Thursday, November 7, 2019

Control - 3D-Vision-Ready-Fix - Losti - V1.01

Control - 3D-Vision-Ready-Fix - Losti - V1.01

***This fix was made by Losti with some elements from Quantum Breake by Masterotaku**

---------LATEST official 3D-Vision-Geforce Driver: 425.31----------
You can install 3D-Vision for the lates driver using this Method discriped here:

Optional donation:

If you like the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate here:

Special Thx goes to:

DarkStarSword  - for everything you did for this small but nice 3D-Community and of cause your personal support!!! - donate ( or support @
masterotaku - for guiding me with his knowledge and be present all the time for my questions!!!! THY MATE!!!! - donate @

masterotaku - for the help here with some issues and giving me the formulas for decal fix from Quantum Break fix, also have taken 3 formulas for shaders from this fix, THANK YOU MY FRIEND !!!  - donate @

whyme466, TheBigDogma and Blacksmith56 for donating 2/3 of the game !!!

--- ~83 hr time of development later ---                      

Latest Update: V1.01 - 30.11.2019
- fix missing outlines 

Update: V1.00 - 06.10.2019
- release
- NOTE: Only for DX11, Ray Tracing and DLSS may not supported, disable it in game options 

1.  Fixed

- ps shaodws (Losti)
- cs shaodws (Losti)
- ps lights (Losti)
- cs lights (Losti)
- vs lights (Losti)
- light cones (Losti)
- hud (Losti)
- halos (Losti)
- screen space reflections (SSR) (Losti)
- global reflections (Losti)
- gs fog (Losti)
- decals (Masterotaku)
- outlines (Losti)
- additional effects never seen but may be there in the game, shaders taken from shader cache, fix applyed from Masterotakus Quantum Break Fix

2.  Issues left

- some AO shadows seems to be not cool if standing near objects

- SSR is not even 100 % ok
- global reflections will have motion sickness while moving and burn in particles if stand still, cured by moving (disable global reflections in game options if you can't live with that)
- HUD texture update is delayed sometimes resulting in some HUD glitches or too much depth for some HUD-textures, read section 5 for curing options via keys
- motion sickness for SSR, also present in 2D and without any fix (means they are slighly out of depth while moving
- strange reflection appearance, some reflections having strange lines or particle like appearance, this is also present in 2D without any fix
- any fixed effect in the game (shadows, lights, reflections) will became a view millisecond out of depth, the correction is done a little bit slower than the display of it
- HUD glitches for enemy target marks and health bars, some of the textures are a bit out of depth

You have other issues and/or can present a savegame with a static scene having an issue???? --- please privide a screenshot and a savegame to

3.  Download

4.  Introduction to get it working

- NOTE: Only for DX11, RayTracing and DLSS may not supported, disable it in game options if you have problems !!!

- Shuttering problems? Chtiblue solved this: scanline to -20 in RTSS (Rivatuner Statistics Server)

be sure to remove old versions using uninstall.bat
- copy archive files to ...GAMEDIRECTORY\
- if something is wrong,  press F10 or restart the game!!!!!!
- you need to pess "P" if you HAVE icons in HUD out of depth like access things e.g. the abilitys at a savepoint to correct deph of icons, please note that they will only be at screen depth if you go over it, its a problem of texture depth actualization, press "P" again to have crosshair @ autodepth in game
- if crosshair is @ creen depth in game after pressing key "P" for menu correction, and you are back into the game and press "P" again and it is still @ screen depth: press F10
if the game will be covered by a one eye texture, restart the game
- read the key definitions for adjust the game

4.1 Ingame Settings

- up to you, the fix was made with MAXED out settings,if there are any issues, please provide your settings, try maxed out settings
- i don't suggest motion blure or film grain

5.  Key Settings

5.1  Key Settings (Keyboard + Mouse Gameplay)

"+" or "-"
-  cylces convergence, you can cycle forward with "+" and backwards to the prev. convergence with "-"

