Sunday, July 23, 2017

Alien: Isolation [DX11]

Alien: Isolation (DirectX11) - 3D Vision Fix

3DMigoto, DX11, 3D Vision fix by mike_ar69 and bo3b

This game is a real showcase for how 3D can take a game to a whole new level, and makes it quite a bit more terrifying.

The game runs very well, SLI is supported and runs well with a good profile. In general, you can run the game in 3D with all settings at max. Be sure to use Deep Color to improve the black levels for color banding.

Select viewing method: 3D Vision Plugin - Cross-eyed - Distance - Anaglyph



  1. The standard Alien Isolation profile on 344.65 and above works well.
  2. Run the game once to make sure it's installed, resolution and refresh are like you want.  Make sure 3D kicks in. It will look terrible.
  3. Get the fix as a zip file from here: 
  4. Unzip the files and ShaderFixes folder into the game directory, for example:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Alien Isolation\
  5. Optional: Get the TAA Anti-Aliasing from: Alias Isolation
  6. Optional: Run the AliasIsolation GUI, and launch Alien Isolation from there.
  7. First run will ask for permissions, to set profile values, including TAA support.
  8. With that installed you should be able to run and see the fix. 
  9. Use in-game settings and set Particles to High, not Ultra if you use SLI and the particles seem bad (only draw in one eye). Fixed in later drivers.
  10. If you use single card, use in-game settings and set AO to Standard, not HDAO.
  11. For TAA (SLI is not supported), set in-game AA: SMAA T1x, Chromatic Aberration: Off, and Motion Blur: On.

  1. Lensflare and bloom are disabled by default.
    Re-enable them if you prefer.  Edit the d3dx.ini and set the [Constants] field w=1.  By default this is zero, off.
  2. HUD+UI depth, including crosshair, are set to screen depth by default.
    Set the depth if you prefer. Edit the d3dx.ini file, and set the [Constants] x=0.4 for depth, x=-0.2 for pop-out.
    Note that this also affects some in-game items like terminals, which is why it's x=0 by default.
  3. Set crosshair independent of HUD if you prefer.
    For example, use the 
    [Constants] z=0.4 for depth.  By default this is set to zero because it also moves on screen info text. 
  4. Convergence may be too high by default.  Use Ctrl-F5 to lower it.  Advanced settings must be enabled in Control Panel.

x = 0.0 // HUD depth, 0.8=in screen, 0=screen depth, -0.2=popout
y = 0.05 // reflection correction
z = 0.0 // Crosshairs depth, 0.8=in screen, 0=screen depth, -0.2=popout, -1=none
w = 0 // Set to 1 to enable lens flare and bloom

Known Issues
  1. Some lights will snap to different positions as you get close. 
  2. Planar reflections off floors is only approximate. Some may not yet be fixed. Can be disabled altogether in game's video settings.
  3. Some particle effects from fires show only in one eye if Ultra on SLI. Use High.
  4. On drivers above 344.11 HDAO will show double images if on single card. SLI is OK, as well as Standard AO.
  5. Aiming crosshair and dot are at screen depth, but can be moved deeper at the expense of some UI text glitches. Will move to 80% depth on right-mouse aim.
  6. Depth of Field will sometimes make the blurred part 2D. Relaunch game, maybe reboot.
  7. AA and AF are broken in game, not by us.  Use the TAA mod Alias Isolation, or downsampling, DSR, SuperSampling for AA instead.
  8. You may see ghosting because of hardware.  The game is super high contrast, and bright lights in dark rooms can expose hardware limitations.  Adjust your contrast and brightness and LightBoost to minimize it.
  9. For areas with a lot of water reflections, you will need to tune it to look good by adjusting convergence, or disable planar reflections.

Overall, we would rate this an excellent fix, the problems are barely noticeable.  If you see other effects that seem wrong, please let us know.

Screenshot Gallery

Geforce forum thread

This fix is also compatible with the visual tweaks suggested by Settings Mod (LOD, planar reflections, shadow maps), and is also compatible with the awesome Temporal Anti-Aliasing provided by Alias Isolation.

11-2-14 Update: to 0.99 version, includes further fixes for planar reflections, decal effects, more lens flare, and allows independent crosshair setting.

12-8-14 Update: to 0.99.9 version to add another planar reflection, android blood fix.

12-8-14: Update: 0.99.10 update to add another shadow shader.

12-11-14: Update: 0.99.12 update to add two more planar reflection shaders.

12-21-14: Update 0.99.21 update to partly fix water reflection in reactor. Older build:

6-30-15: Update 1.1.25 to include aiming override, new code base.  Sets z=-1 to disable crosshair altogether.  Set z in the Key_Aiming to any depth you prefer.  Older build:

2-20-17: Update 1.2.1 to latest 3Dmigoto which includes automatic profile setting and SBS/TAB support. Latest:

Thanks again to Helix and eqzitara for supporting 3Dmigoto fixes on HelixModBlog.

Special thanks to DHR and Helifax for HUD tweaks.


  1. First, thank you very much for this, I've been waiting with bated breath.
    What does this line mean though "Change game profile with NVidia Inspector"?
    Is this a tool I need?
    I got this tool thinking it was what you meant but when I started it, it turned my screen black and had to restart the PC.

    1. Yes, that's the right tool. That's a rare problem there, never heard of it before, so I can't offer suggestions.
      You can just play the game with default profile, it won't hurt anything.

  2. Can't really say thank you enough for the work you do here. Us otherwise neglected 3D gamers are forever in your debt!

  3. You are my kings !!!

  4. thank you for all your hard work! i can finally play this fantastic game!

  5. Thank you so much!

  6. Actually I dont still get it what is null profile

  7. Thank you so much for this fix!!
    Otherwise, i don't understand how to fix the save issue with NVidia Inspector. Can you help me (or us)?
    And finally, there is someone know how to disable HUD crosshair?

    1. For NVidia Inspector, as noted below, use eqzitara's excellent guide: Using Inspector

      I'm looking at a way to disable the HUD altogether, but it'll be a few days, if it's even possible. I don't know of other ways to do that.

    2. Thank you for the quick reply and for the excellent guide!

      For the crosshair: With guys like you, I have no doubt the solution will be found, I will wait with hope.

  8. The game with the fix looks worse to me than without it - I must be doing something wrong. Can someone make detailed instructions (maybe u2b video) please?

  9. Never mind, I figured it out reading other threads. I had to enable advanced shortcuts in nvidia settings, then in-game disable compatibility mode by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F11 and then disable pan reflections inside game options. NOW I SEE what you meant on nVidia forum that comp. mode sucks.
    Now the game looks awesome! Thanks again.

    To learn about nVidia inspector read this thread:

  10. Thank you so much for this... guys.
    I tried it with 3D compatibility mod and oculus DK1 and it is quite nice. But this is the best render.
    Nice done bo3b :)


  11. Was waiting and hoping that mike and bo3b would pull through with this -- you guys didn't disappoint! This looks amazing. Thank you both!

  12. Thanks so much guys for the very hard work on this 3d fix as I was waiting anxiously for it. I have everything working great but when I'm saving my game or aiming my gun or access a computer inside the game the screen appears to be double image is that something which gonna be fixed or is this problem with me only.

    1. Just fixed it by lowering the convergence as it was set too high by default.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The fix works great!I play the game in nvidia surround i have a problem with 3d,when i turn 3d on the game works too slow i have a powerfull PC i set the game in low config.. still crap...PLEASE HELP!

