Tuesday, July 12, 2022

PinBall Arcade DX11 Steam version Helixvision



PinBall Arcade DX11 Steam Version.. 3D Fix + Helixvision ..

Hey all you PinBall Wizards,

I have another fix and this time you get to play Pinball.. Not much broke except the lighting effects.
There is a HUD/UI Depth adjuster with the Right Bracket key press 4 times too different levels of depth.

I have the DL Link here and inside is the fix for Pinball Arcade.

HelixVision users:

There is a folder named 1250 inside the fix put that in your Helixvision Fixes folder and restart Helixvison. so you will want to DL the fix first to get the 1250 folder and insert into the fixes folder then you should be able to run Helixvision and load the fix as normal.

You may need to point to the game if you did a Csutom Steam Install as I pointed it too the defauly folder..

If you have any issues please let me know and sorry but I am unable to fix the lighting issue.. here is the link to the Files:

If you need any help getting it installed or running please feel free to leave a message here or if you have any questions. I will try and monitor this thread for a while..



  1. Thanks Nephilim, will try it out

  2. yes It is playable and just one step below nVidia 3D vision ready.. I hope you enjoy it I was playing it and it is a bit addicting lol!!

  3. well the fix appears to be botched let me rework it to get it back to working ..

  4. ok, will try whenever you get around to it!

  5. well this fix should work as I updated it and only thing broke os the light effect.. but it still plays ok..

  6. Hello
    This is the game i did ask in other comment section.
    Geme works perfectly fine when run in 3d dx9 however its missing some lighting effects that only exclusive in dx11.
    When game runs in dx11 3d is fine without any fix but as you mentioned lighting effects are broken in 3d. Convergence maybe?
    Its the any chance to fix this lighting issue on dx11?
    Thank you for your hard work trying to fix this game.

  7. Does anyone know which game engine this uses?? I think it is unity if so there may be a fix for it..
