Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Outer Worlds - 3D-Vision-Ready-Fix - DHR-Masterotaku-Losti - V3.00

The Outer Worlds - 3D-Vision-Ready-Fix - DHR-Masterotaku-Losti - V3.00

***This fix was made by Losti from DHR UE4-Universal Fix with water reflections by MASTEROTAKU ***

---------LATEST official 3D-Vision-Geforce Driver: 425.31----------
You can install 3D-Vision for the lates driver using this Method discriped here:

Optional donation:

If you like the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate here:

Special Thx goes to:

DHR  - for UE4-UNIVERSAL-FIX - donate

DarkStarSword  - for everything you did for this small but nice 3D-Community and of cause your personal support!!! - donate ( or support @
masterotaku - for guiding me with his knowledge and be present all the time for my questions!!!! THY MATE!!!!, also for Water Reflection Fix donate @

DJ_RK  - for perfect Volumetric/Dynamic Lights, sonate @ or by sending to

Atuin - for SAVEGAMS and issue report, YOU WAS A GREAT HELP HERE MATE!!!!

maurizioclaudio21 / Necropants - for your SAVEGAMES, helping me so much, THANK YOU !!!

--- ~106 hr time of development later ---                      

Latest Update: V3.00 - 05.12.2020
- Added clipping fix for supernova mode without restrictions to the general hud depth. 

Latest Update: V2.01 - 24.11.2020
- NO changes for the main Fix!!!
- only added a download file for users using SUPERNOVA/ALPTRAUM difficulty to came arround the not moving status bar problem (install (if not allready done) the fix, than copy the supernova files over)

Latest Update: V2.00 - 08.11.2020
- updated tot he newthings from the UE4 universa fix 2.0 v 3.0, means flicker fix, reflections ETC
- PLEASE START 00_UE4-UniversalFix-2_Config.cmd for update after recopy the fix! The tool will update AA/AO things for you, ifyou never have installed it, it will install it. Follow the tool. If the tool closes, everything is done. Start thegame as used to.
- AutoConvergence Added, toggle with NUMPAD +

Update: V1.30 - 12.07.2020
- improved side screen SSR fix
- fixd an issue qith not working auto depth crosshair in interiors
- AO fix added
NOTE: You will run into lagging/freezing and other performance issues due to Cache recreation, this will be cured with playthrough!!!

Update: V1.20 - 23.05.2020
- Vol./Dynymic light motion sickness fix
- AO/Shadow motion sickness fix
- improved SSR motion sickness fix

Update: V1.11 - 30.11.2019
- addition of options to disable the white aiming/target dot (see section 5.1 for options you have, pressing the "L" key)
- fix some bug in a RegEx
- switched to DJ_RKs perfect volumetric light and fig formula
- added windows store version using the loader mechanism from migoto, BO3B! (see download section, start the game with 3DMigotoLoader.exe, run this as admin!!!

Update: V1.10 - 24.11.2019
- fix water reflection issues at the left and the right part of the screen
- major UI/HUD fixes:
  - fix depth change of the HUD while aiming and target a lootbox/corpse
  - fix depth changes in some areas while target a corpse (thank you Necropants for reporting this issue and the savegame!)
  - fix not toggled auto depth while target a corpse not having a weapon active (except empty corpses!)
  - fix disable auto depth while aiming, crosshair is now present at autodepth all the time (until you disable auto depth)
  - optimized auto depth while aiming
  - add overlay messages for toggle effects
  - add key for sniper/normal and huge weapons aiming mode (see section 5.)
(Normal is for melee weapons and pistol like weapons, than there is a mode for Heavy Weapons and Shotguns, and one for weapons having a sniper scope) The choice is yours!
  - add key for disable approx. fix for reflection velocity that causes reflections to flicker, its up to you to choose in dependency of the scene, default = ON
  - add more weapons to fix crosshair while aiming (NOTE: I am sure there are some weapons left, plase do not hesitate to send me a savegame if you have a ugly crosshair for a weapon while aiming, ill fix this!)
  - fix issues for inventory elements not in depth
  - disable auto convergence for weapons, you need to press a key (one of three) in dep. on the weapon type or your likes, see section 5!!! This was causing depth changes if the enemy has the same weapon
  - add depth-presets with "*" key
  - changed auto depth disable/enable key to ALT
  - lower depth with the LOW CONVERGENCE KEY for optimal terminal view