    1. No idea actually, no one else has reported performance problems. Got the main thread in the forums and post system specs, and problem, and see if someone there might know. Forum Thread

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi giusy first of all thanks for The great job u are doing here :))

    How do u solve the problem with The movement radar? Everything is working nice but the radar is totally doubled up when i press the space button :(

    1. Your convergence is set too high. Lower the convergence with Ctrl-F5 by default. Depends on the profile you are using. Use Aliens:CM.

    2. But my convergence is set To The lowest possibile, i set it with ctrl+f3 or ctrl+f4, am i doing something wrong?

    3. F3 and F4 you set depth, use F5 and F6 for convergence.

  17. Added ai.exe to the aliens:CM profile inside nvidia inspector and 3d vision recognize CM when i launch isolation, but i still have the movement radar problem, i can't change my convergence and even if i press ctrl+f5 or ctrl+f6 nothing happen and radar is always rougly doubled up

    Any ideas?

    1. You should enable the convergence option first and you can do that by going to the Nvidia control panel > Setup 3D Stereoscopic > Set keyboard Shortcuts > Enable advance in game settings and press ok.

      And whenever you want to change convergence inside the game you should keep on pressing the ctrl+f5 or ctrl+f6 for a couple of seconds until you see that it's starting to change.

    2. did it.... nothing changed... i can only play with 3D power (ctrl+f4) set to 10% or low otherwise i see too many items ( and the radar ) doubled up, especially lights and light sources

      how far can u set your 3D strenght?

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Same problem... Not a convergence issue, the radar is doubled on the left frame only and the blurred part is still in 2D. I rebooted and no change. I have to disable DoF...

    5. Your configuration is somehow broken, this all works well. I play with depth at 100% and convergence up just a bit. If you get no action from Ctrl-F5, then something is wrong on your system.

      The default and null profile tend to have convergence cranked to the max, and needs to be lowered. Depends on driver version. You are going to need to experiment, or use the settings we use.

    6. I lowered convergence to a reasonable level, saved it, but dof is still unusable. Driver: 347.09, Win 8.1, gtx 780Ti, and the game is up-to-date. However, this is a great experience!

    7. Should work fine there. We know that 347.09 has numerous problems, would be worth going with 344.75 instead. That's what I run, and DOF works right.

    8. 344.75 installed, but dof is still messing up. Screenshot:!qZpgHBRI!KhGZgDUGQxjSvIc9js0zUDAHt6UuOAvkVjNd8LtYFrk

  18. Excellent work fellows, looks great.

  19. Its it a known issue that blood is kind of floating (there is something wrong with it)? Has it something to do with one of the settings in video?

    1. Should be fixed. Are you running the latest version of the fix, 0.99? If you are running 0.99, let us know the location and we can fix it.

    2. Yeah - downloaded it yesterday I believe so its 0.99. Its when you meet the first androids; you are climbing through shaft and there is a scripted scene when a human is discussing something with an android, they get into a disagreement and the droid kills the human knocing his head against the wall. Blood there is a bit messed up.

    3. Yep, that one should be fixed. I know we put in a fix specifically for that spot. Not sure what would be happening to make it not work. If I get a chance I'll try to revisit that spot to see if I run into it too.

  20. THANKS for your efforts, this game is now wonderful (should you need a donation, don't esitate to post :-)

  21. Great work as always, however I would like to point out that the water reflection depth is a bit off in the part where you go down to the nuclear reactors and find the infestation. kind of throws you off with those larvae.

    1. Cool, thanks for the info. Can you provide a save game at that spot? It'll be awhile before I can get there.

    2. Hi, if you still need the save point I can provide one. The water reflections are off... thank you for your great work!! Game is amazing..

  22. Great fix, thank you !
    I'm just about 3 hours into the game and I have to say it's fantastic in 3D Vision :-)

    However, I have a suggestion : would it be a complex task to dynamically change the crosshair depth only when aiming ?
    (I find it very difficult to aim with the crosshair at screen depth, and really dislike the text glitches when crosshair is moved in screen)

    It would be nice to set the keycode for aiming in d3dx.ini and let the fix switch the crosshair from screen depth to whatever (0.8 is fine for me) only when the aiming key is down.

    Thank you !

  23. "You may see ghosting because of hardware. The game is super high contrast, and bright lights in dark rooms can expose hardware limitations. Adjust your contrast and brightness and LightBoost to minimize it."

    Use this to fix it: (See the description)

  24. Really cool mod/3D fix, thanks!^ :)

  25. Before I try, is it possible to use GeDoSaTo together with helix?

    Reason I ask is because DSR does not work with Nvidia 3DTV Play because the software will think I run the game in the DSR resultion which is not supported by the HMDI standard.

    The none exiting AA in Alien Isolation is a pain, you get artifacts just a meter away

    1. No idea, please let us know if it does. I agree the lack of AA in the game is really bad, it introduces additional 3d artifacts (because the jaggies are different in each eye...).

    2. Yes to gedosato,

      However gedosato is currently DX9 only. Which is not really too many new games including alien isolation

  26. @mike_ar69 If you are not on 3DTV Play like me DSR should work. If you have a good gfx. My GTX690 could spit out 2x720p withoutproblem (Not in 3D though)
    @Robert Musillo Yeah, I saw that after writing here :(

    Any hack for 3DTV so that it understand that it receives 720p and not 1440? If i can disable that Red text saying its not 1280x720@60hz it should work because it really is the correct signal

    1. Sorry I wasn't thinking.

      Yes. You can do 1080p downsampled to 720p

      I use it all the time. Looks complicated but its not and works in every game [3D].

    2. In case you dont understand this was the method people used before DSR and is pretty much the same thing.

    3. I've allready tried it, it wont work for some reason the scale on GPU option is disabled :/

    4. This is the technique I've used for a long time as well. Set timings to manual, change to higher resolution.

      I've used this exact combination on this Alien fix at 3D, downsampling from 1080p to 720p. Keep the same aspect ratio.

      It definitely helps remove the moving jaggies that make me think I'm seeing the Alien in the distance.

      I don't know what you mean by "scale on GPU", this technique is all about creating a custom resolution.

    5. First of all guys, I'm on 3DTV Play meaning i'm extending Nvidia Stereo vision driver to enable HDMI 3D devices such as my Sony HMZ-T1. You are limited to 1280x720@60hz or 1920x1080@30hz. I'm using Sonys native 720p.

      For some reason "Perform Scaling on : GPU" is not available when I'm connected to my Sony, which is a requirement for supers/down-sampling. It works fine from my Monitor. It has something with EDID info. Problem is 3DTV-play will not work with wrong EDID.

      Second, you say downsampling works? Are any of you guys on a 3DTV Play device? Probably you will get the same not supported resolution problem as with DSR?


    6. Go back to that neogaf article that Robert referenced. You want to create a custom resolution in Change Resolution. The section 5 is the part that is interesting. I'm not sure that the section about scaling is relevant.

      I don't know for sure that works on 3D TV Play, but in general, the goal is that the end device still runs at the normal 720@60, just that the game draws into a 1080p buffer. The end monitor shouldn't matter.

      In my case I use H5360 projector, and it's at 720@120. No 3D TV Play in my example, so can conceivably be different.

    7. But the game will output for example 2560x1440 with that method right? Where is the downscaling done to 720p? If its not done before 3DTV takes over it will fail saying the res is not supported.

    8. No. It will only work with 1080p->720p

  27. Amazing patch!!!! . Use downsampling, DSR, or SuperSampling for AA instead ? dsr works ?

  28. Yet another truly sublime fix. Thank you guys :)

  29. I am using this fix to disable the lens flare^^
    However with the additional files in the game directory the loading times are much worse.
    Any idea what causes this? Or better yet ... a simpler way to disable the lens flare? :)

    1. Never mind ... deleting/renaming the LENS_FLARE*.bin files in the DATA directory is sufficient.

  30. Hi there, just wanted to say that when you go down to the reactor core, the reflections on the water are off.. if you need and have time, I can send the saves for that level. Other than that, the fix is working wonders, Thank You guys!!!

