Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round DX9 to DX 11 HelixVision conversion

Dead or Alive 5 DX9 to DX11 Helixvision conversion by The_Nephilim

Hey All,

I have yet another and probally the last DX9 to DX11 HV Conversion I will be doing. Not much to say about this one most things have been fixed Reflections in the water and HUD/UI Fixes.

To put the UI/Hud to depth use the Right Bracket Key it cycles 4 times. " ] "  .. that was it suits more users then just at 1 set depth hopefully it is useful.

There are 2 files in the following Download and you need to first put the 161 Folder into where Helixvision is installed and the "Fixes" folder, in there are all the numbered folders for profiles for HelixVision. 

This should also work for Helixvision as with 3D vision setups. if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment..

Hope you enjoy the new mod and Fight!!



  1. Bro could you please do Pinbal arcade in dx11 is working perfect in dx9 but missing some effects.In DX11 has some lighting issues.This game is amazing in 3d it has all the tables that i play as a kid back in 90s.Thank you for your work The_Nephilim

  2. Its true this Pinball game looks damn good in dx9!!! can't imagine it looking even better!!!!!

  3. Well not to get you too excited but I did have a look. I was able to get the DX11 version of Pinball arcade working and seen the lighting effect that is broke. what I did not see was how to start the DX9 version of the game?? I dont understand is this two game versions in one here or is Pinball Arcade just the DX11 version.. no news on a fix but I can omit the broke light for now if you would want me to do that and I did get it working on Helixvision.

    1. yeah its confusing, not sure which version the original question was directed at as there is FX2 (DX9) and FX3 (DX11). There is already a fix for FX3 on DX11 but the older FX2 only has a DX9 fix, I suppose he is refering to the FX2 version, some prefer this one to the newer FX3. For me, any DX11 fix would be cool!

    2. Oh and thanks a million Nephilim for even attempting to respond let alone come up with a fix!!!! Very cool and appreciated!

    3. the game I was looking at was Pinball Arcade by Farsight studios, was that the game you are referring too? I see FX2 has a VR Version??

    4. oh damn, my bad was thinking pinball FX not arcade, sorry bout that!

    5. I mean The pinbal arcade but in dx11 not pinball FX.I have 2 different exe file in my game 1 will run game in dx9 and 2 wil run game in dx 11.

  4. is this the game you are talking about? is this DX11??

  5. Well I had a look and there are too many things saying NO for this game. one it is an online game and even if we did get it working you would probally not be able to play it Online. as some anti cheats consider 3D Migoto a cheat.. so I am not going to do this game sorry..

    1. yeah pinball arcade is definitely a nice fix, if you got it in any decent state would be perfect, the old pinball fx already have fixes.

  6. yes well Pinball Arcade is working I just omitted the lights as they are broke and I have no idea how to properly fix them I can release it but hopefully it will be decent enough to enjoy..

  7. Hey zendiego Pinball Arcade is up on the blog. any questions Please feel free to post them on that blog..

  8. Hi Nephilim, Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul is my favorite fighting game. Could you please do it in dx11?

    1. Please do not make game requests on unrelated blog pages. This is disrespectful of the work that went into a game fix as in, "yeah, nice, whatever- what about the game I want?" It also pollutes the comments section for people who care about this game with unrelated noise.

      On the center navbar there is a link for voting for game requests, and blog post on that page are always fine.
      If you want to talk with Nephilim directly- stop being anonymous and join the Discord or forums.

  9. Sorry Bo3b I kinda started it here did not realise that was a problem to do.. yes I can be reached on discord.. Bo3b I think the game requests link thing is broke I went there today and it was blank??

    1. Not a huge deal, it's just bad form to discuss wishlists on blog pages.

      Thanks for the note about the wishlist, I just fixed it to go direct to the page, because blogger broke the underlying mechanism.

    2. some of those games have fixes like World of Warcraft, would it be possible to note if the game was fixed or not?

  10. I'm still having a problem getting Dead Or Alive 5 to project to the Katanga window in Helixvision. Is there a *fix for this?!

  11. what error do you get. I can recheck but it was working.. I might need to try it with Geo-11 tho
