Monday, July 4, 2022

Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance DX9 to DX11 HelixVision conversion W.I.P



Hey All,

I have another Conversion fix this time it is Metal Gear Rising:Revengance. Nothing to fancy this is a W.I.P and I had disabled shadows as some of them are broke but it has fake shadow coverage so it looks pretty good..

I have not run through the game still at the very start screen but I fixed what I saw there and IF something is still broke let me know in the comments section and I can see If I can fix it..

Here is the link to the 3DFix Only: UPDATED on July 5, 2022 10:00PM EST

Now, For Helixvision, I recommend downloading this file from here as it also contains the 299 folder for the Helixvision file fixes folder NEEDED!!:

You will need to put the 299 folder in the Helixvision "Fixes" Folder. just delete the original 299 folder and copy in the new 299 folder.. Sometimes just overwriting it does not do it so just delete the old folder..

Not sure what else to add if you have any questions or comments please leave a message in the comments section here..

Hope you like it.



  1. Can HD mod be used with the fix ?

  2. well it is untested, you would have to try it and let me know.. I dont use any mods..

  3. When is this release? Thank you for all hard work

  4. it is released the dl not working for you?