    1. Hi, you bet. I'm not there yet, Alien slows me down. :-> We can use a save point for that spot and we can take a look. Thanks. Post in the forum thread please.

    2. Yeah, I know what you mean... :-D
      Message sent on the forum...

  31. Hello Thanks a lot, the 3d is now amazing. Really good job, thanks again for sharing :) !

  32. I don't even know how the fuck this could be VR ready and still not support 3D.

    1. I played a bit in DK2 VR to understand this exact question, and the short story is that they don't fix the graphic problems, they just disable most of the effects. Shadows are set to Low for example, and still glitch when you are in VR. Apparently not even the people making the game have any idea how to fix stuff in 3D, because it's really only a few lines of code for them with the source code.

    2. Where do I reset / delete the custom convergence settings I've saved for games? I can't find the location any more in the latest drivers. I searched the game profile in Inspector but couldn't find any custom 3D options.

    3. It'll be in the profile for a given game, but I don't know which of the flag bits store it. Easiest way to get them all at once is to do a Clean Install of a driver in the Custom section. That resets them all.

  33. Thanks for the fix...great work!

    There is a part in the d3dx.ini where you can set keybindings to custom convergence and seperation settings, but its not working for me.
    Maybe i do something wrong or still not implemented?

    1. No, sorry. Doesn't work in Alien for some reason. Works in other games, but here it freezes the mouse so you cannot look around. If you are using a controller, then it will probably work. [OverrideSettings] section, using XInputDevice.

  34. Apparantly the new drivers released today (347.09) upgraded the official 3D profile to "Excellent". I had to remove the helix mod, because the textures were all sliding over each other.

    They do introduce some errors though.

    Do I need to remove todays drivers to get back to the helix mod?

    1. No, the 'excellent' is going to be for Compatibility Mode, which directly conflicts with the fix. It's one or the other. Our fix is 10x better than CM, if I say so myself.

      From 347.09:
      "3D Vision Profiles
      Added or updated the following profiles:
      • Alien: Isolation - Not recommended"
      "3D Compatibility Mode Support
      Support for 3D Compatibility Mode has been added for the following games:
      • Alien: Isolation - rated as Excellent"

      To disable CM, you use Ctrl-Alt-F11. Advanced settings must be enabled in the stereoscopic control panel.

    2. Thanks for the reply, bob3D. I really didn't want to remove the new drivers just to get this working again. I put the helix mod back in place and hit CTRL-ALT-F11 to disable their "excellent" implementation.

  35. Amazing game, I feel sorry for all the guys who play through this great game without 3D Vision. Thanks for the awesome work!

  36. One of the best gaming experiences in a long time, thanks to you guys. Really impressive, real looking GFX when using 3D vision, many thanks for the job!

    Last survivor DLC also seems to be fine, just a few out of the place shaders in the crew expendable DLC, nothing too bad nevertheless

  37. HELP appriciated !
    Everything else works super good. My gtx660ti SLI is just enough for this game.
    i have tried the original profile. i tried colonial marines. i made a new profile. everytime i hit SAVE
    there is message, configuration saved but at the same time the convergence jumps right back where it was before
    the adjust. and It is always the same when i start the game.
    Ofcourse i could just tweak it everytime but now that i have wasted so much time and energy on making it work,
    it would be SUPER if it would work.

    1. ...need to clarify a bit. Happens with Tacoma, a unity engine game, there is no 3dfix installed. Something messed up the 3D functionality, it has worked before w/o a patch. I am too using helixmods somewhere else. My conclusion: Helixmods might do something odd to the core system.

    2. The HelixMods do not alter the core system, please do not jump to conclusions. The different versions of the driver often changed the StereoProfile setting.

      In order to have the settings saved, you need to use the StereoProfile setting in the profile for the game. Edit it with NVidia Inspector, or add it to the d3dx.ini. Details found here.

    3. Sorry, the matter is a bit complex. I had to start somewhere. I did as you said, but it has not had the desired effect. There seem to be more problems unknown to me (like shifted shadows). Turning on compatibility mode did not work, too (It did with Alien Isolation though last year!). I am going to put the Tacoma game aside for now.

      You could save everyone a lot of trouble by concentrating all your efforts into a ready-made solution - like 3D fix manager - for it is really quite time consuming to tweak everything properly (and to needlessly bother you guys in the process :-) ).

      Does it not make sense to have...
      ...correct drivers uninstalled/installed? (e.g. DOOM seems to require a certain GeForce driver version, which has to be searched for on the NVidia webpages tediously)
      ...users polled (guided poll and comment) automatically after each game fix or game session? (prioritize and address issues on the go as they show up within the community)
      ...certain fixes offered on top? (like this one)
      ...etc. pp.

      You have already gone so far, why not go the extra mile?

      Anyway, thank you all for making this possible. I had a really great time playing Alien Isolation in S3D (after hours of tweaking that is).

      Anyhow, I will never go back to 2D/3D and I assume that is the persistent attitude for folks here. You have some serious fans around the world :-)

    4. Not sure what is happening on your system. I just tried this again, Win10 1803, Driver 416.94, and it's working very well. I can change and save convergence without any problems. Shadows were exactly right. Make sure you don't have some other conflicting mods installed.

      3D Fix Manager is making some real progress, and is the preferred approach for installing fixes now. I understand what you are saying, but the problem is that everyone in the world installs a bunch of freaky software on their computer, which makes it nearly impossible to make generalized solutions. Because of all the variants, it takes too much time to support every possible bizarre thing that people do to their systems, and none of us have the time to test all that.

      That's why we make specific suggestions and Paul is putting as much into 3D Fix Manager to follow those as he can, but there will still be scenarios where we just won't be able to help, outside of giving known good scenarios.

    5. I see. I get the idea. If I were you I would minimize those vast possibilities by sticking to an efficient template. The first step imho would be to stop distributing patches manually. Next step imho would be opening an open source repository e.g. with Github. One step also would be to see Helixmod as progessing project, like Wikipedia, with strong public involvement. There never will be a final stage, you need all the feedback you can get. I really would like to contribute to the project with my (mostly involuntary) experience with tracking problems down, but at this point in time it is too cumbersome. A lot of energy is wasted in the process that could be better allocated imho. You could have attracted 10 times the gamers if you had done more consolidation in the past imho. Most people are likely to give up after a few minutes. You could have been sent all my relevant configuration data for semi-automated evaluation through some feedback module inside 3d fix manager for instance. I could have told you about the issues with the hovering android hydraulic fluid stains in a timely fashion back in Jan 2015 if I were properly polled after gaming. You could have run detailed gaming stats, too. You could have given a method to orderly roll back the problematic changes made to my system. I hope you get the idea, too. I hope I am making sense here... Looking forward to Helixmod 2.0!

    6. I'm not really disagreeing with your suggestion, it's just that you are expecting a paid-for/commercial level of quality, and all we are is enthusiasts with limited spare time. I'd love to have it be more professionally done, but it's just too much work. Even 3D Fix Manager is right at the breaking point for Paul, because managing so many games is really time consuming.

      The project is already open-source/visible on the Blog here, and 3Dmigoto is on GitHub, although I do very much like your idea of having every fix in a Github repository. I've often thought of making a database of all fixed shaders as a resource for the ShaderHackers.

      For HelixMod itself, we have limited ability to fix or change things, because Helix never open-sourced his code. For any DX11 game, we have 3Dmigoto, and it's already got a rollback feature of uninstall.bat, which completely removes all fix files. As I noted, we don't make modifications to your system, we only add or remove the files used for the fixes, which only ever alter a single game's behavior. 3D Fix Manager is the preferred approach now, which does all that by single click.

