Sunday, July 3, 2016

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens (DX11)

- HUD Improvements
- 2 Lights more fixed

- Unlock Convergence
- Fix the Black Screen
- Shadows
- Lights
- Reflections
- 2D sky and Stars
- HUD (not perfect)
- Halos in effects

- "P" key for recommended convergence
- "O" key for cinematics convergence
- " I" key toggle between user convergence and cinematics convergence
- "Xbox Back Button" toggle between user convergence and cinematics convergence

- Disable motion blur

Know Issues:
- Some reflections are little off at far distance, also affect some cut off lights
- HUD is not perfect, this game have a lot of HUD elements....fixing one, break another.

TB and SBS Mode:
- The game support SBS/TB Mode using 3Dmigoto. Remove the ";" in the  ;run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS in the [Present] section of the d3dx.ini. Default TB Mode. F11 to cycle.

More info:

- Extract the .zip where LEGOSWTFA_DX11.exe is located
- Start the game in DX11


** Do you like the fix? **
If you like the fix, you can donate to this PAYPAL account:


  1. Hi DHR,

    Followed your instructions to the letter, but am getting the black screen on/off issue consistently right after the AT-ST appears in the Ep 6 prologue. The short cut scene ends, return to action and it kicks in.

    Any ideas/help would be appreciated.

    Also, will be contributing to your PP account today. I have made use of your work in the past and am glad that I can, in some small way, help compensate you for your excellent work.

    1. If you see the black sscreen on/off is because you don't follow the instructions to unlock convergence or you are playing DX9. Try execute the game with the ""LEGOSWTFA_DX11.exe" executable to be sure you are in DX11. Also remember to unlock the convergence (edit the exe)

  2. Yep... I'm an idiot - was using NP - not NP ++

    All good now - as always, a fantastic Lego experience in Stereo 3D.

    PP donation made - for this and the many times I have benefitted from your work in the past.

    Thanks again

    1. Great that works!! enjoy the game

  3. When I try to run the game nothing loads. Is anyone else having this problem. Sorry if im being stupid

    1. Yes I'm also getting this. Just installed the fix and no launch happening. Uninstalled the fix and it launches fine.

  4. My bad, still had to change the .exe. Thank you so much for this fix, you are the best

    1. In my end happens time to time (nothing related to the EXE edit).....the game start in windows mode, wait a little until you go to full screen. That's work for me always.

  5. This fix works great but comes with a performance penalty for me in SLI, perhaps it disables SLI? With the mod installed, I get around 30-50fps @ 5760x1080 in 2D. In 3D it's around 30fps or below constantly. When I unistall the fix, I'm back to 60fps in 2D with no problems. I'm running 2 gtx 1080s in SLI. I have no issue in 1080p 3D, that's perfect. I love the fix and am thankful for your work, just wanted to bring the issue to your attention.

    1. Hi CeeJay!..i don't have SLI to test and also don't have 3D Surround. Maybe is something related to the SLI bit or the profile using SLI+3D. At least in single screen, no-SLI is working fine...60fps always.

  6. Just installed the fix and no launch happening. What u mean by edit the exe? Sorry I noob.

    1. Seems new drivers produce some issues with 3Dmigoto when certain settings is used in 3Dmigoto.

      In the d3dx.ini, try changing "force_no_nvapi=1" to "force_no_nvapi=0" and "automatic_mode=0" to "automatic_mode=1". Please let me know.

    2. With these changes 3D activates, but it's not really 3d. Left eye is in the top half, right eye in the bottom half.

    3. You must have uncommented the ;run = CustomShader3DVision2SBS line. You can use F11 to cycle different formats, or set the x7 parameter in the d3dx.ini file to a different default.

  7. Hey guys, when I try to run the LEGOSWTFA_DX11, it writes my machine can't running DirectX11, any ideas? (Geforce gtx 1050ti)
    It's happen since I installed the fix
