Saturday, December 5, 2020

Remnant - From The Ashes - 3D-Vision-Ready-Fix - V1.1


Remnant - From The Ashes - 3D-Vision-Ready-Fix - V1.1

— Created and assembled by Losti —
 Made with and for the 3D-Vision Community 
ISSUE: Crosshair for shotgun only static depth, use KEY0 for adjust.
UPDATE: 1.0 - 1.1: HUD-Clipping fixed, you are free to choose any HUD-depth you want now!
ALSO 3DFM and HELIX-VISION usersPlease READ section "1. INITIAL-Setup" 


Infos for 3DFM/HelixVision Team:

Relative game EXE path: …\Remnant\Binaries\Win64
Config folder path: …\AppData\Local\Remnant\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Starting executable: Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe
- FOR EPIC GAMES VERSION: Rename the Overlay folder (in Launcher install folder: 
(e.g. in XXX:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras ... for example)) to whatever you want, e.g. "Overlay_", rename back if game will be closed, make sure Epic-Games-Launcher is running first! 


Optional donation:

Please respect the work behind this fix, this fix would probably not have appeared WITHOUT the work of the mans behind the scene. Donations for to show appreciation and provide funding towards future game fixes:

- Masterotaku: (PayPal)
- DHR:
- DarkStarSword: or support
- DJ-RK:


  • DSS/Bo3B/Chiri: 3D-Migoto, the base for ALL the fixes you see here!!
  • Masterotaku: perfect reflection fix, and many many help on demand!
  • DSS: AutoConvergence/AutoDepth HUD/UI Scripts
  • DJ-RK: AutoConvergence formula for UNREAL-ENGINE 4, dynamic light fix, some decals
  • DHR: basic objects, reflections, light, shadow fixes, halos, decals
  • Losti: AA/AO and smooth over frame fixs, several fixes to light/shadows/reflections, Clipping-fixes, testing and assambling THIS ONE working for this game


How to make make things working:

PLEASE ENSURE you are using a 3D-Vision-SUITIBLE Driver SetupTo proove or achieve, I suggest reading + using this:

1. INITIAL-Setup (only needed once):

  • INSTALL the fix with 3DFM
  • or download it from below and EXTRACT the archives files to the game install folder: ...\Remnant\Binaries\Win64
  • START "00_UE4-UniversalFix-2_Config.cmd" located in  ...\Remnant\Binaries\Win64
  • READ/FOLLOW all the things in the tool
  • ONCE if you have entered the Config-Tool Quick-Start Menu, JUST close it
  • Please read/follow the section below ("Starting the game and Ingame Setup")

2. Starting the Game and Ingame-Setup:


    • Start EpicGamesLauncher
    • Rename the Overlay folder to whatever you want, e.g. "Overlay_" in your Epic-Games install folder (e.g. in XXX:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras ... for example)
    • THANK YOU Bo3B for tracking this ussue down, this is related to some new 

    - START the game via 3DFM, or via launcher/shortcut/game-executable

      • you may need to wait up to 15 min if you run the game for the first time!
      • The game may have HUGE INPUT LAGS the first time and while loading (NEW) areas (because of shader caching) ....its getting better the more you play.

      - Set FULLSCREEN in the game options.

        • If 3D will not work, try ALT+ENTER and ALT+ENTER again, or STRG+T
        • If 3D still not work, read the FAQs from the link below

        - USE HIGHEST available Anti-Aliasing settings

          • The fix sets AA and AO as good as suitible for 3D-Vision.
          • Any lower AA settings MAY can make your image grissly, but its up to you!

          - Additional In-Game Settings:

            • nothing special, everything is up to you!

            3. Key Assignments in the Game:

            - All key-options are shown in the On-Screen-Display in game
            - PLEASE RAD THIS for get an idea how AUTO-DEPTH-HUD works and can be made game-individually cool: Adaptation option for the automatic depth of the HUD / UI
            • F2                                        On-Screen-Help (OFF/ON)
            • NUMPAD -                         toggle low convergence (ON/OFF)
            • RBUTTON (Mouse)           lowers convergence for aiming (on key-hold) - by 40% (use 00_UE4-UniversalFix-2_Config.cmd for change)
            • XB_LEFT_TRIGGER      lowers convergence for aiming (on key-hold) - by 40% (use 00_UE4-UniversalFix-2_Config.cmd for change)
            • KEY0                                  Change depth for crosshair using shotgun