      Back in 2015, we were just barely getting DX11 3D modding off the ground at all, so it would have been asking a lot to make it a smooth experience, when we only just barely had it working. Alien is one of the first games that mike_ar69 and I fixed, and something like 3rd DX11 game ever fixed for 3D.

      Best place to make suggestions is in the 3D Vision Forums. Lots more people there, and fairly active. All the public interaction has historically been done there.

  38. Wonderful work, but the android fluid (blood) stains hover in the air instead of sticking to the ground, a new 3Dto2D crashes also occur.

    1. Running the latest version? I played through the whole game and all the android blood was fixed. I did see it misload the game a couple of times though, like seeing the motion detector in 2D. Relaunching, sometimes just alt-tab, would fix these.

      I don't understand your comment about 3Dto2D crashes, please explain in more detail.

    2. btw: I had the same issue with hovering android hydraulic fluid stains (blood is the wrong wording imho) :-)

    3. ... that was in Jan 2015

  39. Perfect fix and the game is a masterpiece. Would have propably missed it without your awesome fix so thank you so much for it!

    3dto2d crash might be the same thing i got few times. After a cutscene or a loading screen in transit car, the game was reverted back to 2d even though 3d was still on. alt tab out and in corrected this. I think that happened 3 or 4 times total in my 40hour playthrough.

  40. I put the files into the game's root folder, I turned on the stereoscopic 3d, I turned on the game, and nothing - the game loads normaly, no stereo effects whatsoever.

    I'm running on Sony 3D tv, which works perfectly with other games, except this one. I followed all the instructions.

    Could you please help me out with this one?

    If you need any more information, just tell me what you would like to know.
    Thank you for the help!

    1. First off, make sure it's running in 3D, with no fix installed. Step 2? Run Uninstall.bat to cleanly remove the fix.

      The most likely candidate is that it is not set to full screen mode. Borderless full screen won't work, 3D Vision doesn't support it.

    2. bo3b, let's clear out which 3d method are we talking about at first. I am sorry, I didn't mention - I am using the eclipse method [of stereo display] (LCD shutter glasses with a 3d tv).

      After a whole day of trying all kinds of settings, I came up empty handed, well almsot - when I tried the game on a regular monitor, the game started in the anamorph mode.
      I tried many other games on my TV and they all work perfectly - 3D "kicks-in" automatically, like it should. With this game, and the patch I downloaded, 3d is not "kicking-in" at all. It wasn't detecting 3D even without the patch. I am going to upload the game configuration files.
      Please, tell me what else can I do to help you help me and make it work. I think, the main problem might be that the system doesn't recognize 3D app at all, like it does in other games.


      using the NvInspector I was able to export the nvidia game profile:
      you can copy-paste it into a text redactor, save as *.nip and import into the nvidia inspector. I don't know if it would help. I'm just trying to help as much as I can.

      Thank you for looking into this!

    3. edit: when I tried the game on a regular monitor, the game started in the anaglyph* mode.

    4. OK, good to know. The first thing you need to do is get it working in 3D on the TV somehow, with no fix installed. The fix just makes things more complicated and less reliable because it will patch all kinds of APIs and detour functionality. It can't fix a broken 3D installation, which is why we need a working example to start with. So set the fix aside at present, until you can get the game to kick into 3D on the TV. The 3D will look terrible, but we need it working first.

      Are you running any other 3D stuff like iZ3d or TriDef? Some are known to conflict. For the Sony 3D TV, are you using NVidia 3D TV Play? You need that for most games. Some games will work natively, but it's rare. If you are running that already, your best bet will probably be to post in the main forum for help, as there are more people who use 3D TV Play there. I don't use it, so I'm of limited help here.

    5. Yes, I am using the 3D TV play. I am going to try to attempt a clean re-install of the game then, I guess, but tell me if what we are going for the anaglyph image, or for the semi-transparent full color stereo image? I am asking because it was working in the anaglyph mode on a regular display.
      I will post on the forums, but I don't even know what to ask, I mean with this situation. Should I just say that 3D is not kicking-in at all? Not much of an input to work with in the first place. bo3b, tell me please what additional information should I gather, and add to my post on the forums in order to help the guys to help me with this problem.

      Thank you!

    6. Yes, either anaglyph or normal semi-transparent dual image (blurro-vision) would be fine. The key aspect is getting 3D to activate with the game.

      I don't think a reinstall of the game will matter, because the problem lies with 3D kicking in, and the game doesn't really know anything about 3D. This is an NVidia driver/3D TV Play problem of some form.

      For experiments, it would be worth reinstalling your driver using the DDU cleaner. People will ask about that first. Also include what games work and which don't.

      Outside of that, I'd include your hardware specs, and TV model number when asking. Other people use 3D TV Play with this game, so they might be able to help.

    7. I managed to make the 3D work!!
      What I did is I downloaded this file:
      and replaced it with the original, and it started working! The bad side however is that the image is doubled at the game tips (like press that button to activate), and hud depth to the point that my eyes start watering, and there is a lot of shadowing. I'm using the colonial marines' profile.
      Could you please upload your personalized d3dx.ini, ENGINE_SETTINGS.XML, and other files related to the configuration, and let try them out?

      Thank you!

    8. By the way,

      Also wanted to add that in 3D games look so strange - everything looks like small, like if I'm playing racing games, I feel like I'm driving an RC car, and in the Alien: Isolation it feels like everything is happening in a small toy house, with small toy action figures. It's just a perception feelings, but any of you getting the same feeling? Maybe it's actually a known thing, and there is a way to fix it?
      Sorry for the off-topic, but bo3b and other guys here looks like are gurus of 3d gaming, so I wouldn't find a better chance to ask this question that has been bothering me a lot lately.

      Thank you!

    9. My previous message got deleted for some reason. Okay:

      I managed to make the 3D work!!
      What I did is I downloaded and replaced this file:
      However, the 3D is all incorrect - the hud, and hints depth is like way, way off, like 300px away, while the 3d level looks solid. In addition, there's lot's of shadowing.
      Would you please upload your d3dx.ini, ENGINE_SETTINGS.XML, and other configuration related files to try out?

      Thank you!

      By the way,

      Also wanted to add that in 3D games look so strange - everything looks like small, like if I'm playing racing games, I feel like I'm driving an RC car, and in the Alien: Isolation it feels like everything is happening in a small toy house, with small toy action figures. It's just a perception feelings, but any of you getting the same feeling? Maybe it's actually a known thing, and there is a way to fix it?
      Sorry for the off-topic, but bo3b and other guys here looks like are gurus of 3d gaming, so I wouldn't find a better chance to ask this question that has been bothering me a lot lately.

      Thank you!

    10. I see that people write here and on forums that they have great visuals at 100% depth settings. When I set it higher than like 5-10%, the menus, hud, health bar, hints - everything becomes doubled. How can I fix this? Is there a way? Maybe I should set the "x" "y" settings in d3dx.ini to huge negative amounts?

      Thank you.

    11. I fixed the menu\hud doubling problems by setting "x" and "y" to "0.0" in the d3dx.ini, and now it looks amazing at the 100% depth! The only problem left is the terrible shadowing from the convergence. Is it because of low refresh rate (720p 60hz)? Can the shadowing be somehow taken away? Are there any tricks?

      Thank you!

    12. Like I noted, it's best to ask this sort of question in the forums.

      The extra small figures is called toyification and happens because your convergence is turned up too high. That's also why you can't see the menu and the HUD.

