have it setup to use Katanga_vr and Geo-11 3D Driver, so if you need to setup for others please do so. if you do not know how maybe you shouldn't be poking around in there haha!!:

UPDATED: Jan. 4, 2024:

EDIT: Small update, I modded the mod and I am using geo-11_v0.6.109 of the geo-11 for the modders out there who might want to know.. the other newer geo-11 causes CTD..

I, would also like to thank KAI for letting me use this fix here. and he helped me with the numerous questions I had hehe!! thank you Kai !!!! ;)
Another thank you to Masterotaku for teaching me how to fix the PS HLSL Error X3018




  1. Hi Nephilim,

    Any ideas why 3D won't kick in when choosing DX11? DX12 works with 3D. Thanks

    1. I forgot to add the direction for changing line 7 or so in the file. I added them sorry about that..

    2. I added in the directions above to add at line 7 the dx11 code in the file and it may need to be checked each launch as even when you set it too read only it still changes it back to DX12 for some odd reason.. but if anyone comes here in the future I will try and keep monitoring this thread..

    3. Hi Nephilim,

      I’m using regular nvidia 3D vision for wow retail. I did check the for dd11 and it in there, but no 3d.

  2. same issue for me, doesnt kick in in dx11. Tried newest drivers, recomended 4.x.x, with fix and without, still nothing.

  3. Hey Guys, it is me The_Nephilim, I was not able to figure out how to sign in and get back to here?? anyhow are you guys using Helixvision or a 3d vision setup? I will reinstall and try this out again to make sure it works but when I played in Helixvision it worked fine. did you guys get into the game and the 3D was not working or where you only in the main menu. if it does not work ingame it is probally the file is getting changed . make sure I think it is around line 7 it states this: SET gxApi "D3D11"

  4. it is not the file it is the file check that as that is a big one as too why 3D does not kick in Please check the instructions if not read yet..

  5. Hey to whomever may need this the fix still works you need to change the DX11 from DX12 in the Config.WTF file on around line 7 then save it. If 3D does not kick in the main menu it is not set in the .wtf file.. I just ran it and it works fine ;) now let me see why I can not sign in..

  6. Well I am back after some time off and I just redid the fix and somethings were broke still like the lighting eefect, which I just now fixed.
    I had an issue in the deathrealm in Bastion so I corrected that. Also the Skyboxes were dealt with as well so should be more seemless on what was corrected and I do not think they are tied to convergance any longer.. I have not had the issue where the WTF file gets changed but currently I am having issues with saving the "High" Shadow level it always reverts to fair and only the shadows. which is not a big deal but not sure why only that setting refuses to change..
    I havwe yet to get to Blackrock Dungeon to check the firepit in the spider section but It should still be fixed. and I have not yet bought dragonFlight to see what is going on in that realm but hopefully soon and I can check things out over there.

  7. this fix is amazing, thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much <3333

  8. Yes it works pretty good. Without Kais fix and his help this would not be. I am going to have to log back on and see if the fix still works. I am sure they broke the shadows shader by now.. oh and your most welcome glad someone besides my self enjoyed it ;)

    1. plz help start 3d vission

    2. what is you issue? so many anonymous I am unsure if you are the same person??

  9. I just updated and the shadows are fixed. Plus I added for users of GEO-11. you will need to change the mode as I am using Katanga_VR..

  10. Hi Nephilim, my has SET gxApi "D3D11" and fullscreen (windowed) but 3D still doesn't kick. I'm using the normal nvidia 3d vision setup. Thank you for your effort.

  11. please update to the latest version

    1. Diablo 3 works 3D, but WOW doesn't work, win 11pro

    2. EDIT:UPDATED Sep. 12, 2023: Neph andKais 3D fix>>> extracted content: World of Warcraft\_retail_\ , SET gxApi "D3D11" + Properties page set the Attributes to READ ONLY ====

    3. 3d vision won't start

    4. @Anonymous, does the pyramid light up? also does it just look 2D?? any error message? I just tried the Ge0-11 version it worked fine. Which Driver version and GPU do you have/use?

    5. that's what I did, it launches in 2D, but with Diablo 3 everything is ok, it launches in 3D without problems. I just started learning 3D vision. Can you contact swami directly somewhere?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. OK I fixed this messed up blog links.. I had updated the fix for Helixvision but the blog had the old fix.. try using the 949 folder for Helixvision and update the fix with Helixvision and it should work. the directionsd here are updated so check those first.. you need to put the 949 folder in the the folder for Helixvision then restart Helixvision and then update with the Helixvision update fix button and it should kick in Sorry about that but we will get you working..

    I will try and retest the Helixvision fix give me an hour to test it I have to get older drivers so I can use Helixvison.. but it should be good to go now..

      It seems like I’m doing everything right, but unfortunately 3D WoW doesn’t want to launch.

    2. try launching from 3D Fix manager and not from the wow.exe.