"*" or "/"
-  target mark and healthbar depth,  you can cycle forward with "+" and backwards to the prev. convergence with "-" if you don't like the standard settings to move it more to screen depth


-  this disables the auto depth for target mark and health bars if you dont like the flipping of its depth, you can adjust the static depth with "*" or "/"


-  correction for menu icons out of depth in some cases, please note that: after pressing this key the icons move only some more out of depth and only they will only move to screen depth if you hover over or click it with mouse or move over it with gamepad

-  restore standard game settings for HUD, use this if crosshair still remains at screen depth after some menu actions or if pressing "p" will not work to push the crosshiar/object marks back into depth after pressing "p" and back in the game after pressed it before to correct hud icon depth

5.2  Key Settings (Controller Gameplay)


-  correction for menu icons out of depth in some cases, please note that: after pressing this key the icons move only some more out of depth and only they will only move to screen depth if you hover over or click it with mouse or move over it with gamepad


THANK you DSS for being on this earth :-)
- THANK you masterotaku for being on this earth :-)
- Big thanks to Bo3bDarkStarSword, Flugan and all others involved in creating 3DMigoto; an amazing wrapper that allows us to fix our favorite DX11 games in 3D Vision!
NVIDIA for creating 3D-Vision as a tech!


  1. Thanks Losti - looks great! I just need to find the time to get back into it! - Trine 4 and the new Yooka-Laylee both release on Tuesday and Indivisible and A Knight's Quest both look good as well... busy week!

  2. Thanks for your fixes Losti! I'll donate you at the end of this month. You have fixed so many games on many wishlist recently

  3. Thanks Losti! Another game I will have to pick up due to your glorious fixes :)

  4. Hi everyone,
    I am glad that the 3D is still alive thanks to people like Losti, regards.
    My question, how to switch off interpolation in sbs or over-under mode, probably scaling problem res:2560x1440
    TV Panasonic 4K passive 3D, Acer HR274H driver.

  5. I get this error when game starts on top left corner of screen
    Unrecognised entry:resource\shaderfixes\debug_cb.ini\debugcb=vs-cb0
    between 3d works fine. one area in astral plane where reflection is little broken. or else fine.

    1. Reflections are not 100 % as you can read in the not fixed section above. You can ignore the error. I forgot about to disable some line in an ovrride but this will not have any effect for the game.

  6. Thanks for the great job on 3d fixes! You make the games look awesome! When i run in dx12 with or without ray tracing i can't get proper 3d is there any solution? In dx11 game looks fine.

    1. Please a view minutes to read my whole release post, here you can find this:

      4. Introduction to get it working
      - NOTE: Only for DX11, RayTracing and DLSS may not supported, disable it in game options if you have problems !!!

    2. I have read it. I just ask if the 3d fix works in dx12 mode.

    3. 3D Vision was never adapted to work for DX12 by NVidia, so no 3D is possible in any DX12. The only DX12 game I know that works in 3D is Shadow of Tomb Raider, because they use their own 3D renderer, not 3D Vision.

    4. How about a HelixRenderer:-)

    5. Not impossible. Hopefully someday. Will need the unmatched skills of DarkStarSword I think.

  7. Thank you, totally working but
    I have a rectangle at my bottom right screen, this rectangle is out of sync with the whole screen!! How do I fix this, I wonder why a rectangle and at this place!!

    1. Can you provide a savegame? I can check this.

    2. A savegame? how can that help? The issue is there all the time since the beginning of the game.

    3. Not sure if this would help, when I open the game I get a message in red says "WARNING: Unrecognised entry: resource\shaderfixes\debug_cb.ini\debugcb = vs-cb0" and then will disappear!

    4. Ok if present from beginning please give me a screenshot. Cant remember having this Problem. Ill check this. The message can ignored.

    5. Is there any software that I can do a screenshot in 3D?

    6. Ok there you go, I made a small video, look at the left side, at the bottom right, the transparent box is what I talk about.!AnpEPWe_YPm4hzFcelmhi-N8Qz4i?e=8aS1HH

    7. Ok, strange. Dont have this here. Have you tried several in game settings and resolutions? If you remove the fix, is this also be present? What are your system and driver specs?