      Not sure why the xml setting file would have fixed it, unless you were editing it for DK2 purposes. Shadowing on your TV I don't understand. Do you mean crosstalk? This game will show weaknesses in 3D on your TV if so. Again, if you go to the forums somewhere there might have this TV and be able to comment.

  41. I'm having the game render in 2d when I pull out the motion tracker (though the motion tracker itself is rendered in 3d). Any known fix or is this to be expected with this fix?

    1. This is a known problem that happens sometimes, but we are not sure why. It happens sometimes after different launches, and usually a relaunch of the game fixes it. Worth trying switching to CM and then back to normal as Anon suggests below. I see this happen on 1/10 launches or so.

    2. I have tested it out, and it happens every time for me without fail. Image goes to 2d, put the sensor away and it switches back to 3d.

    3. Some discussion about this problem in the main thread here.

      Seems to be a driver bug. I'm running 347.52 right now, and it's working great. SLI system might also be related.
      Maybe read through that thread and try some experiments, but I'd definitely suggest 347.52 for this game. Use DDU to install.
      Might be related to in-game DOF settings. Less likely.
      Lastly, try anon's (below) ctrl-alt-f11 twice as an experiment.

  42. Guys, if you're seeing things render in double, the solution is very simple. I couldn't believe how simple it was. Make sure you uninstall the helix patch with the little program that comes with it. After that re-install the patch back where your exe is, and when things render in double again, just hit the compatability mode button. That's all there is to it.

  43. Thank you all of you for the amazing fix and I can't comment on how much more I am enjoying this game because of you guys. :)

    The only problem I am facing is seeing the cross hair doubled up, whenever I press right click to aim with the gun.
    I can lower the depth to solve it, but then everything looks flat. And I cant increase/decrease the depth every time I have to shoot.

    Is a solution to fix this?

    Once again Thank you for all your commitment and hard work for keeping 3D vision alive :)

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying the fix. It's really something with the 3D. For the crosshair problem, we developed this fix before we added override control in the 3Dmigoto tool, so unfortunately we don't have a good answer at the moment.

      How good are you at aiming with no crosshair? Turning the crosshair off altogether is super easy, and we can do that with a single shader.

      Making it work with a key override to change convergence when aiming is doable, but will take me awhile. I'd like to add that, but won't be able to get to it for likely a week or two.

    2. Thank you for the kind words :)
      Are you saying that in the future fixes, this crosshair problem wont be there?
      If yes then it will be GOD like.

      I guess I am not that good with the crosshair off altogether.
      I know that you guys are busy with the fix for The Witcher 3 for which I don't have words to thank you all.

      I can wait if you can add the support for the crosshair problem :).
      I had used RightMouseBind.ahk script for the GTA4 and that was awesome while aiming, but sadly that script doesn't work with Alien Isolation.

    3. OK, small update to this fix. Using the latest 3Dmigoto code, which allows for key overrides. There is now one in the d3dx.ini for aiming override. Right now it sets the z=-1.0, which makes the cursor invisible when aiming, as that cursor is a bit of a cheat for this game and breaks the immersion.

      But, you can set the value to anything you want (z=0.99 is max depth), and it will only override while holding down the RightMouseButton.

      It also messes up the text in lower left HUD, but if you are aiming, you are probably too busy to notice. Let me know if you have any trouble with it.

  44. Thanks a lot bo3b for the update ,,,its now perfect 3dvision ready :) :)

  45. Really makes it a whole new game, I can't believe nVidia aren't more invested in this technology.
    I thank all the enthusiasts who keep 3d vision going.

  46. What graphics card I would need to play this?
    I'm building a pc just to play this.

    1. What resolution are you targeting? To do 3D properly, it takes 2x the performance of running it in 2D. So you can use other benchmarks to get an idea. For example, to run it nicely at a perceived 60 fps, you'll need a card that can hit 120 fps in 2D. In general this game is not super demanding in terms of performance. I've played it nicely with SLI 760 at 720p, max settings.

      I recommend looking into a projector, especially for 3D and this game. Monitors tend to have ghosting because of slow pixels, and this game really brings that out. Projectors have zero ghosting, and the game experience with a wall-size Alien is indescribable.

    2. I'm planning on buying a 970 but I'm afraid of the ram issue!
      what about CPU effect is a pentium g3258 enough or I need a core or cori5?
      do you know a 3d gaming forum to ask a few questions, I don't wanna throw my bucks into trash without enjoying these games?

    3. Yes, go to the main 3D Vision forums at

      Ask your question there, and you'll get some helpful answers. I wouldn't worry about the 3.5G problem, it's a stupid design, but it doesn't affect the gameplay in any meaningful way. For CPU, my quick take is that it ought to be OK, it's really about the core clock speed that helps 3D Vision. For Alien in particular, you should be fine, but not higher than 1080p.

    4. good to know, I was thinking if 1080p takes 2gb in 3d it should take 4gb, also would take dual cpu power.

  47. Hi ! how to use this fix with reshade framework?

    is there a compatibility mod like with d3d9.dll?

    1. Yes, look in the d3dx.ini file, and there is a section on doing an override. Look in the [System] section for the "proxy_d3d11=xxx". You should be able to proxy load the reshade dll if it conflicts with our d3d11.dll.

  48. do i need to rename the "dgxi.dll" of reshade
    or this line in d3dx.ini :
    to this
    i did that and it crash.
    When i try to rename dgxi.dll to d3d11_helix the game stop crashing but reshade don't work.

    1. No you can't rename these files, the code inside the file has a very specific purpose, so changing the name means that all the code will jump to the wrong locations. dxgi and d3d11 are very different things, and can't replace each other.

      I don't know how reshade works, you'll need to experiment and see.

      The proxy mechanism is there to allow you to call another d3d11 (like from reshade) as two files can't have the same name. If the files don't conflict then there is no need for the proxy.

      If reshade uses dxgi.dll, you can probably just drop that in directly and it is unlikely to conflict. Did you try it?

    2. yeah, the first thing i did was to install reshade.
      everything worked fine but when i put the files for the 3d fix, the game crash. (But if i remove the reshade file, the 3d fix work like a charm.)

      For the first try i didn't change anything to 3d files (cos i noticed that there was only one d3d11.dll and the reshade.dll was not the same name, so i was thinking there was nothing to do).
      But when i saw that the game crashed, i start to try a lot of things like :

      changing "dxgi.dll" to "d3d11_helix.dll" and remove the ";" in front of the proxy line. => in this case the 3d fix work but not reshade.
      Then a file named "d3d11_helix.log" appear with this inside:

      19/11/2015 15:54:52:141 [13048] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(3E36A5C0, 0, 00000000, 0, 0015FC0C, 6, 7, 0015FBD0, 081E6F08, 081E6F04, 0015FC3C, 083D62E8)' ...
      19/11/2015 15:54:52:142 [13048] | ERROR | Unable to resolve hook for '0x60F11940'!

      I also try to let "dxgi.dll" and write "proxy_d3d11=dxgi.dll". => in thise case the game crash and a file named "dxgi.log" appear with this inside:

      19/11/2015 16:05:58:779 [03316] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(3E4B5E00, 0, 00000000, 0, 0024FC6C, 6, 7, 0024FC30, 08286F08, 08286F04, 0024FC9C, 084762E8)' ...
      19/11/2015 16:05:58:779 [03316] | ERROR | Unable to resolve hook for '0x676D1940'!

      I also try "dxgi.dll" with "proxy_d3d11=d3d11_helix.dll"
      "d3d11_helix.dll" with "proxy_d3d11=dxgi.dll".....

      and so on, i tried so many things right, i start to desperate :(

      i had same troubles with borderlands, but i manage to do what i need to do by watching the guide and by learning that i had to split the sweet fx installation.

