Saturday, November 18, 2017

Tomb Raider 2-3-4-5

3D Vision fixes for the classic Tomb Raider games (2, 3, The Last Revelation, Chronicles). The fix needs dgVoodoo to convert the games into DX11.

- HUD depth is now fixed and customizable (TR 2-3-4-5).
- Improved sun glare (TR 4).
- Added a black bars toggle hotkey (TR 4).

Known issues
- You will have to disable FMVs in TR 2. They play fine, but after they end, the game will crash. The other games are fine.
- Very distant (black) geometry in TR 2 will be at full depth instead of proper depth (not too annoying). The other games are fine.
- Except for TR 3 (and partially TR 5), the skybox/background is at a fairly close depth. I couldn't find a way to fix it without breaking other geometry.
- NEVER close Tomb Raider 3 via alt+F4, because it will delete your game configuration and break the graphics until you configure it again. This isn't a bug of the fix, but you should be aware of it. It's safe in the other games.
- There is some flickering at the left and right borders of the screen, where the game doesn't want to draw geometry. Use your frustum hotkey (ctrl+F11 by default) until the borders are cropped.

- Download this file for TR 2-3-5 or this file for TR 4 and extract its contents in the root folder of the corresponding game.

- Partial path to the game executables in order, corresponding to the GOG versions:

"Tomb Raider 2\Tomb2.exe"
"Tomb Raider 3\tomb3.exe"
"Tomb Raider 4\tomb4.exe"
"Tomb Raider 5\PCTomb5.exe"

- TR 2 will probably not boot on Windows 10 (in my case,  the process was stuck). Use this if it happens:
- At this point, if you want to play them in widescreen you'll have to patch the game exe with this, which will work with TR 2-3-4-5 (also use the config below):

- Download the latest dgVoodoo 2 release or WIP version here:
- From inside its "MS" folder, copy "D3D8.dll", "D3DImm.dll" and "DDraw.dll" into the game folder.
- Open "dgVoodooCpl.exe" and configure it like this, for example, tuning the resolution and some other settings to your liking (use 16xAF if you don't want a pixelated look):

- To configure the graphics of the game, make a shortcut to the game ".exe" and make it end with " -setup" after the path (no quotes, and used outside the quotes of the path to the ".exe"). The resolution used "ingame" will be used as a zoom level and won't affect the real resolution. 1280x720 is a good balance, and higher than 1920x1200 may make the game crash.
- I recommend forcing SGSSAA in the game profile, especially if you use "Force point sampled" for textures. These games aren't demanding.
- Boot the game and play.

- l: six convergence presets.
- o: HUD depth presets. Screen depth by default.
- k: black bars toggle for cutscenes. TR 4 exclusive.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:


  1. Amazing work masterotaku, I must revisit these classics - BIG THANKS :)

  2. Again huge thanks for all your hard work and bring great classics in 3D!

  3. that's great you're working on old classics never fixed :)

  4. thank you for supporting 3d games!! Nvidia 3d gaming will never die!

  5. Hey. Thanks for your work.
    However I cannot have it working with the updated IOS textures (found here: cause Peixoto tool seems to be incompatible with your fixes. Do you have any idea how to combine both of those?

  6. Hi. I wanted to know how the hotkeys work. I've been trying specifically "K" but it doesn't change anything. Do I have to press it in-game? Or in the dgVoodooCpl.exe? Please help me :(

  7. Nevermind, I forgot to unzip the TR4 fix :p works fine now, thank you and awesome work!!

  8. Hi. It seems the 3D fix for Tomb Raider 2 is no longer stable. When I use the provided 3D Vision fix with vgVoodoo version 2.55 (as shown in the screenshots of this webpage), the wrapper randomly freezes the screen rendering few minutes later. It does this despite adjusting a lot of settings in Tomb Raider 2 config window and dgVoodoo2 control panel to try to prevent it from freezing (as well as disabling the Steam overlay and disabling FMV).

    I thought there was something wrong with v2.55, so I tried later versions of dgVoodoo (v2.73) from their website. While this stopped the screen freezing issue, the HUD was broken; fortunately, I found out that the new VS CRC for the HUD is 266620755070b025, so I renamed/copied "d65c3f9030af3983-vs.txt" to "266620755070b025-vs.txt", which fixed the HUD rendering. Unfortunately, the wrapper still froze the screen few minutes later, which led me to believe that there's something wrong with the VertexShader fix file itself.

    This is my stopping point and I'm afraid using the 3D fix for TB2 cannot be recommended. Maybe the fix used to be flawless at one point few years ago, but all these software, OS, and hardware updates years later may have rendered the 3D fix unreliable. TB2 can still be played in 3D without the provided HUD fix and no freezes, but I'll have to toggle 2D & 3D back and forth to see HUD elements.

    Later Tomb Raider games may have better luck with the 3D Vision fixes as their rendering engines mature, but I'm just slowly playing through Tomb Raider games and currently on TB2 as I typed this.

    OS: Windows 10 64-bit (Build 1909)
    Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 with Nvidia drivers v452.06 (release date Aug 17, 2020)
    Tomb Raider updates/mods used: Tomb Raider 2 Automated Fix (from Steam Community Page)

  9. how do i make the shortcut to end with - setup ??? i get a message that this is incorect