    3. yes I just tried launching the game from the WoW.exe and 3D does not launch. when I launced it through Helixvision it startedin 3D that has got to be it..

      something like that, well, it doesn’t want to run WoW in 3D, I have Windows 11 Pro, but Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Batman Origins are installed, everything works fine in 3D

    5. umm what version nvidia driver do you use and which video card? also try running WoW.exe as admin rights..

    6. RTX 2080 Super, Driver 452.06

    7. ok that checks out not sure why it is not working did you try runningas admin? I just testedit with 3D Fix manager and it workedin 3D for me???

    8. running 3DFix Manager.exe through the system administrator, and launching the game through 3DFixManager.exe in 3D, no success (( Windows 11 was installed a month ago and updated to the latest version

    9. no, set the wow.exe to run as admin in compatibility mode and run that in admin mode not 3d fix manager.

    10. wierd the other games work in 3d???

    11. Wow.exe Running it through the system administrator did not help

    12. ok not sure what is going on here?? maybe try posting in the discord channel?

    13. you said your other games work in 3D?

    14. yes AC odyssey Batman Diablo 3 +++++

    15. yes well the only thing I can think of is that the dll that was modified by Kai is not working correclty? maybe a win 11 isuue?

    16. Do you have core isolation turned off?

    17. I'll try to install Win 10 this weekend, maybe I can give you a link to the discord channel

    18. yes like I said it is working here just fine. I am on Win 10 pro and use a 1080ti with 452.06 drivers.. The 3D kicks in fine when I run the game through 3D fix manager but it is wierd it is not working for you..

    19. _Do you have core isolation turned off?
      _I can’t understand what they are talking about, where to look?

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. got win 11 search and type Core Isolation it will show up as an system setting. turn off memory integrity, I doubt this is it but you never know.. still wierd the other games work whilst WOW does not..

    22. kernel isolation, checkbox 1 was disabled (memory integrity), checkbox 2 (list of blocked driver vulnerabilities) was enabled, I disabled it - it didn’t help
      I'll post back when I install Windows 10...

    23. OK Hopefully that will fix it.. not sure what is going on with this it should just work..

    24. Installed Win 10 pro 22Н2, installed DirectX 9.0c. I launched Batman, everything is ok, it works in 3D, but WoW doesn’t want to launch... maybe something else needs to be done?... like installing some kind of driver or C++ libraries

    25. hmmm, that is so wierd. I don't think those libraries are required and if they were they should have been installed during you have the Discord channel from the blog?? Maybe try posting there to et more eyes on this issue. it could be that Wow will not work in 3D vision?? I dont see why not it launces in 3D for me but in anaglyph.. so it should work..

    26. oh and your youtube link does not work says the video was removed??

    27. The link seems to be correct, access to the video via the link

    28. asked for help in the channel #helix-vision

    29. well it seems to be running just not in 3D ok well
      I thought it was not running at all.. really strange..

  14. Hey I just testedit in Helixvision it worked as it should out of the box. at least the Anaglyph kicked in on Desktop and it was 3D in my VR Headset. so it should be working for 3D vision.. just follow the updated directions and it should kick in.. I guess I did not update the blog to the new instructions.. if you still have issues let me know..

    We will get this working for you WoW in S3D is very cool..

  15. Hello, despite the command set up for the mouse I still have the cursor that disappears after 10 minutes, it seems that an update is responsible for this.

  16. Sorry about that appears we have to add a ZERO after all of it. I had updated the blog with this info try the newe command it should work now sorry for the long delay..

  17. I updated the GEO-11 fix I will get it uploaded soon.

  18. new Geo-11 fix uploaded. Wow Should work good now in Geo-11..

  19. HeyAll, Kai had given me a Regex fix for shadows. so I am trying to update all the fixes with the new regex fix that should fix shadows forever..

  20. OK all the fixes should have the Shadow regex in it. and it should work now without the need for me to constantly updating the shadow fixes,.. Thank you Kai.. :) also the instructions been updated please read important info there was added about 3 cursors,,.

  21. Hi Nep, It seems the issue with 3D vision won't kick in is due to the included d3d11.dll. After I replaced it with KAI WoW BC d3d11.dll, 3D then it is working properly. The issue I am having now is the F2 key and other hot keys don't seem to work beside F1 key.

    1. and also HUD text is looking strange.

    2. yes sorry I have no idea if I will get too fix this. I will try and have a look this weekend. I am unsure but I thought there was only the F1 key now??

    3. @TK which fix both or just the geo 11 one? which is broke? I just updated the fix in both fixes with the dll from WOWBC Edition from Kai.. I am unsure how thast got switched out but my madness I can see why it would happen. I am going to look at the HUD/UI I noticed it too but just looked around it.. maybe I have to delete the fix for it??

  22. Hey Everybody, I updated both GE)-11 fix and the 3d Vision fix with the correct dll. that may have been the issue with others and 3d not kicking in. Still unsure how that dll crept in there but sorry hopefully it is fixed now.. I also checked the Hud/UI it seems it was ok maybe something else was amiss but it looked fine in Katanga..