      But this time i can't do it.

      I hope someone who have reshade and your fix working together will have a solution.

    3. Since last day, i tried every combinations possible and i start to believe that it's impossible to use both reshade and 3d fix.

    4. I tried with sweetfx standalone and the game don't crash, but i have a blackscreen when it's activated.


    5. First thing would be to get reshade/sweetfx working by itself. I know that some people have gotten sweetfx to work on other games in combination with 3Dmigoto, so there is no fundamental problem. But, it may not work in this specific game. Lots of hackery on both sides.

      Best bet is to post in the geforce 3D forums, where multiple people have tried this sort of thing. I don't use any of these add-ons, so I can't say one way or the other.

    6. Reshade or your fix work like a charm when used alone.

      I post on reshade forum and they give me an other solution (use ENB to inject the fix or reshade).

      But same thing, it crash when reshade's dll is named dxgi.dll or it don't work when i rename to reshade32.dll (or other name)

      The answer of Crosire from ReShade was :

      You can try to inject ReShade via ENBInjector, instead of using it in DLL-Proxy-Mode (here's how: But if that does not work either, then there is not much that can be done. Multiple hooks can overwrite each other and corrupt the functions by doing so, causing a crash.

      I don't know how the 3D fix or reshade work but it seems like they conflicts together.

      I'll post in geforce 3D forum to see.

      Thanks for your answers and for your fix :)

    7. It work now!
      I try with the old version of 3Dmigoto you linked me in geforce forum.

      Thanks a lot :)

  49. if i change only the line: "proxy_d3d11=d3d11_helix.dll" without renaming "dxgi.dll"
    The game start to launch but all i have is a double bip.
    And if i change dxgi.dll to d3d11_helix.dll the game crash and i can see a new folder named d3d11_helix.log where the last line is:
    19/11/2015 12:08:16:923 [12988] | ERROR | Unable to resolve hook for '0x77E61940'!

  50. Need help guyz... I installed the Nvidia inspector and selected the profile as mentioned in the tutorial. I also downloaded the latest and extracted the content and copied it to the suggested folder. Before i did this, the game was running fine. But as soon as i did this step and tried to run the game, whenever i pressed right click to equip my flamethrower/noisemaker etc... the game crashes. PLz help. I'm a newbie to this stuffs.

    1. Just tested this, and it's still working fine on my system. You might try updating the dlls from latest version of 3Dmigoto. Might try driver reinstall with DDU.

  51. Hi, thanks a lot for this great fix! However, I am having some weird issues here. For some reason, when I increase the depth, the lights in game are tripled! One is the originating, and two others are on the left and right from the original. I think all of the lights behave like this in game. Is this what's called ghosting? The objects except lights in game are fine. Is there a fix for lights? Thanks.

    1. That sounds like ghosting on your screen. For high contrast games like Alien, the difference between bright lights on dark backgrounds can show up as extra images/ghosts relative to the primary one. The game fix itself fixes all the problems with lights, which is why this sounds like hardware/monitor ghosting. On projectors there is no ghosting of this form.

      The only thing you can do is play with the brightness and contrast settings to minimize it, and make sure you let your monitor warm up. LCD screens work best when warm. Forum discussion on ghosting.

    2. Thanks a lot for the reply. I use nvidia 3DTV Play on 55"LG passive 3D TV, at 1080p@60 Hz, checkerboard option. After some search, I've found out that if checkerboard used, there could be ghosting on the screen. I couldn't find a specific solution, except overriding screen inf file. I think it is called EDID INF Override. Do you think if I need to override LG inf file to overcome ghosting?

    3. Ok after some experimenting, I think there is no ghosting. When I increased convergence (ctrl + F6), the lights looked normal (no triple lights anymore), and everything looks fine, except the weapons, computers and the movement scanner. They became double and I had eye strain. On the other hand, when I decreased convergence (ctrl + F5) lights tripled again, however guns, computer screens and movement scanner became normal. Is there any solution for this?

    4. With a passive 3D screen I suspect that is still just normal ghosting from the hardware. Try doing the NVidia sample, the spinning eye logo, and look for ghosting on that. That is a clean test that rules out any software, game, or 3Dmigoto. Another way to do it is to look at known good 3D photos with high contrast.

      Pretty sure the fix itself is flawless with regard to lights. There is a snapping problem when you get close to the tall vertical lights, and there is a problem with areas that have water, but no problems on static lights with ghosting.

      Take a screen shot using Alt-F1 and see if there are ghosts/multiple images on it. If there are, it's a game/wrapper bug. If there are not, it's ghosting on your hardware.

    5. As I mentioned, I think I don't have ghosting problems. I found out that I needed to increase the convergence. After that lights were rendered correctly, even with %100 depth amount. Scene looked perfect. However, the guns, computer screens in game and movement scanner rendered double. Thus, I think convergence is the problem, not ghosting. It is a trade off. When convergence decreased, guns, computer screens and scanner looks fine, but then lights are messed up.

    6. Well, we don't see this problem, otherwise we would have added it to the Known Problems section. Something is not quite right with your setup. If you look at the sample shots above, they are good. The convergence tends to be too high out of the box, which causes the problems with the scanner and terminals. Any chance that you have Compatibility Mode on? I just ran this game last week, so I know the fix is still working correctly.

      If you can't find anything to resolve the problem, you could probably add a hot key to the d3dx.ini to lower convergence when the scanner is out.

    7. I turned off the Compatibility mode (Ctrl + Alt + F11). I am sure of it. I think somehow the convergence should be lowered when scanner is out as you said. This might be solution for my case. Can you write an example of how to add a hot key to the d3dx.ini to lower convergence? Thanks a lot for your responses.

    8. I use 3DTV Play by the way and I don't know if there is a difference from 3D Vision kits for convergence. I am pretty sure that I need to increase convergence to fix the lights and other objects. After that everything becomes so clear to look at. But then guns, terminals and scanner seems to be outside of 3D and they double up. I also tried to change the constants that you mentioned in the d3dx.ini. I changed the hud value to x = 0, x = 0.8, x = -0.8, tried every combination, but it didn't workout.

    9. Don't know what's happening there. I just tried it again, and it's working well. No variance on lights as I turn up convergence. Can go high or low, either works. We look for lights moving independent of other pieces when we are fixing things.

      Always possible we missed some lights shaders, what section are you playing? Or is it all lights?

      If you can provide a screenshot that would help clarify. Alt-F1.

      The d3dx.ini for the actual fix above is relatively limited as that is an older code base. I used a 1.2.18 version of 3Dmigoto though, and it also worked OK.

    10. It is usually in all sections of the game with all lights. Even with the green and red lights on the doors. When convergence is low, I always see lights tripled. One original and two reflecting on the sides of the original. When I start to increase the convergence, those 2 lights on the sides start to converge to the original and eventually, there is only original light. This also applies to other objects in the game, like cases, ladders etc., but they are not that apparent. I will provide screenshots as soon as possible to clarify.

      I am not an expert on 3D. Perhaps, it is ghosting and increasing convergence eliminates it, I am not sure. Maybe it is my TV.

      Thanks a lot for your responses again.

  52. Replayed this game this weekend, with the fix the game crashes alot between intermission. The driver often crashes. This did not happen when I last played this game back when it was released.

    1. Just tried this using driver 361.43 and it seemed to work fine. No crashes. Went through multiple elevators, and cut scenes without any problems.

  53. Hello and thanks again for all your guys hard work. recently started playing again and it seems the 3d fix disables steam overlay; is this on purpose? this is only an issue because I can't play the game with the Steam controller if steam overlay is disabled and I was wondering if there was a quick fix or work around?