Update: V1.01 - 20.11.2019
- some optimization of the loot windows

Update: V1.00 - 17.11.2019
- release

1.  Fixed

- everything by DHR UE4-Universal-fix except some Lights/Shadows/Reflections:
- accurate water screen space reflections (Losti / Masterotaku), RegEx (Losti)
- additional Lights/Shadows and reflection fix (Losti)
- perfect Volumetric/Dynamic Lights (DJ_RK) - FIRST ACCURATE FIX FOR UE4 ENGINE!!!
- Auto Convergence HUD/UI interactions (Losti)
- Auto Depth Crosshair (Losti) - HARD WORK HERE FOR THIS ONE!!!!
- AA, motion blure, motion SICKNESS fix (Shaders: Losti / Ini settings: Atuin)
- motion sickness (Losti)

2.  Issues left

- minor reflection issues at the left and the right screen side, only approx fixed for beeing better than without the fix

- flickering from some light sources/reflections, no fix possible here, you have to go with it or disable the bloom causing this with the NUMPAD-MINUS key
- some minior shadow clipping on the ground
- some motion sickness still remains for some ground lights/shadows
- Auto Depth Crosshair is not as smooth as you may be used to, it was a hard way to get this working because of the depth buffer was often catched from a weapon element and get completely wrong!

You have other issues and/or can present a savegame with a static scene having an issue???? --- please privide a screenshot and a savegame to

3.  Download

4.  Introduction to get it working

- make sure to remove old versions using uninstall.bat, as well as removing ShaderCache folder manually!!!
- copy archive files to ...GAMEDIRECTORY\Indiana\Binaries\Win64\
- if you are using SUPERNOVA/ALPTRAUM difficulty, please also get the additional files from the download section, and copy it over the existing files from the main archive you extracted and copied before!
- PLEASE START 00_UE4-UniversalFix-2_Config.cmd for install AA/AO improvements! The tool will update AA/AO things for you, if you never have installed it, it will install it. Follow the tool. If the tool closes, everything is done. Start thegame as used to.
- Game start: Epic Games Version: as you are used to!
- Game start: Windows Store Version: start the game with 3DMigotoLoader.exe, run this as admin!!!

4.1 Ingame Settings

- up to you (i think), the fix was made with MAXED out settings,if there are any issues, please provide your settings, try maxed out settings !

5.  Key Settings

5.1  Key Settings (Keyboard + Mouse Gameplay)

There are 3 options for the white dot that you can cycle/choose:

- always on (standard)
- only off while walking but ON while aiming
- always off

-  disable auto depth HUD/UI (toggle)

-  cycle different DEPTH presets, may you like one of this, its up to you!

-  disable bloom as well as flickering reflections if you dont like it (toggle)

"NUM /"
-  cylce HUD/UI-Depth except crosshair in AutoDepthMode

"^ (in german its next to the 1 key)" For US Keyboards its the '`~' key
-  switch between high and low convergence, use it if you enter a terminal for example, press this key again to get your depth back!


-  choose aiming mode
(Normal is for melee weapons and pistol like weapons, than there is a mode for Heavy Weapons and Shotguns, and one for weapons having a sniper scope) The choice is yours!

5.2  Key Settings (Controller Gameplay)

-  switch between high and low convergence, use it if you enter a terminal for example, press this key again to get your depth back!

-  choose aiming mode
(Normal is for melee weapons and pistol like weapons, than there is a mode for Heavy Weapons and Shotguns, and one for weapons having a sniper scope) The choice is yours!

5.3  Restricted key for redefine



THANK you DSS for being on this earth :-)
- THANK you masterotaku for being on this earth :-)
- Big thanks to Bo3bDarkStarSword, Flugan and all others involved in creating 3DMigoto; an amazing wrapper that allows us to fix our favorite DX11 games in 3D Vision!
NVIDIA for creating 3D-Vision as a tech!


  1. And again...thx you both and the other hackers for your work...simply amazing.

  2. I have done a mistake here witht this file. I reupload it after work in approx. 10 hrs. The fix currently is not working!!!

    1. You keep your promise and updated the fix. thx, It works ♥

      Ich hab dir und dem Darkstarsword nen Zwanni überwiesen, seine Überweisung wird mir bei Paypal angezeigt. Deine nicht. Ich checke das morgen mal bei der Bank direkt.

  3. OK, now I know which of the AAA games to buy (too many to choose right now).

  4. Yea, Ive had issues with lights and reflextions...but I didnt want to say this because your work is even with issuse great :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Losti, as always.
      Please document how to remove your auto depth and HUD adjustments, This can be a cause of motion sickness. It's very hard for me to play more than five minutes because you have decided how the game should change when looting corpses/containers.

      I could not see anything documented clearly on how to turn this off. Game was fine before your release fix.