  23. OK and there is ONLY 1 key, and it is set for convergance that is F1..

  24. Thank you for the updates Nephilim. The only weird issue I have with retail wow 3D is with blizzard GUI text, like the quest tracking, hotkeys text on the action bars. They look high depth/convergence and it can't be adjusted at all. I don't have that issue with classic wow, only retail. BTW, I'm playing in 3D surround so not sure if that's the case. Much appreciated for your work here.

  25. let me have a look but last I checked it seemed fine??

    1. well it seems it was broke. I made a fix just need to update the boards with the new fix..

  26. I updated @TK if you can check this fix and let me know. IT was fixed on my end so it should be good now.. thank you for letting me know..

    1. Hi Nephilim, Yep, it's fixed. Thank you very very much.

    2. Hey Your Welcome enjoy I still think WOW looks so cool in 3D. I would love to see a VR Mod like other games seem to be getting these days.. maybe one day..

    3. Hi Nephilim, Another thing I noticed, when using direct X 11, shadow in certain areas in shadowland and dragon flight are out of sync, like it's popping in and out. However if I use directx 11 legacy no problem at all, but performance is not as good as direct X 11

  27. Well I think Legacy is all we can use. there might be other shaders and the regex does not fix them.. so just use Legacy sorry bout that..

  28. Hi Nephilim, I have some issues with the tab_reversed mode, when I activate it and set the separation to 80 I have the health points bar and name that are not centered on the non-player character or on the players characters. Is it possible that you fix this problem? It doubles the information I see on the screen and spoils the nice visual of the game in this format. Thank you

  29. Hi Anonymous, Is there a reason you use the reversed mode and have the seperation so high?? What is your convergance set at??

    1. also what version of the fix are you using?

    2. Hi Nephilim, it is because the rendering I find it better that I use this mode, the separation is adequate with what my eyes are able to see without splitting the image apart for names and bars of life, my convergence is 3.

    3. I use the version geo11 for vr headset at the last version of your publication.

    4. yes in VR you need to turn the Stereo sepration down to 40 and turn the convergance up a bit to get the toyification effect. in my opinion looks better.. you have the seperation too high in VR.. also I made a hotkey for the convergance setting..

    5. Hi Nephilim, Geo-11 version doesnt work for me anymore, it just crashes. Any updates if you have the time would be so great with the new expansion coming :)

    6. Hi, With the new wow expansion, 3d doesn't kick in with the geo-11 for me, however replacing the d3dll with the non geo-11 version allows 3d to activate, but 3d is appear to not render (like only one eye working) correctly. I think most of the shaders are still working though, beside shadow.

  30. I will have a look but if you are getting a one eye effect it could indicate Blizzard has interered with the way 3D is supposed to work..

  31. Hey Warcrafters, I redid the fix it should work but note the new patch worlds is untested as I dont have the new expansion the war within.. but you guys should be good to go. let me know if it still does not work. I have it running in VR with Katanga.. it is untested in 3D Vision and Helixvision as I dont have my 2080ti any more..

    1. The new fix for WOW The War Within also works in SBS mode in directX 11. Change to "direct_mode = sbs" in the d3dxdm.ini. The graphic looks beautiful in 3D. Thank a lot for the fix.

  32. Well sort of new just made to work with The War Within but asI do not have the patch those worlds are untested. there maybe a few glitches like in death realm maybe in the war within areas.. hope you enjoy the fix.. it does look really good in 3D..

  33. Hi, I made a new fix with your modifications and the d3dx.ini and d3dxdm.ini modified with new values for the separation and convergence, F1 F2 and F3 are used for change according you are close or in distance. I has modified certains shaders in term of separation and convergence for they be to 0 in the d3dx.ini for dodge duplication in shadowland in the venthyr zone,sylvarden, stormwind in the area of portals, I has fix partially the sky in dragonflight and the war within. If you want the fix it is in the next link :
    Available only 7 days.
    Good day,

  34. any how I updated the fix with a newer version of GEO-11 it shouldwork but maybe check for CTD's..

  35. Hi Nep, not sure what i am doing wrong, nvidia_dx11 does not activate 3d for me, but nvidia_dx9 does. It looks wonderful.

    1. for direct_mode setting inside d3dxdm.ini

    2. replacing d3d11.ll and d3dx.ini from KAI's BC file fixed the direct_mode nvidia_dx11 now. However I think shadow is broken with new updates.

  36. hey anonymous it is anonymous #2 to get the shadows fixed there is a [ShaderRegex_Shadows] at the bottom of the origianl 3DX.ini file if you replaced it with kais you will need to add that back in to get shadows fixed.. with the regex they are fixed permanntly..

  37. Hey Warcrafters, I updated the fix as it appears the regex for shadows was broke.. shadows are fixed for HIGH settings only..

  38. Well I think I fixed the issue with the regex and should be good forever hopefully.. I will try and keep better upkeep on this fix but it should be good for now..