  8. Screenshots can be made with Alt F1 by the way. You have a folder than in your documents.

    1. Hi Losti, thanks for replying, I have removed the fix, and the box is disappeared, I put back the fix and the box comes back. I tried to take screenshots, but the box doesn't show in screenshots. The video link I put can be accessed if you have any Microsoft account such as Live, outlook, hotmail.. I've tried different resolutions, and I playing with all options, but it doesn't go away.

    2. I've tried the link, it doesn't even need a microsoft account, just copy and paste the link in a browser and click on download the video, I just tried it

    3. And if you open the video in PowerDVD side-by-side, that's exactly what I see

    4. Yes i saw tue issue. So you are using sbs mode. I do not have any idea about this. I use normal 3D with shutter glasses. I will try sbs mode and have a look it i can see this cutting too. May be some ini settings, may be not. May be some game or fix Problem. But in normal 3D i dont have it. What driver do you use and which windows Version?

    5. No, I use 3D Vision, but when I do video capture, it comes as SBS

    6. I use latest Nvidia drivers with 3D vision drivers, the ones provided by helixmod software

  9. Windows 10 1903, if it's something not easy to fix, it's alright I got used to it now I'm getting blind but at least it's playable :)

    1. I cannot fix something i cannot try. I suggest as an attemp for you to use DDU and cleanup your driver. Than classically install 425.31 ans install the fix manually. I can check if this is a problem of the windows Version and or in combination with the driver. May be it is a problem of missing profile things i can check this these days.

    2. Thank you sir. I can live with it.

    3. I found that this box is coming out in other games as well, it's where the green text of 3d compatibility should appear, I tried Ctrl+Alt+Ins and wow those boxes are gone. Not sure why it appears as boxes.
      Just wanted to leave this as a hint

  10. i'm getting occasional crashes it says some error about the buffer, is it related with the fix ?

    1. Possible, but looking online suggests the game is still fairly buggy. Nobody ships a finished game anymore, it's at least 6 months before they work out the remaining bugs. Word on the forums was that setting it to Win7 compatibility mode helps solve crashes. No idea, just passing that along.

  11. Good day. I am getting a weird flickering in my Right eye when in VR. It seems to happen every few seconds. Anyone else seen such behavior?

  12. Hi, thanks for the fix! You guys are thee best! I have a quick question. You mention parts of the game as having "motion sickness?" I'm not sure I understand the reference. Are those the parts of the game that aren't at the correct depth? The reason I ask is because my in game explosions appear to be at screen depth in 3D vision (at least partially) while everything else looks correct. It's causing my eyes some discomfort. I have noticed that the explosion rendering looks at screen depth (again, partially) in 2D as well. The 2D explosions don't mess with my eyes obviously, but its still noticable. Should it still look that way with 3D vision? Or is that just how the game renders explosions. Thanks in advance...btw, I'm running Nvidia 425 drivers and the fix is installed correctly.

  13. Wow, just discovered this fix and game. It looks absolutely unbelievable!
    Losti, you are great, very skilled shader-hacker, thank you very much for working on this then also sharing it with us !!!

  14. Game now free on "Epic" - will give it a go - thanks, Losti...

    1. Please Note that there is an updated Version from Masterotaku.

    2. Thanks, Losti - I used 3DFM to install a fix yesterday - would that have automatically done Masterotaku's latest version?

      I have just been playing this game in 3D (not sure which fix used), and it's incredible - as good as Batman Arkham Asylum in its 3D!

    3. I'm not seeing any place to download an update from masterotaku? I'm running the v1.01 version, and there is one effect that is off, a sort of fog/death effect. This screeshot shows it:

      I'm sure I can disable that, but figured you'd want to know. You can see this easily anywhere, just shoot the floating guys, and their death fog shows this.

    4. May im wrong and there is no download. But you can ask him directly