    2. His instructions say that the comma key ',' disables the auto-hud. Does that not work?

    3. Isn't ";" what disables stuff?

    4. Section 5.1, disables Auto-Hud. Did you try it? Does not work?

    5. We may have had some issues understanding each other due to language barrier, but he ended up releasing a new version of the fix for me, which fixed the problem but disabled the auto depth functionality on the cross hair (it disappears) which I absolutely must have! So the problem is these two functionalities appear to be tied. Its not the auto depth HUD that's causing the problem it's the fact that he also changes the depth of the 3D when doing so to a jarring degree to someone who always plays at 100% depth. I find it unnecessary and extremely uncomfortable.

    6. No auto depth does not disable this functionality only the cross hair which is completely fine. He has forced it, and I am actually really surprised no one else has this problem with it. The first time you however over a dead body you will see the entire depth flicks jarringly to low depth, I want to vomit within minutes from motion sickness.... I assume the feature is this "- Auto Convergence HUD/UI interactions (Losti)"

      It seems he has updated this page with the fixed version he sent me, but this version is broken if you use the toggle it disables shaders.

    7. Dont worry, ill care about this today. I for one do not have this Problem but this perhaps is related to the shader cache or whatever. Ill make a clean Installation and have a look @ the VS again, perhaps i missed something.If it was cool in V 1.00 the Problem seems to be in the midifications i have done for the Auto depth lootbox. I just wonder why i dont have this here for me.

    8. Thanks a lot mate. I sent you a save to your email just in case it is helpful at least to explain what I mean

    9. I need the metadata for this screenshot, Please zip the whole folder. I have checked the game here with that what i have, everything is fine. Lets sort this out, contact me qt discord pref.

      But i see the COMMA Key is not suitible, in an update i will switch to alt for auto depth toggle.

      Never the less, here is everything cool so give me a session for a talk and a complete savegame please.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. With the last update the crosshair issus are disappeared. ♥

  8. many thanks, this one is actually working with a widescreen tweak, and I can play it @3D surround.

    right now I have to keep my 3D surround rig forever not updated to windows 10 1903 and keep old driver active. 3D surround for me is the best way to game, superior to 4K HDR RTX...(yes I do have a RTX2080TI rig for that, and that card will be the last nvidia product I bought).

  9. I had a great time with this game, though I wasn't expecting to finish it in a few days! Would not have bought it without the fix, thanks!

  10. Teardrop, that's interesting, I checked how to do that but I only have one display, Ive tried changing settings in like instructed in the d3 folder but they nvr work for me. Do you know how to get 4k to work with a 4k tv because I can only get 1080p 24 hertz, but with a 1080 tv I can get 4k super sampled though. I cannot get side by side working in this game, with checkerboard, that for gives me 4k at higher fps and the input delay is less then half as bad. It crashes out when I hit f11.

    1. that's not what I meant though. I have a separate 2080TI setup to do the 4K/HDR/RTX gaming, and I find that 3D Surround still offers the best gaming experiences.

  11. Does not work in Windows 10 v.2004 with latest 3DTV-enabled 441.12 drivers (with leaked, separate 3DTV play installer).

  12. When the splash-screen is going to 3D-spaceship, the game falls out. In 2D mode the game works well.

    1. Please use 425.31 driver after DDU cleanup and try again.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hum, is it only for Epic game store or windows game store like it said in download and not for Steam version?

    WHen i try to update in 3d fix manager i got 1.20 and not that new version.

    Thanks !

    1. It mostly works, but I cannot recommend it. Last I tested months ago, the fix worked, but WinGameStore breaks a fundamental piece of the NVidia driver that prevents crashes. Part of their protection/consolitis. So the game will crash periodically because the driver workaround is disabled. Even though it's cheap, WinGameStore is not worth using.

    2. You can use the fix for every store version but WindowsStore Version is bot recommented to purcheased because of troubes with 3D. This is not fix related.

      Simply download the fix and install it manually, its a simple copy and paste task. Where to copy is written in the discription.

  15. Epic Games version crashing to desktop at title screen. Any ideas?

    1. Working perfect here. What OS and driver are you on?so you use 3DFM?

    2. OS: Win 10
      Driver: latest nvidia driver + whatever 3DFM installed for me
      I do use 3DFM but for some reason it cannot find most of my games, even if I put the game folder itself as a library

    3. Which windows 10 Version?do you have enabled the driver Patch in 3DFM? Im not sure if this done for outer worlds automatically?do you Start outer worlds via 3DFM? The new Version will turn of driver override in Exit. Is 3DFM asking you to do the overide if you start outer worlds via 3DFM??I am pretty sure your Problem is a not active driver Hack that you need on win 10 later 1809.