            4. Problems? Read FAQ here:

            UNREAL Engine 4 – Universal Fix 2

            - Still have problems??
              • PLEASE provide detailed information about the ERROR you got, as well as information about your hard (GPU) and software (driver/windows version) setup
              • PLEASE provide a save-game and an instrcution to see your problem there to / Discord or @ a MTBS thread


              5. Download:


              1. Thanks Losti...thanks so much...working great...

              2. Maybe I'm missing something but I can't to find the scalabilty.ini to copy?

              3. May i forgott to copy to the Archive. Ill check this later

              4. thank you very much, Losti
                is it possible to push crosshair more into depth ? i mean the default setting

              5. can you give me a savegame where i have a crosshair? i only have the dot seen while targetting objects

                1. there is crosshair in the game (it cant be turned off) u set it to autodepth
                  ;AO SHADER
                  ResourceDepthBuffer = oD unless_null

                  vs-t110 = ResourceDepthBuffer
                  ;analyse_options = dump_tex mono stereo
                  checktextureoverride = ps-t0

                  is that right ?? i tried to change smth here but it breaks autodepth for crosshair

              6. Version 1.02 is up adressing crosshair depth and some velocity for SSR

              7. Iv'e been experiencing UI bugs, the health bar doesn't go down for me or enemies, only the little white dash on the health and stamina bar visibly goes down for me. Also UI problems where the slots of weapons,armor, and traits cover up the text options such as SPC Unequip, or how many trait points you have left. Could just be a problem on my end, but posting here in case its an issue. If you'd like screenshots just let me know.

              8. Hey Losti, I'm with you and decided this game is not really for me, but just a heads up the game has different reiticles depending on weapon type and the shotgun weapon's is still screen depth.

              9. Just recieved a savegame for the shadow glitches. Ill also check the HUD.

              10. Hey Losti, hab "rausgekriegt" dass du deutsch bist. Hätte da paar Fragen bzgl 3D Vision usw. Da das neue Forum kompletter Mist ist, aknn ich das nicht dort per PM machen. Geht anmailen? Oder bist du noch in nem anderen Forum wie Gamestar oder Computerbase...

                1. Im Discord bist du glaube ich auch...

                2. Klar. Anmailen geht immer das bekomme ich am ehesten mit. Und das kann ich auch auf Arbeit lesen und beantworten:-)

              11. Please, stop to inform us about 425.31 driver is the last 3D Vision working! ;)

                Some days ago I finished testing one set of NVidia drivers and found them perfectly working together:
                431.70 Win10x64 Studio Driver:
                431.70 Win7x64 Quadro stereodriver. Just unpack it from this archive:
                425.31 Win10x64 USB driver: (already extracted and repacked by me)


                2. What is your problem? Let`s do it by yourself from original NVidia drivers (as I did). Anyone can do that.
                  First check - then write, please.

                3. Sorry for my crude response but the moment someone posts a not topic matching thing and download links my alarm bells starts ringing!

                  The information about the 3D-Vision driver is correct and sill remains! 3D-Vision-NV-Geforce Driver ==> NV = Nvidia. Any other things done with the driver files are NOT official Nvidia drivers!

                  There is allready a solution for having 3D-Vision with the latest driver here:


                  I for one are using 436.15 with 3D-Vision.

                  BUT you are right, seems NVIDIA has left 3D-Vision in the Quadro driver package for Windows 7. So i have checked the latest one (436.02). Used DDU to cleanup, than installed 425.31 to get the USB driver first installed to install it with later driver. Than i have used 436.02 win10x64 driver and added USB driver from 431.25 and installed it. Restart and than i have used the 3dvision pack from 436.02 quadro driver (win7 ... seems to work for win10 also). It can be installed because the version tags are matching the main driver withou any modification. BUT THE BAD NEWS: Nothing changed reffering our main problem here: Windows 10 1903 crash many games like unreal 4 games. Games are working having a messed up green 3D message. SO: Thats all the same like using the methods descriped in the post from the link above. I have also tried the combination from your post with the studio driver with the same result. THANK YOU for finding this but unfortunately it will not fix the main problem. 3D Vision on win 7 or 10 1809 are still working perfect using the methode provided withthe latest driver 436.15 and with the 3d vision files from the quadro driver. This means, NVIDIA has left the package for 3D vision but only changes some driver version tags but NOT do any developnment here.

