Saturday, October 12, 2024

Elden Ring [RealVR + VRto3D]

Luke Ross updated his RealVR mod to support VRto3D for 3D displays.
This game is compatible with 3DVision driver 452.06.


  • Camera now has native controls, so you can play with a gamepad on single/multi-display
  • RealVR uses Alternate Eye Rendering, so it is essential to maintain a consistent framerate to avoid eye-flips or other artifacts, so adjust your in-game settings accordingly
  • Only 1:1 aspect ratio is available in 2D game window, so there will be wasted rendering, but you will always get 16:9 aspect ratio in 3D headset window
  • 3DVision setups require a 2nd display to run VRto3D

You will need:

  • VRto3D setup for your 3D display here
  • RealVR v14.1.0 or newer from Patreon
After getting these, you can follow the instructions below, on GitHub or watch video instructions here

Friday, October 11, 2024

Horizon Zero Dawn [RealVR + VRto3D]

Luke Ross updated his RealVR mod to support VRto3D for 3D displays.
This game is compatible with 3DVision driver 452.06.


  • Has dynamic-depth crosshair
  • Camera now has native controls, so you can play with a gamepad on single/multi-display or mouse & keyboard on multi-display
  • Unfortunately, Sony delisted HZD to make way for an unnecessary remaster, but you should still be able to find keys for sale
  • RealVR uses Alternate Eye Rendering, so it is essential to maintain a consistent framerate to avoid eye-flips or other artifacts, so adjust your in-game settings accordingly
  • You will have to choose between:
    • 1:1 aspect ratio with correct aspect ratio cutscenes, wasted rendering, and having the HUD in the center 2/3rds of the screen; gameplay is 16:9
    • 16:9 aspect ratio with everything in cutscenes stretched horizontally, but no wasted rendering and HUD is normal
  • 3DVision setups require a 2nd display to run VRto3D
  • The game has some aggressive culling, so you may see things disappear
  • The camera in cutscenes often shows you things with funny animations that were out of frame in the base 2D game

You will need:

  • VRto3D setup for your 3D display here
  • RealVR v14.1.0 or newer from Patreon
After getting these, you can follow the instructions below, on GitHub or watch video instructions here

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

geo-11 fix for Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.

- Haloing issues.
- Volumetric lighting.
- Sun position.
- Radial blur.
- HBAO+.
- Specular reflections at depth (not for characters. Only environment).
- Crosshairs and some other important HUD elements are at dynamic depth. Text is always at screen depth to avoid some conflicts.
- Static convergence presets used for gameplay and the map depending on the situation.

- geo-11 fix (with build v0.6.198): download this file and extract its contents in the "Ys IX Monstrum Nox" folder , where "ys9.exe" and "ys9_JP.exe" are. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change the "direct_mode" to the output method you need.
- Run the game.

- Default convergence is 1, appropriate for cutscenes and it can be tweaked in real time, but the gameplay convergence of 4 is triggered by presets and locked. If you wish to change that number, search the "[PresetGameplay]" block in "d3dx.ini" and edit the convergence value below it.
- Don't underestimate the draw distance warning when you increase it too much. It can noticeably affect CPU performance.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:
Or you can join my Patreon:

Final Fantasy XV

3D Vision fix for Final Fantasy XV. Made by DJ-RK and masterotaku equally. I have tested the game mostly with the "Assets" option enabled.

Update (2024-09-28): updated geo-11 build to v0.6.198. Big update for this fix. Better solution for clipping (not a hotkey anymore) without hurting performance. Dynamic HUD depth (with some restrictions, and the rest at screen depth). Fully fixed TAA and motion blur. Better fixed ambient occlusion. Fixed one-eye issues. Better autoconvergence configuration. Fixed another volumetric lighting shader. Fixed other minor problems.

Update (2022-06-26): added geo-11 fix, which performs a lot better than in 3D Vision. It has autoconvergence, and some hotkeys differences.
Important update (2022-05-27): improved screen space reflections fixes to stereoize the fade area. Volumetric lighting fixed the correct way instead of being sticky. Lighting clipping fully fixed, except the one related to shift+F5 and some created by ambient occlusion (not VXAO). TAA fixed for the most part. Motion blur fixed alongside it. Some small lighting issues are fixed now. Some performance improvements. Fixed some mistakes in the fix. Changed "d3d11.dll" to one that triggers 3D in borderless mode too.
Small update (2020-04-18): fixed the blizzaga spell.

- Skybox.
- Light shafts.
- Shadows.
- Lighting.
- Decals.
- Ambient occlusion and VXAO.
- Nvidia ShadowLibs.
- Screen space reflections and their fade effect at the sides.
- Some effects related to water that needed stereoization or the opposite.
- Volumetric lighting and fog.
- Smoke/fire/particles that were appearing only on one eye.
- Stereoized specular reflections.
- Distortion effect when hitting enemies, when explosions happen, etc (radial blur).
- The bonfire when the high quality "Assets" aren't enabled in the options.
- Lighting clipping.
- Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA).
- Motion blur.

Not fixed settings
- DLSS: it doesn't work in 3D.

geo-11 (new, recommended, using build v0.6.198): download this file and extract its contents in the "FINAL FANTASY XV" folder, where "ffxv_s.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change your "direct_mode" to the output you need.
- 3D Vision (older, maybe for 2D users that want some post processing toggles): download this file and extract its contents in the "FINAL FANTASY XV" folder, where "ffxv_s.exe" is.
- Launch the game and let it overwrite the profile when it asks for permissions.
- Play in either fullscreen or borderless modes.

