Saturday, November 1, 2014


Select viewing method: 3D Vision Plugin - Cross-eyed - Distance - Anaglyph

-Halos, HUD & UI

Remaining Issues:
-Mouse cursor is screen depth
-Shadows are off in some cutscenes  (difficult to catch)

-Download this ZIP file and extract the contents into directory that contains the game's EXE file.

Additional Notes:

  • 'F2' key has 2 low convergence settings (for cutscenes & when in town)
  • 'F3' key has medium & high convergence settings (when in battle)
  • 'X' key- press & hold to correct the lights in the main menu character generation screen (when starting a new game)
  • 'Z' key- press & hold to correct the character picture in the inventory screen
Made this using DarkStarSword's Unity template.
 If you like this mod, consider supporting DarkStarSword on Patreon

Updated 11/2/14: 
-Fixed fog halos & added a 2nd convergence preset to 'F2'


  1. Wow thanks a lot man! I didnt even have any hope of someone even looking at this. Much appreciated.

  2. Yes, thanks 4everAwake, game looks great in 3D. Nice work!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I used the blackguards 2 profile which has Caps Lock bound to fix the UI bluriness problem.