    I really love this game in 3d surround and would enjoy playing it with my friend if I could do 3d with the steam controller. Thanks again and keep up the great work guys.

    1. We don't disable Steam overlay in anything we do. Some games crash and require the overlay dlls to be deleted, but not this game. Check the settings for the overlay, should work here.

    2. Same issue happening to me. Idk if it's the Dx11 used here or what, but everytime I install this mod it disables the Steam overlay (kind of disables the communication between the two, because it allows me to shut down Steam and AI.exe will keep on running when normally Steam doesn't shut down without shutting down any related apps first). I went nuts trying to figure out what was the issue with the overlay (only reason I wanted this mod is to take perfect 4K screenshots) but I can't find a fix. I install this, in-game Steam dies. I uninstall this, Steam overlay is back on track, so it's definitely this. Please if you could look into this maybe you could figure out an easy fix, we would extremely appreciate it!

    3. Yup, it's definitely a problem with the dx11 files which cut communication between Steam and the game. I even tried launching the game with the command -dx11 to see if that fixed anything (some people claim it fixed other games with the same issue) but no luck. By removing the d3d11.dll file, Steam overlay works just fine again but the visual enhancements are gone. PLEASE help.

    4. Steam changes their overlay code periodically. Probably because they finally figured out they were doing it wrong and causing crashes, they have a different approach now where they back off if they see other hooks on the calls they use. Also not, the right choice, but they don't seem to have anyone there who knows how to write these hooks properly.

      So, there is not a good answer for this, because it's a Steam bug/mistake, not ours. Do the screenshots need to be Steam, or can they be from something else? Stereo snapshots are made with alt-F1, and can be .pns or .jps and quality can be changed with a registry key.

      Lastly, you can try an alternate hooking mechanism that we provide, which may or may not help here, but might get past their bad assumptions. Look in the d3dx.ini file, and find the line ;hook=recommended and change it to hook=skip_dxgi_device That will use hooks instead of wrapping, and disable our hunting and other features, but might allow their overlay to run. Be sure to remove the semicolon, that means it's commented out normally.

  54. I am very sorry to say this but i turned SSAO to normal, and set particles to high, like in the description, and used the profiles as described, but it just looks awfull. 1 eye is way to dark, and seperation is changing all over the screen while walking.
    Not so much a "real showcase for how 3D can take a game to a whole new level"
    If this is how games will play in 3D then it is going nowhere.
    So i wonder how some people claim that this looks good, again i am very sorry but this is unplayable.

  55. well, nevermind the last post. Seems "dramastic people" according to someone else aren't allowed here to post that something is not working the way it should be (how they are fixed)
    Maybe start helping would be advisable?? because as Robert posted that he assumes that i didn't followed the description while i already said in the post above what i did and also is explaned in the description of this game. So if it is not working it's not me to blame ya know Robert... You stated in that post "Alien Isolation is great in 3D if you follow Instructions." so you assume i did not follow them, thats funny, and to let you know, i am calm. It's is just not funny if every game i try does not work very nice, well game works but the 3D is all over the place. And i know what i have to do for 3D, and that is not too much, some games needs NVidia profile i know while others just run with a fix. For example, far cry 4 is very nice. But IF something is not working, i just say it, and when another game is not working then i start to think. And seems that i was right about when i say "If this is how games will play in 3D then it is going nowhere." because games i tried are not very glamorous in 3D.

    1. Alright, then.
      Start Game.
      First off click

      You should get a screen saying Alien Colonial Marine since you did profile step.

      If you didn't get that you didnt do profile part right. But we can skip that.
      Now try Ctrl-Alt- F11

      Does it work now?

    2. If not post here

      You will get help faster. Otherwise wait for Bo3b.

    3. If not post here

      You will get help faster. Otherwise wait for Bo3b.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Maybe good to know as some people say i am dramatic, i also can be very helpfull.
    Don't use the default game profile.
    Aliens:Colonial Marines profile is working good so make sure you change the profile to that one. Changing profile IS required for the fix. The standard Alien Isolation profile on 364.54 does NOT work. And so were the drivers below that version.
    I have driver 364.54 and i can tell that the default profile is NOT working. But does work with Aliens:Colonial Marines. Hope this helps for people that had same issue i had. At least i was helpfull which i can not say from some others but ok. I helped myself out here.
    Please don't blame me for misleading description. At least i am glad that they stated that Aliens:Colonial Marines profile worked back then with older drivers. So i did follow description very well as they stated

    "The standard Alien Isolation profile on 344.65 and above also works."

    This is atm false information and thats why it was not working here, so if they say 344.65 and above works, then i would not have to try Aliens:Colonial Marines profile in the first place.

  58. Yes Robert, i got it to work, but not with the default profile.
    They better change the description a bit as that is not true anymore these days. Its working with Aliens:Colonial Marines profile.

  59. Yep, i am impressed. Very nice looking. And i am sceptical i know. But i must say, i am impressed.
    So, as long as you use the Aliens:Colonial Marines profile with NVidia Inspector then it's perfect. Even for newer drivers.

    Hope this helps peeps.

    1. Despite our "argument". Please read my post in other X3 thread.

      It might help more then you expect.
      Also please make sure you are using CONVERGENCE to get the most out of 3d vision games.

      Go into nvidia control panel->set up stereoscopic 3d->set keyboard shortcuts->advanced

      Change keys on Increase/decrease convergence. Start game. Hold down key assigned for up to 10 seconds. Till you see screen shift. This will make the 3d "pop" more.

  60. Also please make sure you are using CONVERGENCE to get the most out of 3d vision games.

    Go into nvidia control panel->set up stereoscopic 3d->set keyboard shortcuts->advanced

    Change keys on Increase/decrease convergence. Start game. Hold down key assigned for up to 10 seconds. Till you see screen shift. This will make the 3d "pop" more.

    Yes Robert, i knew that. I have the 3D glasses for more then half year now so i am familiar with this.
    But thanks for that anyway. I turned 3D all the way up, and when i was in my suit i had to lower the convergence a little. But it's looking very good. And it's very hard to get me impressed. But this time i am :)

  61. Just tested it again on driver 361.91 using the normal game profile and it works as well as it did 1 1/2 years ago. (SLI on).

    Water will still be the worst effect here, you still need to dial convergence to make it look right when you get to water areas.

    High convergence can also make the computer screens and motion detector hard to see. If someone were motivated, you could use a more recent 3Dmigoto and add a hot-key to change convergence when those were activated. (Key override feature did not exist when we made this fix)

    1. TBH, I just wanted him to try a different profile. I had a feeling I couldnt convince him to do a clean install.

      Its the whole 3D vision didn't install correctly on a set profile [like A/B/C/D profile] issue that keeps happening on/off for years.

    2. Its why you hear when someone says game doesnt work with patch, or just stopped working, the new one is windows 10 ALOT.

      Its 3d vision bad installs 8 times out of 10.

    3. Should save yourself alot of grief and just say to person reinstall nvidia driver and do clean install then contact back.

      I spent so many hours testing sli/non-sli . Reinstalling games . Looking for game updates.

    4. Its why you hear when someone says game doesnt work with patch, or just stopped working, the new one is windows 10 ALOT.

      Its 3d vision bad installs 8 times out of 10.

  62. weird then, when i switched back to the defautlt profile it was not good, so i used Aliens:Colonial Marines again.
    Maybe you have other files then. Here is is not working with the default profile, i see double images when i use that default profile. But no problem, i gonna use Aliens:Colonial Marines profile.