(3D Vision, regarding the old fix) Recommendations for better fps in CPU limited situations
This game is very CPU demanding. You will get around 1/3 of the fps you get in 2D in CPU limited situations. If you play at maximum settings (except for TurfEffects), you can expect being under 30fps the majority of the time with current CPUs. If you follow these recommendations (from highest to lowest importance, in this order, with VXAO and LOD being similarly demanding), you can get noticeably better fps:

- Nvidia TurfEffects: don't use it. Way too demanding for the CPU, an order of magnitude more demanding than anything else combined. I'm talking about 10fps with an i7 7700K at 4.9GHz. It's also desynchronized between the eyes when you step on grass.
- VXAO: it's the best looking ambient occlusion option in the game (don't use it at the same time as the other options), but it also increases CPU usage as well as GPU usage.
- Model LOD: don't set it to the highest option. I recommend the medium option, which has little difference in fps compared to low, but it looks considerably better.
- Lighting: in some situations, the highest setting hits the CPU a bit, compared to the high setting.

(geo-11) Recommendations for better fps in CPU limited situations
Thanks to the increased CPU performance of geo-11 compared to 3D Vision, the settings mentioned above don't have such a drastic effect. All graphics options are OK to use, although preferably 100% internal resolution. VXAO is probably the most CPU demanding setting now, but also the only good ambient occlusion option. You decide if it's worth it.

Hotkeys (3D Vision fix, the old one)
- Shift+F1: this toggles the OSD that shows the available hotkeys.
- F2: convergence presets (0, 0.333333, 0.666667, 1, 1.5, 2). 2 by default. Use shift+F2 to cycle backwards.
F3: HUD depth presets. 75% depth by default. The crosshair in the Prompto DLC is always at 90% depth. Use shift+F3 to cycle backwards.
Shift+F4: HUD toggle. Not disabled by default.
- Shift+F5 or XB_LEFT_THUMB+XB_RIGHT_THUMB: lighting clipping toggle, for a brute force fix. Not fixed by default. Explained in the known issues section.
- Shift+F6: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
F10: this saves your hotkeys state, so you don't have to press them in future sessions.
- Ctrl+alt+F10: this resets your hotkeys state file, discarding your custom settings.

Hotkeys (geo-11 fix)
F2: convergence presets (0, 0.333333, 0.666667, 1, 1.5, 2). 2 by default. Use shift+F2 to cycle backwards. In geo-11, these hotkeys won't work if autoconvergence is enabled.
Shift+F4: HUD toggle. Not disabled by default.
Shift+F6: vignette toggle. Not disabled by default.
Shift+F8: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
Ctrl+alt+F10: this resets your hotkeys state file, discarding your custom settings.

Autoconvergence (geo-11)
- In the geo-11 fix, autoconvergence is enabled by default, which in my opinion handles all situations very well. If you want to disable it, open "d3dx.ini" and set "dm_auto_convergence" to 0.

If you have been using an older version of the fix, uninstall it completely. Don't just overwrite the files.

Donations links
- DJ-RK: like my work and wish to show appreciation? Dontations can be sent by visiting: or by sending to
- masterotaku: if you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account:

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fears to Fathom

 Geo-11 fix for   Fears to Fathom 

Special thanks to:
- Masterotaku and Kai thanks a lot, always there helping me. 

-  Auto crosshair, HUD and menu depth... etc, (Darkstarsword  and 
Masterotaku fixes)

- Stereorized reflexions on TV and glasses, pool....




  + Fears to Fathom Episode 1:

    This one is free to play.
  1. Extract the contents of the file to the game directory.

  2. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to manually change your "direct_mode" to the output you needis nvidia_dx11 by default 


     - "L" Nice 3D settings

  + Fears to Fathom Episode 2:

  1. Extract the contents of the file to the game directory.

  2. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to manually change your "direct_mode" to the output you needis nvidia_dx11 by default. 


     - "L" Nice 3D settings

   Fears to Fathom Episode 3:

  1. Extract the contents of the file to the game directory.

  2. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to manually change your "direct_mode" to the output you needis nvidia_dx11 by default. 


     - "F1" Nice 3D settings

     - "F2" Autofade crosshair on/off

   Fears to Fathom Episode 4(Ironbark Lookout):

  1. Extract the contents of the file to the game directory.

  2. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to manually change your "direct_mode" to the output you needis nvidia_dx11 by default. 


     - "F1" Nice 3D settings

     - "F2" Autofade crosshair on/off

   Fears to Fathom Episode 5(Woodbury Getaway):

  1. Extract the contents of the file to the game directory.

  2. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to manually change your "direct_mode" to the output you needis nvidia_dx11 by default. 


     - "F1" Nice 3D settings

     - "F2" Autofade crosshair on/off

- I Made this fix using  tools and fixes from DarkStarSword, DHR, 4everawake, Masterotaku and Losty...

If you want to donate something, They worth it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Subnautica: Below Zero GEO-11

Geo-11 fix for   Subnautica: Below Zero

Special thanks to:
- Masterotaku and Kai thanks a lot, always there helping me. 

- Halos, shadows,  lights (DHR universal fix, and Masterotaku fixes)
-  Auto crosshair, HUD and menu depth... etc, (Darkstarsword  and 
Masterotaku fixes)


- Recharging batteries looks wrong depth
- Ambient Occlusion looks wrong in some angles 
- Clouds are a infinite depth but when you move they take a while to settle

  1. Extract the contents of the file to the game directory.

  2. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to manually change your "direct_mode" to the output you needis nvidia_dx11 by default. 


 - F12: Shows this help

 - "Z" Change Crosshair: fade, hide, normal. (fade by default)

 - "L" Nice 3D settings

 - "K" Low convergence recomended in seamoth and propulsor

Very important:

-Clouds and Sky setting must be high


- I Made this fix using  tools and fixes from DarkStarSword, DHR, 4everawake, Masterotaku and Losty...
If you want to donate something, They worth it.