                  In conclusion: We need a method or fix for 3D vision for Windows 10 1903 to have anything new than the solutions that allready exists and working perfect for Windows 10 versions below 1903. Unfortunately even if the 3dvision files from the quadro driver seems to be official, there is no benefit from using it :-(

              12. Please be sure to completely remove the old fix!!!

              13. Thank you for your fix!

                Is it possible to adjust the crosshair in sniper view? The convergation is too big for me and I can't lower it with the nvidia ingame shortkeys. I always close miss my targets. :-(

              14. "Convergence" I mean. lol

              15. Ctrl+F5/ Ctrl+F6 not working in game

                1. May you have forgott about to enabled this keys in the 3D settings in control panel.

              16. In der neuen Epic Store - Version stürzt das Spiel zu Beginn mit dem Fix ab. Woran liegt das und wie kann ich das beheben? Ohne Fix funktioniert es.

                1. Deinstalliere den fix und nimm stattdessen 3DMigoto 1.3.16. Starte das Spiel. Wenn da auch abstürzt liegt es an deinem System/Teiber/setup.

                2. Jetzt stürzt es nicht ab, doch es passiert auch nichts nach Start der exe. In der d3d11_log.txt steht 20.000 mal "Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through".

                3. Der driver Hack scheint nicht aktiv zu sein. Deinstalliere den Treiber mal mit DDU und nutze das bring back 3D vison tool

              17. ureal engine 4 crash. what to do?

                1. Most likely you are using a newer driver. Did you apply the Schwing hack?

              18. turned it on low anti aliasing.before starting the game I started 3DMigotoLoader and deleted it the perfect 3d image!

              19. I have installed driver 452.06 (standard) with the 3d fix manager on windows 1909, followed automated update steps and seem to have 3d activated fine. 3D worked perfect for far cry primal and deep rock galactic (which is unreal engine 4). but for this game i keep getting the UE crash reporter before it can even start. Any recommendations? should i try an earlier driver?

                1. You can try 425.31 but i assume that this is a game Update issue. I will Update this with an new fix but this will take approx 1-2 weeks.

                2. I have checked this here, the game also crashes with standard migoto version installed, hence its not a problem of the fix itselfe. I have also checked Driver 425.31 and run unto the same crashing problems.

                  Currently there is no solution for this one here, i have reported the issue to the migoto github page.

                3. Bo3B has found a solution for this one, this is causes by some new things from the Epic Games Launcher, ill quote BO3B here in the following:

                  Yeah, it's their overlay that causes the issue. Workaround is to block their overlay from loading like the old Steam crashes.

                  They install this path:
                  C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras\Overlay

                  If you rename Overlay out of the way, it won't be loaded by the game and it therefore runs with 3Dmigoto. Presumably this also blocks the ability to play online co-op.

                  ==> Start EpicGamesLauncher
                  ==> Renname the Overlay folder to whatever you want, e.g. "Overlay_"
                  ==> start Remnant.

                4. Losti - thank you very much for the prompt response and looking into this. I suspected it could be the annoying Epic overlay (which has no option in their launcher to turn off as you know). I will block the overlay per your instruction and test co-op ability. I have been out of the 3d loop for awhile but I would like to commend you and the other "fixers" for keeping 3d alive through these driver and windows updates and the amazing automation with 3dfm and universal fixes. well done!

                5. Please Note that this work arround is not my work. Bo3b Gas found it :-)

              20. This comment has been removed by the author.

              21. I finally got it working on the latest game update. Renaming the Overlay folder prevents the Epic launcher from starting, so I only had to move the EOSOVH-Win32-Shipping.dll to a new folder AND revert to driver 425.31, it didn't work on 432 or 456 or any other drivers.

                Dlls are in Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras\Overlay

              22. Game kept crashing to desktop with no error, but I got it working by disabling the Origin overlay, not the Epic games overlay.

                1. Sorry I meant that for Battlefront 2, but disabling the Epic launcher wasn't necessary for Remnant with 452.06, I just needed 3DFM to fix the driver to get it working, then login to Epic for it to connect online.

              23. Just got this for free on Epic - superb perfect job - thanks!!