  63. I found an issue with the scanner, if you hold space to show the scanner then first for a split second its good, then suddenly when the screen changes to somewhat blurry, the scanner will change in depth, like there is too much convergence. Is this a known thing and not fixable or is there something to do about?
    The rest i saw so far is perfect :)

  64. Oh, one correction, it's not that it looks like the convergence is too much, but the scanner will show double on the left eye only when holding space. The right eye show correct i believe.
    This is what happpens: The 2 upper leds on the right side and the whole case of the scanner) The display in the scanner with the text is okay.
    The lower red led on the right side is okay.
    It's the whole case and the 2 upper leds shows double on left eye.

  65. Ok, i came across a point when i wanted to use my gun, so i did some changing so it was visible but impossible to aim correct. And so i know it's possible to change depth of crosshair as i saw it in Stranded Deep. Is this true for this game aswell? would be very nice tho.
    I will wait for a response, thanks a lot:)

  66. Hello , could you help me ? Recently I bought the VISION2 nvidia set, I tried helix mod 2 games and it works great ! Now I would like to play at AI , but I have a problem already from BEGINNING of use of helix mod..Quando use the inspector in the first step and use both the AI profile or AI : CM , 3D game does not work . I'm a little disappointed. What can I do? What is wrong if I'm wrong .

    1. Well, you need to give more information than "does not work." No one can solve problems like that.

      I just tried the fix here, with a recent driver, and did not change the profile. Turned off CM, put in the 1.1.26 fix, and it works great.

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  69. [need help] With this fix there is no depth and no convergence (like 3D Vision at 0%). The depth & convergence shortcuts move the entire screen from left to right, thats it. Do I have to install a third party programm exept the 3D Vision drivers? With the original Helix modification (a few years back) I just had to put the fix into the game directory and it worked.

    1. Try this one, put it to ...\steamapps\common\Alien Isolation\

      Be sure you havnt changed any game profile ... i am on the lastest nvidia driver and made some changes for Windows 10 and UI in depth.

      If you are playing with kayboard and mouse change



      Key = RBUTTON

      in the d3dx.ini of the archive.

    2. Remove the fix using uninstall.bat, and make sure that you are getting 3D with nothing installed first. If you can't get 3D working without the fix, it has something to do with your profile or driver.

    3. I still doesn't work, but I appreciate the help. I use 3D Vision and the helix mods from the very start but this migoto crap won't work. I will stick to the compatibilty mode which is actually not that bad.

    4. Well, your problem doesn't have anything to do with the fix or 3Dmigoto. As one of the primary authors of 3Dmigoto, I can assure you that it works extremely well on this game. Using CM is your choice, but you will be missing out on a truly stellar experience.

      The fix works for other people as well. No one else is reporting problems. That suggests something is wrong with your computer.

      Did you try what I said? Can you get normal 3D Vision working without the fix installed, or not?

      The usual suspect for one-off problems is the driver. You might try doing a clean driver install using DDU.

  70. Thx for mod. Along with Metro 2033 best 3D Vision game I played .

    Is there way to have 2 convergences? As with convergence to close objects like terminals, weapons, melting devices.. depth of game is rather flat. So I was playing with high level convergence and when was saving game or reading terminals I was watching through one one due double image. If there would be chance to save and load convergence setup instead of setting it up by ctrl+f5/f6, that would be fantastic. Or is there way how to rise jumps when I press ctrl+f5/f6 for example x10? Does anything like that exists?

    Thx again for mode. Superb!


    1. It should be possible to setup different convergences. You will probably need to use a more modern version of 3Dmigoto than the one in the fix. If you change out the dlls, that opens up the keyboard mapping functions, and can add overrides as you like. Look at the more up-to-date d3dx.ini file which includes notes on how to use it.

      You can also change depth and separation by keypress. Should work, with just a bit of effort.

  71. Some Update from here. Handling the UI.
    Update the fix, press "Z" Key to set sep/conv for best fixed verson, you can lower both but do not rise.
    Safe it with STR+F7
    In terminals etc use SPACE key (change it if you want, i am using gamepad no need of space) .... use space even if something is wrong eg in map menue.

    Changed the conv/depth to more well fixed reflections. Changed UI depth, for terminals (usind space key) and other issues. Dont wonder, UI ins out of screen to compensate the 49% separation with conv and let the UI net be into the ground..... THIS IS FOR MY PERSONAL USE, so if you dont like it, choose the original helix fix, but you can have a try if you want....

    1. Forgot to turn of HUNTING, set hunting=0 in d3dx.ini or press NUMPAD 0 in game ^^

    2. And change "Key = XB_LEFT_TRIGGER" to mouse key if you are nor using gamepad ^^

  72. Hello all. First I would like to thank all involved in the people involved with this website for the unbelievable work that is performed. It is truly amazing. Thank you so much for keeping 3d vision alive and well.

    I am not sure if this is the right place to be asking this but has anyone gotten Matti Hietanen's Cinematic Tools mod (providing really fine TAA - Temporal Anti-aliasing) to work with the Helix mod for Alien Isolation? Pointing me in the right direction for where I should be discussing this would be ok too. When I start Alien Isolation with the launcher provided for C. Tools, it either crashes or launches with 3d not working. Would be so nice to have that working.

    Thanks a lot.


    1. Cool idea, I'll take a look, because I need some form of better AA myself. I don't think anyone else will typically run across this post, so if you want to discuss or ask for suggestions, best bet is the forum post on 3D Vision: Alien Thread

    2. I got this TAA mod working along with 3Dmigoto fix without crashing. But.. It still doesn't work properly, because of the way that TAA is done. TAA uses the prior frame for information, and in our 3D case, that means that it uses the other eye perspective, which is shifted. That breaks the TAA mechanism, so it doesn't work super well. If you can stand fake-3D, it would work with that.

  73. Thanks for all the hard work and update`s !

  74. Super creepy this game in 3D. I can confirm that Alias Isolation Modification is not working super great on Sli systems. I recently upgraded to GTX 1080Ti and it now works perfectly, but single GTX 1080 was more than enough also for this game. Only problem, I am so scared now that I can't manage to escape the Alien in the psychiatric ward, it moves faster the longer I hide...

  75. I'm really confused about this. I put the files in the Alien Isolation install directory, but the game wont launch now. I can kill the task, then VorpX comes up with a dialogue telling me to delete or rename the d3d11.dll file I just put in there. It says there is a conflict.

    Does this mod not work with SteamVR and the Vive? Is 3D vision an actual product? I was thinking it was simply describing the patch.

    1. It might work with SteamVR and Vive, but definitely not with VorpX at the same time. It's either 3D Vision or VorpX. They both do a similar job, VorpX for VR, our mods for NVidia 3D Vision. We have no connection with NVidia, we are just modders.

      Our mods are oriented around playing in stereoscopic 3D on 3D TVs, projectors, or monitors. We don't presently have any VR support because we are typically looking for the highest quality experiences. (I have both Vive and Rift, and shoehorning old games into VR has not so far been that impressive.)

    2. Ah, Okay. Interesting how the same problems occur across different types of hardware. It would be really nice to play A:I in full Geometry3D without the shadow issues in VR.

    3. I just released a VR specific version of this fix, Reddit thread.

      It's got problems, but it's playable if you can overlook or skip up-close items like the computer monitors. What I can say is- shadows are perfect. It's fully geometry-3D. You can use max settings, including planar reflections.

      There is theoretically a new mod coming in a couple of weeks that will be better. I think that it will be longer than that, but maybe this will tide you over.

  76. Did everything as in the instructions. Problems with shadows and lighting (((((


    1. Just tested this again using 1.2.1 version, and it's working correctly. Win10 1607, driver 378.92.

      Must be something on your end. Make sure fix is installed by checking the 3D Vision description with ctrl-alt-Ins. Make sure CM is off using ctrl-alt-F11.