    4. Latest update of Win 10: 19041.508
      As I mentioned 3DFM cannot see the game, even when I point it directly at the install folder (not sure how to fix this). I have tried to make this work using manual install, which should be easy. I then start the game from Epic Launcher as per the instructions

    5. Without starting the game with 3DFM the driver Hack is disabled. There is an Option to enabled this if 3DFM is running. But i cant tell you where to find and how it is called, i am Not at a my Computer. You can ask at MTBS for help how to enable driver Hack in 3DFM without starting a game with this. Ore use the bring back 3D vison Tool after using DDU to permanentently enabled the driver Hack if you dont care about some games in multiplayer may not work because of eac.

    6. Thanks for your help with this. It would seem that the way this works is more complicated than I realised, I didn't realise a driver hack was needed!
      I have done some digging and managed to get the Outer Worlds to show up in 3DFM now but still, when I install the fix and click to play in 3D the game crashes on startup (doesn't even make it to the first splash screen now). I got pop-up messages that the driver fix needed installing and clicked yes to all messages.
      I am going to try a reinstallation of the game as I have messed about with some of the files now so bestto clear everything and start again I think.

    7. Same issue Here.... I need to figure out how to get 3DFM to see the game in the first place :D

    8. @Tom so I got it fixed. I undid everything I did for the manual fix.
      In 3DFM it is looking for a "The Outer Worlds" folder but in my case the EPIC store installed the game in "TheOuterWorlds" folder. I basically just updated the profile with in 3DFM with that folder name to match the actuial installation and 3DFM detected the game. I was then able to install the fix from within 3DFM and it worked without a CTD.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Just having the fix installed breaks the 3 survival bars in Supernova difficulty as they don't seem to decrease at all. Even if you disable 3D in the game the problem is still there.
    In fact they do decrease but it is not shown visibly as they are always displayed as full.
    If I start the game in 2D using 3D Fix Manager then I see the correct length displayed.

    1. Start the config tool and enabled clipping with C, push HUD to screen depth.

    2. Hi Losti, what do you mean by 'enabled clipping with C' and where do I do that?

    3. Can you please give me a savegame, where your bars are low ?

    4. Just checking that you received the savegame I emailed to you.

    5. Yes i have. Ill have a look today in the evening.

    6. Update above in the blog (additional download)

  19. As written above. Start tue config tool and press key C

    1. The tool doesn't stop for input, just gives a few screens and then closes.

    2. This is the Steam version of the game and I am using the EPIC fix

    3. Oh sorry. Yes i have changed the tool for this game. Ähm...I will Check the Thing with the bar and give you an Update later.

  20. I have the GOG version, I don't have the windows or epic games version. how to make that work?

    1. Just download the epic Version. It doesnt matters. The win store Version only contains a special launcher.

    2. It works with driver version 452.06 and 3D driver 425.31? My game crashes just after launching in 3d. I have RTX 2080 Super.

    3. If it crashes, you have driver 452.06 without enabled driver hack.

    4. I have just started playing this game using gog version. Initially I had crash to desktop when switching to full screen. Running the 3DFM worked fine although it does need some configuration as the games does not automatically show up in the Installed games tab. The steps were:

      1. Open 3DFix Manager (or go to "3dfm install path\fixes\1072" and skip to step 5)
      2. Click Installed Games drop down menu in top left corner and select All Games.
      3. Click on The Outer Worlds (Epic Version) to highlight the correct one
      4. Click on Profile Folder button to open 3dFM folder for The Outer Worlds FM (Fix 1072)
      5. Take a backup of info and then open it in notepad
      6. Change:
      gameLauncherExe=IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe to gameLauncherExe=TheOuterWorlds.exe
      url_01= to url_01=
      7. Save info and then re-scan folders in 3dFM. The outer worlds should now be visible.
      8. Launch as you would any other game in 3dFM and let it work its magic in running the game

      I'm running 452.06 with driver hack all installed using 3dFM. Occasioanlly I switch 3d off and on and then test stereoscopic 3d using the Nvidia control panel when 3d stops working in any game I am running.

    5. In between steps 7 and 8, install 3D fix from 3dFM.

      Many tanks for this fix and all the oters you do Losti. Game looks and runs great in 3d.

    6. I finish up Outriders fix Update hopefully today. TOW is the next in the list. If ypu want a much better Gaming experince you may want to wait 3 more days :-)

    7. It already looks great. Only thing I have noticed is crosshairs as outlined in the issues, but that doesn't get in the way of any enjoyment. Once again, many thanks for the fix.
